J. Kb

Democrats are apoplectic that Governor DeSantis won’t let them groom children

This story is amazing.

Governor DeSantis signed into law a bill that has two primary provisions:

It is illegal to discuss sexual topics in school with kids in kindergarten through the third grade, that is not age appropriate.

Teachers cannot keep secrets about kids’ personal lives from their parents.

This all seems pretty reasonable, right?

The Left has decided this is the hill to die on.

They are absolutely adamant that they want to teach kindergarten through third grade students about transgenderism, homosexuality, pornography, and sexual degeneracy in the classroom, and not tell parents about how it is affecting their kids.

According to the White House, this bill is horrific.



Their argument is that doing this will harm LGBT youth with bullying and suicide.

What they fail to explain is that suicide rates for kids have been going up, not down.  It seems that the more kids have their innocence taken and have their heads filled with this nonsense, the worse off mentally they are.

My generation didn’t have a problem with girls wanting mastectomies in high school twenty five years ago before this hysteria was thrust upon children.


They are trying weaponize conservatives’ love of free speech against us.


We cannot buy this argument.  This is not a free speech issue.  They are demanding the right of government employees to proselytize gender nonsense to children.

If you don’t let them teach your kindergarten children that they can change graders and have teachers help them pick out their drag names, that’s hate and you’re a bigot.


Of all the histrionics I’ve seen over this bill, this is probably the worst.



A radical Islamist associated with ISIS shoots up a gay night club, not knowing is a gay club, but knowing its a gun free zone and a soft target, and that justifies allowing teachers to sexually groom elementary school children.

They just want to use the Pulse shooting as a cudgel to force you to acquiesce to their insanity.

Lastly, I’ll answer this woman’s question.


I have made this point many times before, the popular option on the gay community started going backwards once you went from clean cut, Will and Grace gay men wanting equality to drag queen story hour and Blues Clues doing a pride parade episode with a transgender beaver having mastectomy scars.

Normal parents do not want homosexuality and transgenderism forced on our kids.  We don’t want heterosexual sex forced on our kids either.

It seems that for a demographic defined by their sexual predilection, everything is about sex with them.  Normal straight people do not talk to children about heterosexual sex frequently, and those that do are highly suspicious.

We just want them to leave our kids alone to their innocence and they want constant sexual indoctrination all the time.

The only positive here is that I think they underestimate the backlash that will come from normal parents wondering why their elementary school children can’t read but know all the different pronouns.

If the Left wants to die on this hill, I will be happy to accommodate them with woodchippers.


Biden united the world in taking down America


But of course they did.

They were never our allies.

They were, at best, fair weather friends who liked our money.

The instant that we showed real weakness on the world stage and the value of our dollar faulted, they turned on us.

Russia is being backed by China and the Russia/China alliance is proving to be stronger than Biden led America.

Since Middle East oil was supposed to be what kept the price of gas skyrocketing, we can now expect $10 or more gas.

The world united under Biden.

It united to drive a stake through our economic heart.

Because Leftists love the smell of their own farts

From the very beginning, the Left loves, and I mean really loves, thinking that they are superior to others.

The essence of Democrat slavery was that white people were superior and blacks should be slaves.  They even claimed that blacks were better off as slaves to white Democrats than they were on their own.

After slavery, the same principle applied and the Democrats embraced Jim Crow.  The essence of segregation was the superiority of white Democrats to blacks.

Then racism fell out of favor.

The new principle is that Leftists/Democrats are smarter, wiser, and generally better people.  Since skin color is no longer justification for this feeling, they choose to justify it with pieces of paper they hang on their wall.

If you go to one of their Leftist elite schools you are a better, superior person, who exists on a higher plane that your fellow men who didn’t go to prestigious universities.

Hence this Tweet thread:


Several points.

First, I have never heard a Conservative say to a kid getting good grades “you’re acting liberal.”  That’s a ridiculous strawman.

Second, it’s utterly wrong to equate the prestige of a university with IQ.

The Left loves exclusivity and to segregate themselves from those they believe are less than they are.

The most prestigious universities are outright hostile to conservatives.  Few decide to go there to work as professors or study as students.

They become simply Leftist echo chambers that convinced themselves they are that because they are so smart, not intolerant and hostile to those they disagree with.

Harvard isn’t filled with the smartest kids.  Its filled with mostly above average IQ kids who cone from wealthy and well connected Liberal families from those regions of the country.

Don’t tell me Harvard is exclusively America’s highest IQ students when David Hogg is there.

I’d go further and say that the selection of majors at these schools doesn’t appeal to conservatives outside a few programs like law and medicine.

If you really want to learn chemistry or engineering, you don’t go to Harvard.

Reality is that there are many very smart kids who are at other schools not because they lack the brains to get into Harvard but because they lack parents with money and influence.

So they go to big state schools which are considered less prestigious and therefore are not echo chambers of Leftism.

I’d stack the brain power of a Missouri Tech, Purdue, U Alabama Huntsville, or any other flyover country school if mines and technology against any Ivy League kid any day of the week and twice on Sunday.

