J. Kb

Newtown Action makes clear why they support gun control


In the last month what have we learned?

There is was an FBI to Twitter employee pipeline

That the FBI used former employees and money to get social media companies to control the narrative and supress unfavorable stories for partisan political purposes.

The Hunter Biden/Biden family corruption story was worse than everyone imagined and the government got on TV and called it Russian disinformation.

Pfizer and the government knew that the COVID vaccine caused clots but suppressed the story and mandated people get them anyway.

Biden lied about creating over one million jobs by two orders of magnitude, and that really only 10,000 new jobs were created.  The false jobs numbers were used as a metric of how strong the economy was before the election and to justify interest rate increases.

Everyday we find out more and more just how much the government lied to us and manipulated us to achieve their goals.  This is only the tip of the iceberg.

And so their priority is to take away our guns to protect the government.

I swear their goal is to disarm us before we find out that QANON is accurate and they really are a Molock worshiping pedophile cult.

Winter hack

I went to Walmart and bought a gallon of Super Tech RV deicer.  It’s for keeping potable water lines in RVs from freezing in winter when not in use.  It’s non-toxic, rated to -50°F, and less than $4 per gallon.


I put it in a spray bottle and mist it onto my car windows.  It melts the frost in seconds with no scraping.

Much cheaper than the pre-bottled window defroster.

The body positivity movement needs to die before more people do

It’s time to end the body positivity movement and go to full on national fat shaming.

From the NY Post:

‘Super Sized Salon’ star Jamie Lopez dead at 37

Jamie Lopez, founder of Babydoll Beauty Couture and star of the WE tv reality show “Super Sized Salon,” has died. She was 37.

The plus-size stylist was reportedly hospitalized in Las Vegas and died from heart complications over the weekend, sources told TMZ on Monday.

Lopez’s Las Vegas business, founded in 2017, claims to be the world’s first plus-size salon.

“People just don’t like fat people, they treat us horribly,” she told the Mirror in 2019 regarding her drive to foster inclusivity. “They want to make us feel like we’re unwelcome or feel like we don’t belong here.”

The WE tv show, which premiered in August, chronicled her journey to design it while confined to her bed, as she weighed 846 pounds before losing 400 pounds.

This is a 37-year-old woman who weighed 446 lbs and died of heart complications.


This is a video from her promo.


This woman is a victim of the body positivity movement that said it was fine to look like this.

It’s not.

A human body is not supposed to be that big.

A permissive and tolerant society encouraged her to get that big and rewarded her for it. Celebrating her as a plus-sized salon owner.

And now she’s dead.

Obesity needs to not be tolerated and the people who push body positivity need to be made into a pariah.

I know it sounds mean but it’s necessary tough love to save lives.

Don’t defend Avatar you dumbasses

The Right is extremely good at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory by being utterly bone-headed stupid.

There is an old quote of military doctrine I’ve heard attributed to both Napoleon and Sun Tzu: Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake. 

There is a segment of the Right that has gotten so addicted to “owning the Libs” that they constantly interrupt their enemy.

This Tweet has trended and been mocked by the Right:


Before you mock this, let’s evaluate the situation.

I’m a big fan of James Cameron films of the 80s and 90s.

The Terminator, Aliens, The Abyss, T2: Judgment Day, True Lies are all excellent.

Then after he made Titanic, something in him broke.  He came back in 2009 with Avatar.

That movie was Leftist trash.

The entire basis of the movie is the trope of the Noble Savage.

The war paint, the drum circles, the tribal community, giving thanks for the life of the animal they killed to eat, these aliens were an amalgamation of tropes and stereotypes of indigenous cultures around the world.

They lived in perfect harmony with nature, no disease or hunger, no misery or suffering, no greed or avarice or consumerism, just idyllic life in spiritual oneness with the natural world.

Their Edenesque peace was broken but evil capitalist white men who came to destroy the land for a blue rock.

Then the perfect Noble Savages united with nature, armed with bows and arrows, and successfully defeated the technologically advanced, interplanetary spacefaring humans.

It was dumb as shit and racist as fuck.

But in 2009, the Left overlooked the Noble Savage trope and loved the movie.

If you needed to make it any clearer, Palestinians actually painted themselves blue and dressed up like the Na’vi to protest Israel to convince stupid Western Progressives that they were the noble victims of evil colonialism.

It’s been 13 years since the last Avatar movie, and the Left has shifted.

