J. Kb

Tantruming immature children


If you have spent any time around children you might have seen a kid say something like “if I can’t have/play with it, nobody will.”

This person needs to lose weight.

She’s probably been told that a lot.

Rather than do the hard work of self discipline, diet, and exercise, she would rather burn down the freedoms and excesses of Western Civilization that made low cost, abundant food available to her.

This is the defining characteristic of two generations of Leftist: “I am unhappy that I can’t discipline myself to achieve the things that I want so I’m going to destroy society so that nobody will be happy and successful.”

They want to protect the criminals from you



We must ban the guns says the leader of the party that unleashed violent, murderous mobs on American citizens to win an election and let convinced criminals out of prison because of a cough.

The fastest growing demographics of gun owners are women and minorities in urban areas who have come under siege from criminals due to COVID and Social Justice bail reform policies that let criminals go free.

Gun control will not reduce crime.

It will hinder these new demographics of fire time gun owners from buying effective tools of self defense.

Leftist, as part of their dimmer switch of violence, understand how crime and criminals can be used as effective tools of political coercion and enforcement.

Armed citizens cannot be allowed to defend themselves from criminals or the political use of criminals is voided, so the obvious solution is to disarm the law abiding citizens, not re-arrest the criminals.

Again, this is about inflicting pain on the people for trying to lives lives of self reliance.

The next civil war will be over child grooming

I don’t think that is an understatement.

If you study the history of the United States Civil War, you would discover that there were many underlying causes.

The power imbalance between the higher population density Northern state and lower population Southern States in the federal government.

Cultural issues between more industrial Northern states and more Agrarian southern states.

But ultimately the rallying cry was over slavery.  The South wanted to maintain slavery and the North wanted it abolished as a moral evil.

That’s not 100% but people needed a principle they could unite behind: abolition vs. state’s rights.

Many of the same underlying issues of the 1850s and 1860s exist today.

Blue states have higher population densities so have high House representation.  The Left has been pushing for years to eliminate or amend the Senate to give high population density Blue states disproportionate representation in the Senate as well.

Blue states economies are centered around finance, digital technology, and the media and  entertainment industries.

Red states, or Red districts in Blue states, have economies much more centered around manufacturing and agriculture.

Things are grown, made, refined, extracted, or mined in Red areas and those things are traded in Blue areas.

This is just another part of my issue of the decoupling of stock value from company performance.  Blue states love to talk about the strength of their economies over Red states.  New York City is home to the NYSE and claims financial credit for stock trading on shares of companies that manufacture nothing in New York.  But I digress…

There are economic, social, and political differences between Red and Blue states or areas (I doubt if things came to blows the inland valley of California would side with LA and San Francisco).

But the singular moral rallying cry, the modern day equivalent of slavery, is child grooming.

Alabama just made it a felony to transition children.  Texas is right on their heels and Florida has a similar bill in the works.

This is the modern abolitionist movement.

Blue states like New York are actively advertising for LGBT families to move there.  I’ve seen GoFundMe pages asking for donations to move families with transgender children from Alabama abs Texas to Massachusetts and California (I’m not linking, search Google if you want proof).

The science, actual science not Leftist “science,” is on our side.

Overwhelmingly, what the Left calls “trans children” are kids with a wide variety of psychological and emotional problems that have nothing to do with gender dysphoria.

Prior to this recent thing, the rate of female to male transition was very low.  Most transgender individuals were male to female.

But in the US and UK, the biggest spike was in girls wanting to be boys.  In the UK, which had taken a pause to study this has realized that most of these girls are having depression and self esteem issues.  They don’t like the attention they get on developing breasts, they may be into sports, they may not like the toxic beauty culture crammed down on women and girls by the fashion industry, many are wrestling with issues of same sex attraction.

I’ve read a number of articles by lesbians saying that girls thar used to be identified as “Dyke” (manish lesbians) are being transitioned.  Similarly, I’ve read articles about the loss of tomboys in America and the UK.

The consistent theme being girls who don’t fit the girly stereotype and are having self esteem issues because of it are being transitioned rather than being given a way to work through their real problems in a healthy and healing way.

Likewise, many of the boys being transitioned turn out to be more effete gays coming to terms with their homosexuality.

Then there are the children who have been conditioned to identify as some other “non-binary” or “gender queer” identity because it gives them social credit.  Rather than being straight with self confidence issues, they are “gender heroes” (not making that up) and get a flag and a holiday and all sorts of support.

This is the worst social contagion and mass psychosis in history, driven by a radical political ideology.

The people who support it support giving children chemicals and cross sex hormones that prevent puberty and normal growth, and go as far as performing genital mutilation surgeries on children.

To put it bluntly, one side says: “a 14-year-old with self esteem problems should be allowed to grow normally and needs psychological help to figure out what is wrong with her and work through it.”

The other says: “a 14-year-old with self esteem problems should have her breasts amputated and be given testosterone and a boy’s name and that will solve his problems, if you disagree you’re a transphobic bigot who wants trans children to die.”

On the latter half of this divide, those people support teachers and bureaucrats proselytizing this gender ideology in schools, transitioning children, and hiding what these children say from their parents.

Several schools in Wisconsin, as revealed joyfully by teachers on TikTok, are providing “gender closets” allowing children to come to school and change their identity, then change back before they go home, and all of this kept secret from the parents.  It is likenend to Superman becoming his authentic self at school and hiding as Clark Kent at home.

In the 1860s there was no moral middle ground between abolition and slavery.  You can’t agree “well… maybe they can be part time slaves.”  No, this is all or nothing.

There is absolutely no moral middle ground between these two points on gender.  Either you believe that susceptible children should be groomed to engage in physically and mentally harmful gender ideology and have it hidden from their parents or you believe that susceptible children should be protected from groomers with parents having the ultimate authority over their children.

And if you want a hill for people to die on, literally kill and die on, it’s a bureaucrat going behind a parent’s back to physically harm their child.

Have a teacher take my child to a school nurse for a shot of puberty blocker.  There will be casualties.

There will be a Harper’s Ferry raid on a children’s gender transition clinic.

Of all the disfunction between the Left and Right, this one, the grooming of children, will be the one that shocks the normies into action.

And like the men of the Union who fought to end what Lincoln called “a great evil” I believe the men and women who fight grooming children will also be doing God’s work.