J. Kb

The Biden Administration is a success



Just not the success that the American people wanted.

Next time, maybe we shouldn’t elect a guy who gets 10% of the kickbacks his son gets from CCP owned business.

This judge needs to be impeached


Here is what the paper should say:

The PULSE night club was the site of a hostage crisis and mass casualty shooting on June 12, 2016.  The shooting was a terrorist attack carried out by Omar Mateen, a radical Islamist terrorist who pledged allegiance to ISIS. Mateen scouted out several soft targets for hos terrorist attack, including the PULSE nightclub and a Disney location.  Mateen was unaware of PULSE being a gay club and selected it due to its lack of security and being a gun free zone.  Mateen never mentioned homosexuality or homophobia as motivation for his shooting, instead citing his desire to kill Americans and forcing the withdrawal of American troops from the Middle East as his motivation.  Mateen was under surveillance by the FBI, who failed to prevent the shooting. 

The narrative that the PULSE shooting was a homophobic or anti-LGBT mass casualty hate crimes was fabricated by the major news media networks to attack presidential candidate Donald Trump.  On social media, many people have been lead to believe that a Right Wing, Trump supporter shot up the PULSE nightclub out of bigotry.  None of that is factually accurate according to all published reports by local, state, and federal law enforcement.  This was one of first major acts of journalistic malpractice carried out against Trump and Republicans.

I guatentee that this judge does not know the facts of the PULSE shooting and believes the media narrative.  I further suspect that this individual will be held in contempt of court if his paper does not reflect the narrative.

This judge, I believe, is using this punishment to coerce a lie out of the convicted, along an a mea culpa.

This is absolutely unacceptable.  No punishment issued by a judge should force a person to lie.

I fervently believe that this judge should be impeached because this judge clearly does not rely on facts but on Left Wing prejudice.

The Democrats called Trump an antisemite but they own this

Antisemitic Attacks in New York Are at Highest Level in Decades
Last year there were 51 assaults across the state, a new high since the Anti-Defamation League began compiling such data in 1979.

Orthodox Jews assaulted on busy streets in Midtown Manhattan and in quiet neighborhoods in Brooklyn. Swastikas drawn on a Long Island home and spray painted onto Wall Street’s Charging Bull statue. A bomb threat against a Jewish community center in Albany, and fliers in Dutchess County that warned residents, “Jews want to take your guns.”

The number of antisemitic incidents in New York increased by 24 percent last year to the highest level in decades, including a surge in the number of assaults, as well as both criminal and noncriminal incidents targeting Jews, according to an annual report released on Tuesday by the Anti-Defamation League.

The group said it counted 416 antisemitic incidents across the state, including 51 assaults, the most physical attacks it has recorded since it began compiling such data in 1979. The report was based on information collected from local law enforcement agencies and Jewish community leaders and individuals.

The surge was part of a nationwide trend that saw 2,717 antisemitic incidents across the United States, including 88 assaults, an increase of 167 percent from the year before.

The report focused on several high-profile incidents that took place during or shortly after Israel’s conflict with Hamas militants in Gaza last May, which killed at least 230 Palestinians and 12 Israelis.

Well over half the 51 assaults recorded in New York took place in Brooklyn, where 34 antisemitic attacks were recorded last year, most of them against people wearing traditional religious garb that identified them as Orthodox Jews, such as skullcaps, black suits or long beards and sidelocks.

So the majority of antisemitic attacks occurred in  Democrat majority city, in a Democrat majority state, with a Democrat majority government and Democrat governor, under a Democrat president.

But Trump was orange Hitler and was going to wipe out the Jews!!! 

Jews, especially conservative and orthodox Jews need to get out of the Blue places, buy and learn to use the tools for self defense.


Madison Cawthorn is a dumbass and bad example of responsible gun ownership

In the past I had supported Congressman Madison Cawthorn for being pro gun.

But this is just fucking stupid on his part:


Twice.  He’s done this shit twice!

I have a NC pistol permit.  It’s an 8-hour class that goes over not doing shit like this.

I get that he’s probably a busy guy but this is just irresponsible.

Here is where this story gets worse.

The article states that Charlotte Mecklenburg Police took possession of the gun.

This is the gun:


He lost possession of a $2,000 Sticcato C2!

Not just did he lose track of his carry piece, but he lost track of his $2,000 custom carry piece.

Not just is he going to face a $13,910 fine, but he’s going to lose his carry gun and pistol permit too.

In NC it’s forfeit if you are convinced of a gun crime, including misdemeanors.

I absolutely want pro-gun members of Congress.

But I want them to be examples of responsible gun ownership who don’t do dumb shit like this.

They asked for tolerance but give none



This doofus pulled out the pepper spray in the store he went into because a manager wasn’t wearing a mask.

The manager was on duty and kept his cool.

Out in the real world this guy deserves to have his keychain defender taken from him and used to administer a pepper spray enema.

Remember that they asked to be treated civilly and with respect for wanting to continue to wear their masks now that the mandates are lifted.

I guess they never intended that to be reciprocal.

Vox writer inadvertently justifies the Second Amendment



Buying two Senate seats is a felony.

But assuming he does this in such a way that Leftists justices would accept the argument that paying people to move to a state then vote for him is not a bribe and therefore not a crime, this is exactly why the Second Amendment is the final check and balance of our government.


The MIC doesn’t have to be this stupid

This is an old Tweet but it resurfaced because of what Biden said about green military vehicles.


It’s a good thing the Sea Sparrow is environmentally friendly when it hits its target and plunges thousands of pounds of aircraft full of thousands of pounds of heavy metals, toxic ordnance, jet fuel, plastics, etc into the ocean to sink to the sea floor.

The problem is that the MIC relies on government funding and politicians who allocate that funding have agendas, so defense contractors have to waste time and money on stupid shit like this.

As the government gets more and more invasive into every area of business and people’s lives, everything is going to be more like this.