Now all the Noble Savage tropes are cultural appropriation and the Left wants to cancel Avatar: The Way of Water.


James Cameron gave an interview and said “I always think of [testosterone] as a toxin that you have to slowly work out of your system,”

Holy fuck, that’s some serious soy bullshit.

Don’t fucking defend that guy and his Noble Savage trope anti-capitalist movie.

Let Cameron get eaten by his fellow Leftists for not being Leftist enough.

This is not the time to say “cultural appropriation is not a thing.”

Die on that hill later.  Right now sit back and watch, or better yet, stir the pot.  Encourage the cannibalistic bloodbath.

Do not interrupt your enemy when they forming a circular firing squad.

But there are some people on the Right who feel compelled to jump into this fray on principle.

On principle I won’t.

I’m going support the Canceling of Avatar by the very fucking people it was meant to appeal to.

If this were my daughter I’d be asking for contributions to my legal defense

This happened just across the border from me.

Public School Worker Who Began Secret Gender Transition on 13-Year-Old Maine Girl Has Conditional License

A public school worker at Great Salt Bay Community School who coached a 13-year-old girl into a gender transition without telling her parents has only a conditional license to practice social work in Maine, The Maine Wire has learned.

Amber Lavigne, the mother of the young girl, revealed at a school board meeting Wednesday that she discovered a chest binder in her daughter’s bedroom several weeks ago. Her daughter told her the binder was provided by a social worker at the public school who encouraged her to keep it secret from her parents, she said.

That’s when Lavigne learned that the social worker and other school staff had started a social gender transition for the girl in October without her parent’s knowledge or consent.

Sources have confirmed that the social worker in question is Sam Roy, a 26-year-old UMaine graduate student who has a conditional license from the state of Maine to work as a social worker.

According to his LinkedIn page, Roy was a member of the Guitar Club at UMaine in Orono, and he served in 2016 as Public Relations Officer for the “Wilde Stein: Queer Straight Alliance.”

Lavigne learned from her daughter that Roy had encouraged her to conceal the binder from her parents, she said. She had no idea school staff were using masculine pronouns for her daughter.

Although Lavigne knew that her daughter was seeing a social worker through the school, she did not know that her daughter was reassigned to Roy in October. She has never seen or talked to Roy.

Allow us to recap.  The school sent a child to see a provisional social worker who is a active member in the political LGBT+ community.

That social worker convinced this girl she was trans and gave her a chest binder and started her social transition at school.

They did not tell her parents and the social worker encouraged the girl not to say anything to them either.

This is textbook grooming.

There is no other word for it.

A person in authority coercing a vulnerable chikd into radical and unhealthy behavior changes that are kept secret from her parents, driving a wedge between the victim and the family.

That’s grooming.

It’s unclear what legal options might be available to parents when a school secretly conspires to put their child on the path to a gender transition.

When it is unclear what legal options the parents have, the only available options become illegal ones.

Remember the movie Taken, when some perverts trafficked a dad’s little girl?


In 2019, the Maine Legislature passed, and Gov. Janet Mills signed, a law that bans “conversion therapy” of minors.

Conversion therapy is a controversial practice in which counselors attempt to convince gay or transgender individuals that they are not, in fact, gay or transgender.

The practice is widely regarded as pseudoscience.

The conversion therapy ban, however, does not apply to instances where counselors attempt to convince minors that they are gay or transgender.

I’m 100% that the social transition of children is conversion therapy.

The issue of lots of kids being some other gender wasn’t a thing when I was a kid.

It wasn’t a thing 10 years ago.

This is manufactured by people.

Emotionally vulnerable children, especially girls, are being converted into transgender boys by activists.

This won’t stop until we force it to stop.

And the answis not “homeschool your kids.”

Parents against grooming shouldn’t take their kids out of public schools.

They should drag the groomers out of the schools to be doused in boiling roofing tar and feathers.

Swedish zoo gets an animal reality check

Among the worst trends in Western Civilization is the Disneyfication of animals.

We see either cartoon or highly trained animals in movies, or highly edited nature documentaries with soothing narration by Morgan Freeman, and so we forget how brutal nature really is.

We think of chimpanzees as funny animals that you can dress up in costumes and are wacky sidekicks in movies with silky names like “Monkey Business.”

They are our closest relatives in the animal kingdom, and among their more human traits of being psychopaths and murderers.

