J. Kb

Be a hero under the right circumstances

The other day I said don’t be a hero, Leftists love criminals and hate citizens.

I meant it.

Good thing Florida is not a Leftist state.

In Florida, one may use force in the defense of an innocent third party.

If you stop a rapist in Florida from attacking a woman in a Wal-Mart, that’s legal.

If you stop a rapist in San Francisco from attacking a woman, you might go to jail if the Prosecutor feels like it.

Know your local laws.


Our geriatric politicians murdered vulnerable people to save themselves


I have been covering this for a year.

Our septuagenarian and octogenarian political elite saved themselves from a virus by sacrificing the most vulnerable younger people, especially children and those with emotional or substance abuse problems.

I believe there is a special place in hell for the Silent Generation and early Boomers who decided to hang onto wealth and power by destroying the generations that came after them.

This is how you win a culture war

Ron DeSantis is far better at this than Trump ever was.


Not a mean Tweet.

An act by a sitting governor acknowledging the accomplishment of the true winner of the NCAA swim meet and defending women and girls from unfair competition.

He used both his office and social media to advance a Conservative position that is overwhelmingly supported by moderates.

This was a culture war Blitzkrieg maneuver.

Very well played.

It was a two-and-a-half titty fight (warning)

One way of quantifying the intensity of a girl fight is, is by how many tittes get knocked out of a boob tube or halter top (the uniform of the girl brawler).

Miami Beach during Spring Break never fails to disappoint.

This was a two-and-a-half titty fight.

I’m so glad I don’t live there anymore.

My sentencing guidelines makes this very simple

It doesn’t matter how many images of child pornography you have, your sentence is death.

Ten images or ten-thousand images, you can only be killed once.

It completely equitable and has a guarantee of 0% chance of re-offending.

Don’t be a hero, Leftists love criminals and hate citizens


In the Progressive Utopia, the criminal has an absolute right to help themselves to your property.

You probably obtained your property through privilege and exploitation and the poor criminal is probably an oppressed person.

Your defense of your property is illegal and will be prosecuted.

The theft of your property may be nominally illegal but the thief will never be seriously punished for taking from a privileged person.

If you think the system is there to protect you as a taxpayer, that’s where you’re wrong.

You don’t pay taxes for services.

You pay taxes because you are afraid of going to prison if you don’t.

The services are incidental.

It’s best to just watch your property go out your door until you go broke then resign yourself to living on government assistance.

It may not be right, but it’s legal.

The Wokification of our Universities will destroy our judicial system

Our judicial system, as imperfect as it may be (because nothing made by man is perfect), is still the best legal system in the history of mankind.

Our foundational principles, the right to counsel, innocent until proven guilty, trial by jury of your peers, thr burden of proof on the prosecutor, etc., all serve to prioritize the rights of the accused.

Our judicial system was supposed to be a bulwark against tyranny.

Out Founding Fathers wanted the judicial system to protect, and give the benefit of the doubt, to the accused citizen over the state prosecutor.  They did not want the judicial system to be a tool of tyranny by using trials as a political weapon.

For the tyrant a perverted judicial system is a tool of oppression, where the guilt of the accused is determined by the political alignment or identity of the accused, and the judicial system prescribes innocence or guilt based on extraneous factors.

Our judicial system is based on the principle of equal application of the law.  That may not have always been carried out but it was the principle, and one we strive to achieve.

For the tyrant, the law should be applied capriciously, to benefit those in favor and crush those disliked by the regime.

Woke is tyranny.  It is a system that uses the power of both the government and popular opinion to crush those who refuse to submit to its ideology.

This is what is happening to our judicial system by the indoctrination and licensure of Woke lawyers.


Woke law schools and the Woke American Bar Association is not interested in neutral and equal application of the law.  They want equity, where the law is a tool to achieve some ideal of cosmic justice.  The individual accused and the merits of the case are irrelevant if the outcome of the case does not achieve their cosmic goals.

Hence the focus on the Rittenhouse trial.  There was an organization of exculpatory evidence for Rittenhouse but they wanted him to be convinced to serve as a lesson, you do not stand up to a violent Woke mob.


Of course, because the Constitution protects the rights of the accused as universal for all accused.  They want the rights of the accused to be determined by their Woke social hierarchy.

South Africa has become a failed state where racial mass murder happens on a daily basis. That is a feature, not  bug, for this system.


This is an ultimate betrayal of our judicial system, to deny the accused the right to counsel.

All “right minded” lawyers will deny the politically or socially undesirable representation and those lawyers who do their duty and protect the rights of the accused will become pariah in their field.


This is a feature, not a bug.  The government will strip you of a civil liberty and then you will be unable to fight in court to get it back because you will be unable to obtain a lawyer because the right you desire is disliked by the Woke mob.


This is exactly what Biden’s current SCOTUS nominee has done regarding pedophiles.


Again, the goal is capricious conviction based on the identity or political alignment of the accused, not the evidence of guilt.

They hate our judicial system and want to use it as a weapon of tyranny to reinforce their ideology.

They cannot overtly destroy it, they do not have the electoral mandate for that.

What they will do is fill the ranks if our judicial system, lawyers and judges, with Woke activists who put the tenets of their ideology above the principles of our system.

They have started to and very may well completely destroy justice in the country.

They are taking away the ballots box and taking away the jury box bulwarks against their tyranny.