J. Kb

We should drop all the bombs

Apparently one of the long term effects of COVID in children is diabetes.

Since it’s irrefutable that COVID came from the the Wuhan Lab and Fauci and the NIH were involved in funding gain of function research there, I believe that we should drop, and continue to drop, thermonuclear weapons onto China until every last strand of DNA in every last living organism in that country, down to the bacteria in the soil, has be shattered by ionizing radiation.

Then we drop Fauci, the staff of the NIH and CDC, and everyone involved in the gain of function research out of the back of a C-130 at 15,000 feet over the radioactive wasteland formerly known as China.

For the children.

I love the unintended message here

In case you didn’t know, the US Mint is doing a run on Women’s Quarters.

Authorized by Public Law 116-330, the American Women Quarters Program features coins with reverse (tails) designs emblematic of the accomplishments and contributions of trailblazing American women. Beginning in 2022 and continuing through 2025, the Mint will issue five quarters in each of these years. The ethnically, racially, and geographically diverse group of individuals honored through this program reflects a wide range of accomplishments and fields, including suffrage, civil rights, abolition, government, humanities, science, space, and the arts. The additional honorees in 2022 are physicist and first woman astronaut Dr. Sally Ride; Wilma Mankiller, the first female principal chief of the Cherokee Nation and an activist for Native American and women’s rights; Nina Otero-Warren, a leader in New Mexico’s suffrage movement and the first female superintendent of Santa Fe public schools; and Anna May Wong, the first Chinese American film star in Hollywood, who achieved international success despite racism and discrimination.

What a woke list of women to be put on the currency.

I fundamentally do not understand what the deal is with Maya Angelo, why she is revered as she is.

Sally Ride I know as the first female astronaut.

The rest?  I’ve never heard of them.

What I  sure if is that you won’t see Sandra Day O’Connor on a US quarter.

But here is where this gets tragically funny.

A quarter with a woman on it is only worth 93% as much quarter with just a man on it.

Thanks Biden.

Thr numbers show that things are going to get worse

That is a 16% drop in less than a year.

The mass media has lost it’s grip on controlling reality.

Jen Psaki and talking heads on CNN and MSNBC can say whatever they want buy people still remember how much they paid for gas abd groceries a year ago and how much they are paying today.

Before the lockdowns it was less than $2 per gallon and I could do a weekly grocery run for a family of four for about $125.  Now it’s almost $4 per gallon and the same groceries cost $175.

People feel it everyday.

This Administration has no idea how to govern positively.  The only know how to govern through fear.

So what happens when Biden dips into the 20s and teens for percent approval?

The more this Administration fails the more it will lash out.

The beatings will intensify until morale improves.


Not supporting the Biden agenda makes you a domestic enemy, also Biden retcons history

This is Biden’s speech pushing his federalizing of elections “voting rights” bill.

I know where I stand. I will not yield. I will not flinch. I will defend the right to vote, our democracy against all enemies — foreign and, yes, domestic. 

And the question is: Where will the institution of the United States Senate stand? Every senator — Democrat, Republican, and independent — will have to declare where they stand, not just for the moment, but for the ages.

Will you stand against voter suppression? Yes or no? That’s the question they’ll answer. Will you stand against election subversion? Yes or no? Will you stand for democracy? Yes or no?

And here’s one thing every senator and every American should remember: History has never been kind to those who have sided with voter suppression over voters’ rights. And it will be even less kind for those who side with election subversion.

So, I ask every elected official in America: How do you want to be remembered?

At consequential moments in history, they present a choice: Do you want to be the si- — on the side of Dr. King or George Wallace? Do you want to be on the side of John Lewis or Bull Connor? Do you want to be on the side of Abraham Lincoln or Jefferson Davis?

Biden states that not supporting his bill makes you a domestic enemy as a threat to democracy.

So much for unity and healing the nation…

Also, George Wallace, Bull Conner, and Jefferson Davis were Democrats, and Lincoln was a Republican.

I just want to know from the normies, they were butthurt when Trump called the lying media the enemy of the people.  How do they feel about Biden calling half of Americans domestic enemies?


Dear LGBT, you need to clean your house before it gets cleaned for you

Tell me again how QAnon is just a conspiracy and Woke society is not actually run by a cabal of elite pedophiles.

I was born in the early 1980s and grew up in the 1990s.

I remember the zenith of American gay culture.

Tom Hanks tugged at our heartstrings as a gay lawyer in Philadelphia (one of my all time favorite legal dramas), which was nominated for Best Screenplay (and it should have won).

Eric McCormack was a nice gay lawyer on TV in the popular sitcom Will and Grace.

The gay community was on the cusp of being as normalized and accepted as could be.

Of course there would always be holdouts, but I can tell you as a Jew, you’ll never be accepted by everyone, there will always be bigots.

But the plurality of Americans had no problem with gays as middle-class people next door who just had a different kind of sex.

And in 2015 you won the right to marry in Obergefell v. Hodges.  You were as accepted as you were going to get.  Congratulations.

Then you started to go wrong.

Gay became LGBT and the T took over as the loudest, squeakiest wheel.

We, the normal people, are not taking kindly to that.  We don’t like watching boys with long hair beat our daughters in sports.  We especially don’t like teachers teaching our children about weird fuck-off pronouns instead of proper English.

But now it seems the LGBT community wants to normalize pedophilia.

The gay community fought for decades against the stigma that they were pedophiles and child predators.

Now it seems like you’re telling us that was a lie and you really were the monsters you swore you weren’t.

Let me tell you that the only reason there are not death squads of angry fathers hunting down and murdering pedophiles is because were still holding onto the thinnest veneer of civil society.

The gay community really needs to root out these people in their midst and deal with them because if all of this goes tits up, the death squads of pedo killing fathers are not going to sort the good gays from the Woke pedo gays, everyone with a Pride flag is going in the chipper.


Just so you understand where I’m coming from, why do you think I am so vehemently anti Leftist Jew?

Because I am well aware of the damage being done to society be Leftists who identify as Jews and the perception of Jews as Woke destroyers of Western Civilization.

I don’t want to be shoved into a has chamber so it’s in my best interest to keep the Woke Leftist Jews from ending civilization and painting a target on my back in the process.

USA Today tries to normalize pedophilia

Tell me this country is run by a cabal of pedophiles without telling me this country is run by a cabal of pedophiles.

Do that by doing a long Twitter threat sympathetic to pedophiles.

It’s been deleted but screenshots are forever:


I will not sympathize with the pedophiles.

Normalize pedophilia and I will normalize public woodchippering of pedophiles.

I guarantee you society would be far more receptive to the gory public execution of pedophiles than allowing their children to be molested.

Hell, we could make a whole reality show out of it.  To Catch A Predators meets Wheel of Fortune.

Here’s my wheel: