J. Kb

The woodchipper is hungry


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Absolutely tell children that if they change into the clothes of the opposite sex without their parents knowing, they are super heroes like Superman.

That’s not grooming behavior at all.


Yeah… we’re going to need a lot of woodchippers.

Okay New Zealand truckers, do your worst – Update

Rules for thee, not for me: Lockdown-queen Jacinda Ardern will travel 9,100 miles to give Harvard’s coveted graduation speech in May – but Americans will have to wait till JULY to enter her hermit kingdom

Ardern, 41, will travel 9,100 miles from the Kiwi capital of Wellington to Massachusetts to speak at the prestigious Commencement on May 26, while Americans and other tourists remain barred from her island nation until July.

Her tough lockdown has undoubtedly saved many lives – the country has only seen 53 deaths in total from COVID – but now, with 94 percent of over 12s vaccinated, New Zealanders are anxious to return to the world.

Their prime minister will travel to the United States two months before Americans can visit her country, having infuriated many New Zealanders by banning them from returning home for more than two years under her draconian restrictions.

Prime Minister Ardern is one of the most respected leaders on the world stage and we are delighted she will join us in May to celebrate the Class of 2022,’ said Harvard President Larry Bacow.

‘From climate change and gender equality to COVID-19, she has modeled compassionate leadership that has brought together empathy and science-based solutions to address the most challenging issues of our time.

‘I very much look forward to her address.’

The nature of totalitarian dictators have changed.

We were used to the dictators of the 20th century, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, etc.

Men who had been in war.  Hard men who war pressed military uniforms and commanded with firey speeches.

Today’s dictators are soft handed.  They never fought in war and look like they would consider a day without staffers and servants “roughing it.”

They speak in the soft language of political correctness, about feelings, compassion, and not offending anyone.

But make no mistake, they are just as dictatorial as their predecessors.

Society didn’t take them seriously because they seemed so soft and nice.

Ardern locked New Zealand down tighter than any other Western nation.  New Zealand made Canada and Australia look like Florida.

She locked the entire country down on hard lockdown over one case.  People were forbidden to leave their homes for all but a few acceptable reasons because ONE PERSON was diagnosed with COVID.

That’s why Harvard wants to recognize her.  She was the most Progressive fascist among a host of Progressive fascists and they want to honor her Progressive fascism.

And as the most Progressive fascist her hypocrisy has to be the most over-the-top.

With her out of the country, New Zealand truckers should blockade every runway and landing strip in the country.  Stop her from returning. Lock the country down. And sympathetic trucks in America need to blockade Harvard.

Canada has shown us the way.  There needs to be pushback against these Progressive fascists.


Just a taste of New Zealand’s Progressive fascism.


The Biden Administration is absolutely floundering but is too ideologically driven to fix the problem

This headline made my head spin.

Biden and the Democrats are considering suspending the federal gas tax for a YEAR to save drivers 18 cents a gallon to combat surging prices in the build-up to the midterms

President Joe Biden and Democratic lawmakers are weighing a federal gas tax holiday as prices reach record levels and the party faces an uphill battle in November’s midterm election.

Two of the Democrats most vulnerable senators up in 2022 – Mark Kelly of Arizona and Maggie Hassan of New Hampshire – have proposed a bill that would suspend the federal gas tax until Jan. 1, 2023.

‘Every tool is on the table to reduce prices,’ White House spokeswoman Emilie Simons said in a statement to DailyMail.com. ‘The President already announced an historic release of 50 million barrels from the strategic petroleum reserve, and all options are on the table looking ahead.’

The federal gas tax is 18.4 cents per gallon for standard gasoline and 24.4 cents per gallon for diesel fuel.

Today’s gas average is $3.498 a gallon, according to AAA. California, which has the highest price of any state, is approaching the $5 mark as its average price hits $4.711.

The overall average price of gas is up $1 over the past year.

Has prices have shot up nearly 60% since Biden was sworn in.

The two primary causes are inflation and Biden’s crushing of the oil industry with reduced leasing on public land and limiting pipeline construction (the KXL being the most controversial but not the only one).

The Democrats poll numbers are so low the Democrats are probably on suicide watch.

But an 18-cent tax break on a 60% increase doesn’t help.

But the Democrats have their balls in a vice by the radical environmentalists and Cult of Climate Change that they can’t actually do what needs to be done and open up the oil industry to make America self sufficient on oil again.

They are stuck between a rock (bottom barrel poll numbers) and a hard place (their radical base) and are floundering incompetently.

My biggest fear is that Republicans will snatch defeat from the jaws of victory by bumble-fucking their response.

Fidel Jr is really going to spice up Canada

Prime Minister Justin Castro-Trudeau gave a speech today regarding the use of Canada’s Emergencies Act.

(I’ve posted the video twice at the relevant start times)

His speech:


And his questions and answers:


So, he’s given himself emergency powers.

He’s going to freeze truckers’ bank accounts and crown funded donations.

He’s also going to “compel” tow truck drivers to tow protesting truckers’ rigs.

He’s also going to to force Canadian Provinces that don’t want a federal government intervention to accept it.

And lastly, he is subsidizing the pro-mandate, anti-freedom people on his side.

This petulant little tyrant is cranking the tyranny up to 11 because that’s all he knows how to do.

The truckers are not going to back down now and I don’t know how the tow truck drivers will allow themselves to be compelled.

Canada is going to get spicer.