J. Kb

You know its a great bill when the Leftist press lies about it this hard

From the AP:

Florida could shield whites from ‘discomfort’ of racist past

A bill pushed by Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis that would prohibit public schools and private businesses from making white people feel “discomfort” when they teach students or train employees about discrimination in the nation’s past received its first approval Tuesday.

“This bill’s not for Blacks, this bill was not for any other race. This was directed to make whites not feel bad about what happened years ago,” said state Sen. Shevrin Jones, who is Black. “At no point did anyone say white people should be held responsible for what happened, but what I would ask my white counterparts is, are you an enabler of what happened or are you going to say we must talk about history?”

The AP doesn’t even tell you the name of the bill so you can go look at it yourself.

Vanity Fair has probably the worst headline on this bill:

Florida Advances Bill That Would Ban Making White People Feel Bad About Racism, and No, That’s Not a Joke

CCN’s headline is almost as bad:

Florida bill to shield people from feeling ‘discomfort’ over historic actions by their race, nationality or gender approved by Senate committee

This is all red meat for the white fragility crowd.

Ron DeSantis is a white supremacist who must censor free speech to keep delicate white people from having their feelings hurt.

Except thats not true.

The bill is SB148 and this is what is says:



So the bill says aabsolutely nothing about not making white people uncomfortable.

It if fact says nothing at all about white people.

What it does say is that you cannot discriminate based on race, make people feel guilty about their race, or assign moral value to people because of their race.

The bill also explicitly requires teaching about slavery, the Civil Rights Movement, and the Holocaust.  It just cannot be done in a way that states or implies people living today bear and collective guilt for past atrocities they did not participate in because of their race.

All of this strikes right at the heart of what Critical Race Theory teaches, i.e., that white people today have a collective blood guilt for past grievances and should be forced to pay recompense because of it.

That’s why the media must slander this bill.

Any normal person who reads it, including traditional moderate Liberals, would have no objection to it and really wonder at the motives of those who did object to it.

What sort of monster doesn’t want to ban making people feel guilty because of their race?

The media can’t let people know what’s actually in the bill and they have to hang it like an Albatros  around the neck of Ron DeSantis because they are scared absolutely shitless of him.

You have the text of the bill now.

It is your duty to use it and counter the narrative whenever you see it on social media.

If you have normie friends who are aghast at what DeSantis is doing, show them the text of the bill and ask what’s so objectionable about it.

This bill needs to pass in Florida then the Republicans need to pass it again at the Federal level nationwide.

F*ck you, IfNotNow. Signed, The Jews

IfNotNow does not and should never be allowed to speak for the Jewish people.

IfNotNow is a radical Leftist, anti-Zionist organization that sides with antisemites and spends most of its time downplaying Leftist and Islamic antisemitism, and criticizing Jews for being racist and having white privilege.

That’s how these Leftist Jewish organizations work.

The problem isn’t black people and Palestinian supporters attacking Jews.  It’s the Jews noticing who is attacking them.

They never criticize, and often try to justify, when some random Palestinian stabs a Jew in Israel, but always criticize the IDF for shooting the terrorist with the knife.

And IfNotNow is funded by George Soros.  They are standing up for their meal ticket.

So Tucker and every Jew on this planet, has every right to criticize George Soros because he funds grotesque organizations like IfNotNow which is harmful to the Jewish people.

IfNotNow, you do not get to speak for me.  Fuck you.

Occupy Democrats cheer on the death of an untermensch from heart failure

This is a follow-up to my post The medical establishment is murdering the unvaccinated for their health.

Here is the Occupy Democrats’ response:


Let me remind you that this man is 31-years-old.  He has a wife and two young sons.

Look at these pictures:


I’m not much older than this man and my two kids look to be about the same age as his.

This breaks my heart to think about his two boys losing their father, being raised without a dad in their life.

His wife, widowed at far too young an age.

Now think what sort of person can look at this and say “fuck that guy, I hope he dies because he didn’t get the jab.”

That Occupy Democrats Tweet has over 10,000 likes.

I go from having tears in my eyes for the future of those boys to a white hot fury that makes me want to put all ten-thousand people who liked that Tweet in a big hole in the desert.

I try to be empathetic but the radical Left has absolutely broken me of that.