Anyone who watched the videos of Yale students shrieking Woke platitudes at Nicholas Christakis over his Halloween costume email can’t think those kids are geniuses.

Neither were the Yale kids who protested Justice Brett Kavanagh teaching a class there demonstrating their intelligence by having screaming temper tantrums and hiding in safe spaces with cookies and play dough.

They were demonstrating their Leftism in an echo chamber.

The simple answer to this mostly rhetorical question is:

Ivy Leagues drive out anyone who isn’t a Leftist with a campus culture.

Ivy Leagues see only Leftists on campus and say therefore Leftists are the smartest based on past rankings.

Honestly, this is one of the reasons why my administration will seize the Ivy League endowments, to spite this academic hot box where Leftists go to inhale their own farts.


Another one punch kill – Dunkin Donuts edition

I’m going to keep bringing you these because I want to establish just how deadly a bare knuckle blow to the head from an angry adult male can be.

Dunkin’ employee fatally punched customer who called him racial slur: cops

A Dunkin’ store employee fatally punched an elderly customer in Florida because the man allegedly used a racial slur against him, police said.

Corey Pujols, 27, was arrested Tuesday on an aggravated manslaughter charge in connection to the fatal confrontation May 4 at the Dunkin’ store where he works in Marathon, the Tampa Bay Times reported.

The employee, who is black, told authorities that the 77-year-old man had been “extremely rude” the day of the altercation and called him a racial slur.

Pujols then punched the customer in the face, causing the man to fall and hit his head on the concrete floor, authorities said.

That is how it usually happens.

The punch causes the victim to lose consciousness and fall, hitting their head on the hard ground and dying.

In this case, the attacker was allowed to plead down to felony battery.

Grayson Kamm, a spokesman for Hillsborough State Attorney Andrew Warren, said prosecutors, in their decision, considered the “totality of the circumstances,” which included Pujols’ lack of criminal history, his youth, and the fact that he did not intend to cause Cook’s death, the Tampa Bay Times reported.

“Two of the primary factors were the aggressive approach the victim took toward the defendant and everyone working with the defendant, and that the victim repeatedly used possibly the most aggressive and offensive term in the English language,” Kamm said.

We all know what word was used and my concern is this sort of social justice prosecution establishes the precedent that one group of people is allowed to commit murder if they hear a particular word.

Cook was a registered sex offender, court records show.

You know how I feel about sex offenders, and my predilection for woodchippers.  However, in this case Cook was not done in for his sex offenses.

I shed no tears over this man’s death.

My point in all of this is to illustrate conclusively that a bare fisted punched to the head can and does cause death.

When anti-gun activists say “but he was unarmed” I believe that is irrelevant.  An adult male with fists and the willingness to use them is a lethal force and should be repelled with lethal force.

And if such a case were ever to go to trial, i.e., a CCW shooting a thug who tried to cold cock him in the skull, I hope that CCW’s defense attorney brings every one of these cases before the jury as evidence that movies are bullshit and a skull punch is lethal.

Another groomer summer camp

Welcome to the Sodom and Gomorrah of 2022.

Earlier today I covered a kids grooming summer camp in Indiana.

Now we have a worse one in Kentucky.


I’m going to say this woman is a real witch because only a soulless person who has congress with the devil could think it’s a good idea to do this with children.

The pedophile groomers are really on the advance this year.

Apparently the lockdowns kept them away from children and now they are making up for lost time.

A healthy society would never tolerate this.

It’s absolutely time to legalized the trophy hunting of pedophiles and cleanse this obscenity from our midst.


More anti-Asian violence that nobody on the Left cares about

Asians in Blue areas, I’ll tell you the sane thing I keep telling Jews.

The Left hates you and only pretends to care about you when they can use violence against you as a brickbat against white people on the Right.

For your own sake and self preservation, give up on the Left, leave Blue areas, move to Red states, become conservative, and buy and carry a gun for self defense.

It’s the only sustainable future you have.


The people loudest about wanting to send troops to Ukraine are the ones most likely to flee from a fight

Two pieces of data:

A Quinnipiac poll.

Vast Majority Of Americans Say Ban Russian Oil, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; Nearly 8 In 10 Support U.S. Military Response If Putin Attacks A NATO Country

As the world witnesses what is happening to Ukraine, Americans were asked what they would do if they were in the same position as Ukrainians are now: stay and fight or leave the country? A majority (55 percent) say they would stay and fight, while 38 percent say they would leave the country. Republicans say 68 – 25 percent and independents say 57 – 36 percent they would stay and fight, while Democrats say 52 – 40 percent they would leave the country.

A Rasmussen poll.


So, rich Democrats who are the ones most screaming for us to get involved in a war in Ukraine are the ones most likely to flee their own country during a war.

I suspect that this demographic has significant overlap with those with large investment portfolios containing Military Industrial Complex and Green Energy stocks.

I don’t support Putin and I hope Ukrainians give their invaders hell.

But you can see why I have no desire to send troops there.

They would be cannon fodder for rich Democrats to boost their stock values.