J. Kb

How about them gas prices?



He’s using every tool at his disposal to fuck us.


This is the bullsh*t that makes me dislike veterans


Senator Duckworth, fuck you.

The bill she is supporting here is very liberal in allowing abortion as well as bring filled with a lot of Leftist gobbledygook about reproductive justice and how the US is so terrible to BIPOC and LGBT women.

Rather than laugh into the merits of the bill with an understanding that the vast majority of Americans support some restrictions on abortion (the old “safe, legal, and rare”), she browbeats people with “as a veteran.”

Her veteran status has fuck all nothing to do with if it’s appropriate for a woman to be able to kill her unborn child.

What does she expect me to do?  Look at her and say “oh yes, absolutely, you served this country so I’m going to obsequiously defer to your superiority because I’m an unworthy civilian.”


“As a veteran” has come to mean absolutely nothing to me except as another identity that some people believe gives them special privileges.

Congratulations, the veteran card, like the race card, is overdrawn and I don’t give a shit about it anymore.

It’s going to be bad



The patterns are there.  People are pointing them out.

We’re in a bubble that is about to burst.

Now is the time to clear your plate of debt and batten down the hatches.


One thing on the topic of formula

I’ve seen several Right Wingers make comments on regards to the formula shortage along the line of “women should just breastfeed more.”  Usually accompanied with some chastisement how mothers who use formula are lazy or don’t want to be inconvenienced by breastfeeding.

I invite anyone with that opinion to promptly go fuck themselves.

Our firstborn was a big baby, over 10 lbs.  He was above the 99th percentile in length and weight.

My wife wore herself out breastfeeding but he was so big he was always hungry.  We had to use formula to supplement.

It was emotionally and physically draining on both of us watching her do every right but still not be able to keep up with his demand.

So this opinion is just some bullshit that I have no desire to tolerate.

And as a matter of historical precedent, prior to the industrial revolution and the development of infant formula, infant mortality was at roughly 50%.  Many of those cases was from malnourishment.  Formula saved more children’s lives than vaccines.

“Just breastfeed more” used to mean that half of all children died before they were old enough to walk.

The formula shortage is a serious crisis.

If you’re going to use it to attack mothers who need formula… I’ve never hit a woman but I’ll pin her arms back and let a mother who is struggling to produce take a few good swings.

Project Stork

Times are getting hard.

Like bad hard.

It’s times like this more than ever that close friends and family become important.

If you know people close to you that have an infant or are expecting, ask if they need formula.

When you go out for your normal grocery run, if there is some in the store, consider buying a can for them.

You don’t need to horde.

But take a moment to look out for the people close to you because I suspect that very soon those ties will be critical in getting through the shit-storm that’s coming.

Baby formula and a post that took three years to mature

I’ll start with this article:

Why is biggest baby formula plant in US STILL shut down after three months? Abbott says plant is safe and was not responsible for bacteria that killed two kids – but FDA refuses to reopen it as parents across US struggle to feed their babies

The biggest baby formula supplier in the U.S., whose Michigan plant was shutdown nearly three months ago, claims the bacterial infection that killed at least two infants did not come from their products.

An Abbott spokesperson told DailyMail.com Tuesday that ‘thorough investigation’ by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) revealed ‘infant formula produced at our Sturgis facility is not the likely source of infection in the reported cases and that there was not an outbreak caused by products from the facility.’

However, despite the findings of the investigation, the plant remains shuttered nearly three months later.

The nationwide share of out-of-stock baby formula hit 40 percent in April. Texas, Tennessee, Missouri, Iowa, North Dakota and South Dakota, seemingly hardest hit by the shortages, reported out-of-stock rates of about 50 percent.

As shelves across the country meant to carry baby formula remain largely barren, retailers including Target, CVS and Walgreens are limiting the amount of formula consumers can purchase.

Concerned parents, especially those whose children have unique medical and dietary needs, have expressed feelings of hopelessness and are calling on the government to take action to ‘ensure critical, life-sustaining supply chains don’t break down.’

Some states had 40% to 50% out of stock on infants formula.

Let that sink in.

Three years ago I wrote a post The difference between Americans and Venezuelans (hopefully).

In it I quoted this article from The Daily Mail:

The heartbreaking footage that lays bare the depth of Venezuela’s crisis: Mother carries body of her emaciated 22lb daughter to a morgue after the 19-year-old died when doctors couldn’t treat her because the blackout forced hospitals to shut

What struck me was this photograph:

A severely malnourished 19-year-old girl died in her mother’s arms after doctors in Venezuela were forced to turn her away because a massive blackout shut down a hospital.

Heartbroken mother Elizabeth Díaz was forced to carry her daughter’s body, which weighed just 22 pounds, through the streets to a morgue.

This girl died of malnourishment because of government induced shortages.

There is the very real possibility that in the United States today, infant children will also die of malnourishment due to a government induced shortage.

Children starving to death in the United States because the government absolutely fucked the economy and supply chains to death.

If reading that makes you so mad that blood pounds in your ears, you are not mad enough.

In the America I was born and raised in, children did not starve to death be because shelves were bare.

That is what they did to this country.

I cannot imagine anything worse than watching a child starve to death, except to watch a child starve to death because your government bumble-fucked the system into chaos.

I hope neither God nor man is merciful to those who caused children in America to starve.


The tide is turning


People are tired of seeing shoplifters rob stores to the point where the store shuts down, depriving the neighborhood of a retailer.

We’ve seen that with Walgreens and CVS.

The Left has broken the civil contract that the government has monopoly to enforce the law so the people will remain peaceful.

When the government stops enforcing the law, the people will begin to defend themselves and their property.  And they will do it with much more force than the police will use.

I believe that the tide is turning.

Employees will kick the shit out of shoplifters before they let the shoplifters rob their employer until they shut down and lay off the employees.