J. Kb

Disney is full of groomers


An executive producer for a children’s television network openly admits to shoehorning as much queer content into children’s shows as she possibly can with little pushback from management.


I’m just going to say it: if you are a mother and you are bragging about having two queer children, you failed as a mother.

At least failed dads don’t brag their daughters are strippers.

I’d put cash money down on a bet that one of her kids came out as something non-conforming and she heaped so much praise and attention on that child, showing them off for acceptance and accolades about how “she is such a good mom for supporting her [queer] child” that the other one came out too just so mommy would love them as well.

I swear, upper middle-class clout chasing, virtue signaling  white women are the most destructive force on earth.  They will literally poison, mutilate, and murder their own children for likes of Twitter and Facebook.

This vacuous failure of a mother is pushing her sickness on other children through her position at Disney.


An accurate reflection of New York?  So a show about looting, transsexual prostitutes, vagrants pushing people in front of subway cars, and antisemitic hate crimes?

Again, management shoving all of this into children’s shows.

They are on a mission to influence and recruit children.

It’s undeniable.

As I said before, the war on child grooming and the ruining of childhood innocence under the banner of LGBT+ rights is the culture war of the era.


This is how you get killdozers on Main Street

Speaking of rural Alabama cities with asshole law enforcement, let me introduce you to Brookside, Alabama:

Police in this tiny Alabama town suck drivers into legal ‘black hole’

Months of research and dozens of interviews by AL.com found that Brookside’s finances are rocket-fueled by tickets and aggressive policing. In a two-year period between 2018 and 2020 Brookside revenues from fines and forfeitures soared more than 640 percent and now make up half the city’s total income.

And the police chief has called for more.

The town of 1,253 just north of Birmingham reported just 55 serious crimes to the state in the entire eight year period between 2011 and 2018 – none of them homicide or rape. But in 2018 it began building a police empire, hiring more and more officers to blanket its six miles of roads and mile-and-a-half jurisdiction on Interstate 22.

By 2020 Brookside made more misdemeanor arrests than it has residents. It went from towing 50 vehicles in 2018 to 789 in 2020 – each carrying fines. That’s a 1,478% increase, with 1.7 tows for every household in town.

“It’s my understanding that a guy can go out there and I mean, he can fall into a black hole,” Jefferson County District Attorney Danny Carr said of drivers getting entangled financially. “You know, we’ve had a lot of issues with Brookside.”

Jefferson County Sheriff Mark Pettway said the same.

“We get calls about Brookside quite regularly because they really go outside their jurisdiction to stop people,” Pettway said. “Most of the time people get stopped, they’re going to get a ticket. And they’re saying they were nowhere near Brookside.”

Police stops soared between 2018 and 2020. Fines and forfeitures – seizures of cars during traffic stops, among other things – doubled from 2018 to 2019. In 2020 they came to $610,000. That’s 49% of the small town’s skyrocketing revenue.

A department of nine officers in a 1,253-person town is far larger than average. Across the country, the average size of a force is one officer for every 588 residents, according to a Governing Magazine study that examined federal statistics.

Last year, based on Jones’ testimony, Brookside had at least one officer for every 144 residents.

In 2018, when the town had one full-time police officer and a few part-timers, it reported no serious crimes to the Alabama Criminal Justice Information Center. Brookside Police did patrol the 1.5-mile stretch of Interstate 22 within their jurisdiction and wrote tickets that brought in $82,467 in fines.

By 2020 officers in the sleepy town were undergoing SWAT training and dressing in riot gear, even as the city continued with only a volunteer fire department. It parked a riot control vehicle — townspeople call it a tank — outside the municipal complex and community center. Traffic tickets, and criminalizing those who passed through, became the city’s leading industry.

Total town income more than doubled from 2018 to 2020 – from $582,000 to more than $1.2 million – as fines and forfeitures rose 640%.

If you want your blood to boil, go read the whole article.

It is filled with individual stories of people who were charged with fabricated crimes, multiple felonies, and run through the ringer for thousands in fees and fines.

I think this is the worst part:

Most of the vehicles Brookside Police drive are unmarked, and tinted.

Chief Jones testified under oath that just one of the 10 Brookside vehicles is painted with police striping, but nine others bear no emblems, and seven are tinted all the way around, making it impossible to see inside. Jones testified his officers wear gray uniforms with no Brookside insignias.

Every single aspect of this is criminal.

