J. Kb

Finish them!!! This is how we win.

Hitting Disney where it hurts: Florida GOP threatens to strip Walt Disney World of its right to build anything it wants inside its theme park as feud over ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill escalates

Some Republican legislators in Florida are considering punishing Walt Disney World for taking a public stand against the so-called ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill by repealing a 55-year law that allows the company to govern itself.

Florida House Rep. Spencer Roach tweeted on Wednesday that lawmakers held two meetings this week to discuss revoking the 1967 Reedy Creek Improvement Act, which he said ‘allows Disney to act as its own government.’

Spencer, a Republican, added: ‘If Disney wants to embrace woke ideology, it seems fitting that they should be regulated by Orange County.’

The 1967 act, which was signed by then-Gov Claude Kirk, a Republican, created the Reedy Creek Improvement District, which encompasses about 25,000 acres in Orange and Osceola counties.

After DeSantis signed the bill into law, Disney released a statement, saying: ‘our goal as a company is for this law to be repealed by the legislature or struck down in the courts.’

DeSantis responded to Disney’s new stance on the law by accusing the company of being dishonest and hypocritical.

‘You’ve got to wonder why is the hill to die on to have transgenderism injected into kindergarten classrooms, or woke gender ideology injected into second grade classrooms. Why is that the hill to die on?’ he asked in a Tuesday night interview with Fox News’ Tucker Carlson.

The old conservative principle of free enterprise was based on the assumption that corporations would try to make customers happy.

Ostensibly, that would require corporations to be relatively apolitical or politically neutral, so not to offend and drive off customers.

Michael Jordan, perhaps, said it best when he was asked why he avoided politics: “Republicans buy shoes too.”

But woke capital doesn’t try to avoid offending customers.

Woke capital uses their near monopoly power to bully customers while avoiding offending the extremist minority of activist employees that cause hell on social media.

That, obviously, means they are political.

Of corporations are going to be political then a political response is justified.

If a corporation is going to put its weight against a political initiative, its totally acceptable for the politicians to push back.

I’m glad Ron DeSantis gets that.  The old conservative free market approach doesn’t hold up when the free market is stacking against you.

Disney deserves to be punished.

Hopefully woke corporate America sees this and realizes that trying to appease the fringe employees over the customer base and popular politicians is too costly to do.

This is the Battle of the Bulge of the culture war of our time

Biden says trans people ‘made in image of God,’ parents must ‘affirm’ identity

President Biden released a video message to mark International Transgender Day of Visibility on Thursday, saying that transgender people are “made in the image of God” and that their parents should affirm their gender identity.

Biden, who as a senator backed an array of anti-LGBT legislation, slammed what he called “hateful bills” in several states that restrict transgender participation in girls’ sports and limit discussion of sexuality and gender identity.

“To everyone celebrating Transgender Day of Visibility, I want you to know that your president sees you — Jill, Kamala, Doug, our entire administration sees you — for who you are: made an image of God and deserving of dignity, respect and support,” Biden said in a video message name-checking the first lady, vice president and second gentleman.

“We know it’s hard when there are those out there who don’t see you, don’t respect you,” the president added. “For example, the onslaught of anti-transgender state laws attacking you and your families is simply wrong.”

“This administration is standing up for you against all these hateful bills,” Biden said. “And we’re committed to advancing transgender equality in the classroom, on the playing field, at work, in our military, and our housing and health care systems — everywhere, simply everywhere.”

Here is the speech:


The White House even put out a fact sheet:

Providing resources on the importance of gender affirming care for children and adolescents. The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health has developed a resource to inform parents and guardians, educators, and other persons supporting children and adolescents with information on what is gender-affirming care and why it is important to transgender, nonbinary, and other gender expansive young people’s well-being.

Anthony Fauci is not the worst doctor in this Administration.  They have people advocating for the chemical and sexual mutilation of children.

This is the culture war if our time.

Do we allow the government to mutilate our children in pursuit of a radical ideology and social contagion that didn’t exist two decades ago?

And it is a social contagion.



Kids have always wanted to emulate heroes on TV.  Today’s heroes switch gender.

We cannot allow them to win.

We must push back and defeat them on every front.

The future health of our children is at stake.

I don’t think price fixing will fix the problem

I go online and one of the first things I see is that #193Republicans is trending.

I know that Twitter manipulates its trends to spread a message so I had to look it up.

The House passed a bill to cap insulin prices at $35 per month.

193 Republicans voted against the bill so the Twitter message is that Republicans want you to die for Big Pharma profits.

House votes to cap cost of insulin at $35, bill heads to Senate
Experts say it only costs drug companies $10 to manufacture.