They lack empathy and want us to die and I absolutely, 100% return the sentiment.

These people better pray to whatever unholy god they believe in that society never breaks down because when it does I guarantee a lot of people on our side will choose violence and settle scores.

New York City has Woke itself to death, seal it off now

I will give NYC Mayor Eric Adams credit for at least trying to do something about the crime killing his citizens.

‘This is gun that killed our young officer’: Adams vows to get ‘trigger pullers off streets’

Mayor Eric Adams on Monday unveiled plans to crack down on illegal guns like the one used to kill a rookie NYPD officer and critically injure another cop in Harlem last week — while displaying photos of the illegal murder weapon.

During his speech, Adams, a former NYPD captain, vowed to “get the guns” out of criminals’ hands, saying, “I know how to do this.”

Adams said the NYPD would start by focusing on the 30 police precincts where 80 percent of the city’s violence takes place.

Teams will be deployed to the 20 most dangerous neighborhoods during the next three weeks, he said.

“We will have boots on the ground, on every block in this city,” Adams said during a speech in City Hall.

The initiative includes rolling out undercover police “Neighborhood Safety Teams” — first reported by The Post — whose members will travel in unmarked vehicles and will wear street clothes but will also be easily “identifiable” as cops, Adams said.

Adams also plans to increase the staffing for the NYPD’s Gun Violence Suppression Division, a unit of detectives responsible for seizing illegal firearms and building cases against traffickers and sellers, according to a 15-page “blueprint” released by City Hall.

Actual boots on the ground policing, in the precincts where the crime is happening, and going after the recidivist criminals who cause the crime.

What a novel- and effective – concept.

Too bad…

Leading lawmakers reject Eric Adams’ legislative proposals to stem shootings in NYC

New York’s legislative leaders all but declared Mayor Adams’ plan to amend the state’s controversial bail-reform laws dead on arrival Tuesday — even as a top court official said judges largely agreed with his desire to let them lock up potentially dangerous defendants.

Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins (D-Yonkers) and Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie (D-The Bronx) also said they opposed Adams’ efforts to roll back the Raise the Age law so gun-toting teens can be prosecuted in criminal court.

Stewart-Cousins also said that giving judges more discretion in setting or denying bail would disproportionately affect “black and brown and poor defendants.”

So New York will do nothing to fix New York.


Fuck ’em.

Just wall it off so none of them can escape.

If twice is coincidence and three times is enemy action, what do you call this?

A teacher:


A teacher:


A teacher:


A teacher:


Multiple teachers:


Then there was my post from yesterday about groomer teachers in California.

This is well past coincidence.

We must agree that this is a conspiracy.

It is deliberate that the ranks of our schools are being filled with the worst type of gender non-conforming weirdos who spend countless hours teaching kids about gender nonsense and pronouns.

It is purposeful and malicious.

The long walk through our institutions of primary and secondary education has been carried out by groomers.

Of anything, Youngkin didn’t go nearly far enough.

We don’t just need laws banning teaching CRT.

We must make absolutely sure that these people are purged from our schools and their like are never allowed back in.


WTF is wrong with the Silent Generation – Update (thank you Jack)


Pelosi is 81.  Fauci is 81.  Biden is 79.

Why the fuck will these people not let go of the reigns of power?

Why can they not enjoy their retirement with their millions of dollars?

Why is this country allowing itself to be strangled by the arthritic, liver spotted hands of people that long ago should have gone to an gated retirement community in Florida or Arizona?

Why has America allowed itself to become a senilocracy?


The comment by Jack hit the nail on the head.

It’s been a long time since I read Gulliver’s Travels, and I’m not sure I read all of it (something I must correct).

Struldbrugg were like humans but immortal.  They also continued to age.

At age 80 they were declared legally dead, their property was taken and given to their inheritors and they were forbidden from having jobs or participating in civil society.

As explained by Swift:

Otherwise, as avarice is the necessary consequence of old age, those immortals would in time become proprietors of the whole nation, and engross the civil power, which, for want of abilities to manage, must end in the ruin of the public.

That is spot on what we are seeing.

These people are driven by sheer avarice.

My only disagreement with Swift is that 80 is too old.

Civil service should have forced retirement at the same age as one begins to collect Social Security.

Here is your check, now get the fuck out.