This is a mayor and a police chief that use their jurisdiction on a six mile stretch of Interstate outside of Birmingham to shakedown citizens.

And a judge let’s them get away with it.

If there ever was a town begging for a fully armed and armored killdozer to set things right, this is it.

Alabama Sheriff is butthurt his grift was ended by the state

From the Sheriff of Barbour County, Alabama.


Fuck that guy.

Barbour County, Alabama is a rural county on the Alabama/Georgia border.  The entire population of the county is 25,000 people and the largest city, Eufaula, Alabama, is barley 13,000 people.  The county seat of Clayton is less than 3,000 people.

Counties like Barbour are why permitless carry is popular, because when you live out in the middle of nowhere, going into town to get a permit from the one admin in the tiny Sheriff’s office is a pain in the ass.

But Alabama permits are $20 per year for upto five years.

The Sheriff in podunk county is mad that the state took away one of his revenue streams.


Fuck that guy.

Everyone has a religion…

And quite often the least faithful are the most religious.


Go and read the replies.

There are few religious devotees more outspoken than the sanctimonious atheist.

There is no article of faith they love more than to insult and berate the faithful as being stupid dupes with deficiency in critical thinking and pudding for brains.

How smug in their self assurance they are that they earned a piece of paper that says they know just a tiny bit more than the layman on a very tiny topic of technical minutiae and that means thru understand the totality of the nature of reality and the human condition.

I myself have a PhD in engineering.

I, however, do not have such hubris as they do.

I know that what I know about materials science does not answer the metaphysical questions of the universe or soothes the soul.

When my father passed I did not turn to the AISI heat treater’s guide for answers.

Knowing a little bit more than the average person about how a blast furnace works does not give me the same sense of connection and continuity of being as being part of an unbroken tradition that goes back more than 6,000 years to Abraham and the patriarchs.

The saddest and most revealing thing about this Tweet and the replies is just how much it shows that these people have no capacity for introspection as they engage in a rhetorical atheistic Jihad against those who believe in God.

The only thing our schools are successful at teaching is mental illness and degeneracy

I, like many people, believed that the purpose of public school education was to provide equality of opportunity to young people and improve the quality of our nation by giving each and every child a good academic foundation on which to build their future.

Perhaps, half a century or more ago, that may have been the case.

Fundamentally, I still believe that this is the ideal and how public school education should be.

Now I recognize that the schools have been taken over by groomers and ideologues who are only interested in destroying healthy children and civil society.

Year after year the news from the schools of that reading and math scores are falling.

Here is a report from last year:

The rate of Austin ISD students who failed to achieve a passing grade on state learning comprehension tests has seen a noticeable increase over the past two years, according to new results from the Texas Education Agency.

In several cases, the percentage of students who failed to meet their grade-level learning goals doubled from spring 2019 to spring 2021.

At AISD, the percentage of students who did not meet the grade level on the assessments was higher than the state average in many instances.

If a student receives a “Did Not Meet” result, it means the student “doesn’t have enough understanding of the material and did not meet the grade level learning goals,” according to the TEA. It is not a passing grade.

AISD performed worse than the state average for “Did Not Meet” grades across the board in mathematics, according to STAAR results. The rate of students in third to eighth grades who failed to reach grade level was higher in every grade compared to the state average.

Reading, math, and science proficiency is down.

But guess what is up?

The number of kids identifying as LGBT.


For a long time it was known that people who identified as LGBT were around 4% of the population.

This class is 62.5% LGBT.

I don’t care of you day “but J.Kb, are they really that or are they just claiming to be.”

It’s irrelevant, they identified as gender and sexuality diverse, along with all the implied victims status, and that is the first step to sucking them deeper and deeper into the cult.

It’s no coincidence that so many kids identify as LGBT when AISD puts on events like this:



They don’t have time to teach math and reading because they are too busy with Pride parades and drag shows.

Kids with a strong education and grow up to be economically successful might turn into conservatives.

Kids who can’t read do math or have any useful skills but do identify as LGBT are more likely to grow up and be Leftists.

According to the numbers, the only thing that Austin public schools have successfully taught is gender and sexuality confusion.

They are not education centers run by teachers.

They are indoctrination centers run by groomers.

Disney, we need to have a chat…





It seems that Disney has a serious pedophile problem in its ranks.

I guess a business that deals so much with children attracts a certain kind of person.

I think I’m going to attach a giant slide to my woodchipper for Disney to make it into a proper theme park ride for employees.