Congress could soon send to the president’s desk a bill that would cap the cost of the life-saving drug insulin at $35 per month — a move that could significantly reduce and rein in out-of-pocket drug costs for millions of Americans with diabetes.

The House approved the bill Thursday by a vote of 232-193, with 12 Republicans joining all Democrats in support.

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer told reporters on Wednesday that it is “inexcusable” people are being charged exorbitant prices for “a lifesaving and life-sustaining drug whose costs [have] not increased and whose research costs have been amortized a very long period of time ago.”

I am not an expert on insulin by any means.

My dad was a diabetic and was on insulin.

I know that there are many types of insulin out there, my dad had stuff that needed refrigeration and he had a supply of needles for and he had pens with automatic dosing that were shelf stable.

I know that the “research” on insulin isn’t so much about insulin but the drug and delivery systems that make micro dose shelf stable insulin possible.

I know that FDA regulations are expensive and time consuming to comply with for new drugs.

I know that in the US, beef and pork derived insulin was withdrawn from the market in 2006.

I also know that the pharmaceutical company do engage in fuckery with patents which keeps their IP on products long after it should have expired.

I know that the pricing of drugs for Medicare and insurance is as transparent as a block of lead.

I also know that price fixing has never worked to sustainably lower costs on anything, ever.

Lastly, I know that there is a huge insulin market in the US, with about 10% of the population having some form if diabetes.

So, I suspect that this price fixing in the short term, i.e., through the midterm and maybe 2024, will leads to a reduction in insulin prices, but in the long term will increase costs and reduce supply.

I’m all for reducing the price of insulin.

What we need is to attack the problems upstream.

Walmart should be able to contract with a facility to make pig and cow insulin in Texas and sell it as Equate brand insulin behind the counter at their pharmacies without insurance.

I guarantee with a market of 35 million diabetics, they could get it below $35 a month OTC pricing.

But the approval process for that makes it impossible.

The way to fix this is with deregulation, price transparency, and competition, not price fixing.

But that’s not what is going to be done.

Instead the insulin markey us going to get squeezed and stupid people will blame the Republicans for not doing anything to help the little guy, because messaging is more important than effects.

This is how Mengeles happen

Wake Forest medical student suggests she stuck patient twice with needle after he called out her pronoun pin

A fourth-year medical student at Wake Forest University in North Carolina bragged on Twitter about purposely missing a vein while drawing blood because a patient asked about her pronoun pin.

“I had a patient I was doing a blood draw on see my pronoun pin and loudly laugh to the staff ‘She/Her? Well of course it is! What other pronouns even are there? It?'” K. Del, or Kychelle Del Rosario, a fourth-year medical student at Wake Forest School of Medicine, tweeted, according to The Post Millennial.

“I missed his vein so he had to get stuck twice,” she said. Del Rosario has since deleted her account.


An untermenschen disagreed with her politics and virtue signaling so she used her authority as a medical practitioner to physically abuse her patient.

Give these people the opportunity to cause pain and suffering in those they disagree with and they will.


To answer the media on the question of gay teachers

I was born and raised in Miami, Florida.

From 6th to 12th grade, one of our teachers was gay.  We all sort of assumed it, but no one knew for sure.

A few years after I graduated, we discovered how gay he was.

There was a local scandal because a student found a picture of him on a gay fetish message board under a pseudonym.

The man taught at that school for over a decade and nobody knew what he was upto.

He was a great teacher and a nice guy.

We students didn’t know anything about his private life, which turned out to be rather spicy.

This was 20 years ago when teachers didn’t tell their students about what sort of things they got into in their private lives.

So it’s perfectly possible for a gay teacher to built a rapport with students and for the students to know nothing about the teacher’s sex life.

The teachers who say that’s not possible are lying.

I know from first hand experience.

This Administration is going to go to war with DeSantis over grooming children


So the weight of the Department of Education is going to be brought against Florida schools so teachers can talk to kindergarten and elementary school children about sex and gender.

Consider that there are countless photos of Joe Biden being inappropriately handsy with children.

There are rumors that Hunter’s laptop contained kiddie porn.

Secretary Buttigieg’s husband is a groomer teacher and camp counselor.

Then there was Biden’s SCOTUS nominee who is soft on pedophiles during sentencing and defended her position in her confirmation hearing.

This really is an insane situation where a Governor with overwhelming support in a desire to protect the innocence of young children is being assailed by the highest powers in the land who want to be able to talk to elementary school children about sex.

But don’t you dare say we are run by a cabal of pedophiles, that’s a conspiracy theory.

The War on child grooming and the ruining of childhood innocence under the banner of LGBT+ rights is the culture war of the era.