Sweden Furuvik zoo: Anger over shooting of chimpanzees in zoo escape

A zoo in Sweden has been criticised for shooting dead three chimpanzees and injuring another after they escaped their enclosure.

The zoo, in Furuvik, explained that attempting to tranquilise the animals instead of shooting them would have posed a threat to people’s lives.

The animals were well known in Sweden, and their deaths have provoked anger.

The incident began at around noon (11:00 GMT) on Wednesday when the chimpanzees got out of their enclosure and began roaming freely around the zoo.

“Chimpanzees can be thought to be peaceful but they are extremely dangerous. They are fast, very strong and generally fearless,” a company statement said on Facebook.

For this reason, the zoo said it was forced to shoot the animals rather than sedate them using tranquiliser darts which can only be fired from close range.

“This, combined with the fact that it can take up to 10 minutes before the anaesthesia appears, would pose great danger to human safety,” the statement said.

On Friday, the zoo confirmed the identities of two of the dead chimpanzees, Linda and Torsten. A third was also confirmed dead and another feared dead – they were named as Santino and Manda.

The zoo is absolutely right about this.

The ringleader of the escaped chimpanzees was previously the subject of scientific articles about being a plotting psychopath.

Chimp who threw stones at zoo visitors showed human trait, says scientist

The loutish behaviour of a stone-throwing chimpanzee at a zoo in Sweden has challenged scientists’ beliefs about human beings.

Santino, a 31-year-old male at Furuvik zoo, may be the first animal to exhibit an unambiguous ability to plan for the future, a behaviour many scientists argue is unique to humans. Forward planning takes considerable cognitive skills, because it requires an animal to envisage future events it will have to deal with.

Santino would get agitated when the first groups of visitors arrived at his enclosure in the morning, and would start hurling stones at the spectators. When the zookeepers investigated, they found that, while the zoo was closed, Santino had been busy making piles of ammunition, and returned to them to resupply.

To catch the chimp in action, one zookeeper hid in a room overlooking the enclosure and observed the ape’s behaviour before the zoo gates opened each morning. She saw Santino dragging stones from a protective moat that surrounded his island home, before placing them in piles. Further covert surveillance of the ape revealed he spent some time tapping areas of concrete floor with his fist. Occasionally, the animal would thump harder, releasing chunks of concrete that he broke into rough discs.

A survey of the enclosure showed that Santino made piles of ammunition only on the quarter of the island’s shore that faced the visiting crowds.

Well then…

This was a chimpanzee known for fabricating and stockpiling weapons to assault humans.

If a human attacked a person with a broken off chunk of concrete, it would be a good shoot.

Many people do not know that chimpanzees engage in the ritualistic hunting of monkeys.

Monkey meat provides little to no nutritional value to the chimpanzees.  The hunt is tribal bonding ritual.

Chimpanzees have hunted red colobus monkeys almost to extinction.

Recently, wildlife photographers documented chimpanzees killing smaller gorillas in Gabon.

In Uganda, chimpanzees are abducting and eating human babies, and in some cases have all but gone to war with human settlements.

Chimpanzee attacks are brutal.

National Geographic reports that the problem has been going on for several years, citing an incident in 2014 that saw a chimp fatally attack a 2-year-old child, stealing the baby from his mother.

“A chimpanzee came in the garden as I was digging,” Ntegeka Semata said in an interview with the publication. She noted that her four young children were with her and as she turned her back to get water, the chimp took her child by the hand and ran off.

The child screamed, which caused the other villagers to pay attention and chase after him, but it was too late. “It broke off the arm, hurt him on the head, and opened the stomach and removed the kidneys,” Semata continued, adding that the child died on the way to the local hospital.

There are a number of cases of pet or zoo chimpanzees attacking humans, humans they are familiar with.

In almost all of these cases there is major loss of limbs and soft tissues.

This is a documentary from 60 Minutes on the most famous chimpanzee attack in the United States.


In this NBC News clip, the woman is right.

The chimpanzee isn’t cute or cuddly, it needs to be shot.


The evidence is overwhelming that for the safety of humans, the best course of action was to shoot the chimpanzees.

They are not cute and cuddly.

They are dangerous animals that rip limbs off and eat them.

I’m going to take the same attitude with chimpanzees as I do pitbulls.

If it’s loose I’m going to shoot it.

It will give me an excuse to use a 9.3×62.