
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

And sent to Twitter Gulag (Upadtes)

Apparently I was tagged for violating Twitter’s

I don’t even properly recall the tweet, but by the looks of it, it had to do with a proper and measured response to an politically based life-threatening attack.

Dear Twitter: I was not targeting anybody for harassment or to intimidate him…well, yes, there might be a bit of intimidation involved and that is good when we are talking about Statists. As for silencing them… I plea the 5th.

And you better  know I will Tweet this post the second the “limitation” is over.

UPDATE: I went to do the removal and at first Twitter would not let me log in and then after I click the delete things, I got this message:

403Forbidden: The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it.

I might be out longer than initially expected.

Update 2: I found the Tweet that originated my reply.

The video posted by a Moms Demand follower (which might explain why I got busted) is a rant by some racist asshole who was threatening people with violence. So I stand validated on my “offending” tweet: The asshole needs shooting if he wants to go stupid.

Being an idiotic Good Samaritan can get you killed. (Graphic Video)

This is a case from a month ago. Police responded to a road rage incident, tried to deal with the guy and he pulled out a gun. Shooting ensued.

But I want you to check the bystander “Good Samaritan” in the video.

What part of “Dude! Bullets are flying! Drop or back the hell up!” he did not get?

Listen, I understand the nobility of trying to solve a situation in a peaceful manner. But if the cops are already trying to perform an arrest, you simply don’t get in the mix.   You do not play United Nations (minus the whole child trafficking/raping thing) or you risk the very real possibility of ending up dead as it happened in Portland earlier this year.



Done with all the Fake Bomb stuff.

You tell your Liberal friends that when we decide to go hot, our stuff will go BOOM, will go BANG and will hit the intended target.

That is how they will confirm it comes from our side.

All that crap that went on today? October Surprise shenanigans.  If the threat was real, Hillary Clinton would have cancelled her speech down here in South Florida and the Secret Service would have moved her to a secure location.

So, how about that FBI investigation on Gillum? Any news outlet gonna follow-up on that one or have they already gotten the “cease and desist” from their Democrat handlers?

The bombs are stinking already

This is the one delivered to CNN. People have been noticing something very unusual: No postmark. So we are being loaded with a cart-full of cow patties or this was hand delivered to the mail room of CNN. But then there is the issue that several “bombs” were delivered the same day to different people in different places.

The FBI better come up with a good set of patsies as the idea of a lone crazy guy pretty much is dead and buried.

Here are other pics of the “device.”

Click to enlarge


I am no pipe bomb expert, but that would be the first one that I have seen with their wires running to opposite ends. Is it bad of me to think this looks like somebody copying some Hollywood show?