
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Post-Disaster Time and Human Management.

Callaway resident Victoria Smith told the News Herald that thieves came into her townhome while she and her four children were sleeping with the front door open to allow a breeze inside.
“I must’ve been so exhausted from everything in the past days I didn’t even hear them come in,” Smith said. “They just snatched my purse out of my hands and ran. … It was all we had.”

Powerless Victims of Hurricane Michael Now Suffer Looting

It is only natural that right after a major situation, our need to be aware and in control of things is exacerbated and we simply do not allow ourselves to rest. I pulled something like this back when I was younger and we had a little three-day social dislocation in Venezuela with generalized looting and killing. I survived three days with lots of coffee, cigarettes and the occasional 30 minute lap. The end result was me being a walking zombie on the fourth day and on the fourth day driving into a small military action because I was so asleep, I did not recognize that the lack of traffic meant something was going down rather than the original “Hey! I am lucky, there is nobody out here, the road is all mine!”

I have been blessed with a wife that smart and will take no crap from incoming looters. She understands the idea that we need to work shifts and that asleep must be enforced in more than just catnaps. That is the way it has worked since we moved to Florida and faced being out of power with the forced need to have our house wide open in order to cool off some. Our sleep cycles also help: She is an early night sleeper, I can’t sleep till very late. That means somebody is always awake and making our presence felt which helps dissuade some (not all ) individuals or groups with evil intentions in their hearts.

As for the “infamous” You Loot-We Shoot signs:

I agree with their use but ONLY if you have the means and the will to enforce the message. Do not think they are some magic wand that will ward you off from all evil. Some of the bastards looting went through our public educational system and that makes their reading comprehension skills suspicious and a big chance they ignore the sign. Other simply won’t give a damn and think you are bluffing so you better be ready to engage them with your “Royal Flush.”

If something shows at its best (or worst) the principle of partnership, is the immediate time after a disaster. It is amazing how easier things go hen you can rely on somebody who know what needs to be done and allows you to take a much-needed rest. Lone Wolves tend not fare well.

Another physical attack against a Republican. (Update)

It is The War on Women by the side who keeps accusing us of being women haters

LAS VEGAS — A man was arrested after pushing into a room, thrusting a camera forward, trying to question state Nevada Attorney General Adam Laxalt and grabbing the woman heading the Republican candidate’s bid for governor, a campaign official said Wednesday.
Wilfred Michael Stark, 50, was held on an unspecified charge at the Las Vegas City Jail following his Tuesday evening arrest by city marshals, jail records showed.

Activist arrested in assault on GOP candidate’s campaign manager


And from The Free Beacon:

“I could not move,” (Kristin) Davidson said in her statement to police, which was shared with the Free Beacon. “Stark grabbed my right arm, twisted it behind my back, squeezed it very hard, and every time I tried to pull away he pulled me closer and gripped my arm tighter.”

“I kept screaming help me, stop hurting me, you are hurting me,” she wrote. “Stark would not stop and grabbed my arm tighter and pulled me closer to him and the door. I was terrified and at that point saw multiple colleagues try to pull him off me but Stark held tighter.”

The campaign shared images of bruising on Davidson’s arm, adding that her neck, shoulder, and lower back were also injured in the attack. Davidson wrote in her report to police that the “right side of [her] head” was “throbbing and in pain” after the attack.

I am gonna have to start a blog pool from now till November 6 to guess when somebody is going to be killed by a Liberal for political bull-crap.

Carry every day: Gun, spare mags, tourniquet & blow out kit.

Update: This was not a one time isolated event for Wilfred Michael Stark. It seems he has been pushing himself to be an almost stalker for several months now. Here is a tweet from Republican Congressman Devin Nunez:

Best case scenario? They already have good information about patterns and behavior of Republicans so ambushes are not only possible but likely.

And descrediting once again the myth that mass shotings are an America-Only thing.

MOSCOW — Russian officials said a 18-year student attacked his vocational school Wednesday in Crimea, going on a rampage that killed 17 students and left more than 40 people wounded before killing himself. One student said the shooting went on for at least 15 minutes.
Sergei Aksyonov, the regional leader in Crimea, said the fourth-year student at the school had acted alone and killed himself in the school’s library after the attack.
The committee said all the victims died of gunshot wounds.

Russia: Student gunman kills 17, wounds 40 in Crimea

Sumbitch probably got one of them AK 47 that can shoot 47 rounds a second from the high-capacity fully automatic magazine clips, right?

Russian news media showed a security camera image of the suspect wearing white T-shirt walking down the school’s stairs with a shotgun.

I bet Russia does not have common sense Gun Control either.

Guns are tightly restricted in Russia. Civilians can own only hunting rifles and smoothbore shotguns and must undergo significant background checks. Roslyakov received a permission to own a shotgun and bought 150 cartridges just a few days ago, according to local officials.

When seconds count…

He said police arrived about 10 minutes later to evacuate people and he saw dead bodies on the floor and charred walls.
Another student, Yuri Kerpek, told the state RIA Novosti news agency that the shooting went on for about 15 minutes.

And, of course, the School Authorities are as usual very well tuned with the comings and going of the school happenings.

Olga Grebennikova, director of the vocational school, told KerchNet TV that men armed with automatic rifles burst into the college and “killed everyone they saw.”

Just because the Media refuses to even look for Mass Killing events outside the US, it does not mean they do not happen. The only thing it means is that they are complicit in the Big Gun Control Lie.

When the shoe goes up in the other arse. (Video)

It seems NeverTrumper Super Hater (and once funny guy) George  Lopez was not happy when he was being heckled by a Pro Trump guy.

Via TMZ:

STUDIO CITY (CBSLA) — A cellphone video has surfaced showing comedian George Lopez getting into an altercation at a New Mexico Hooters with a man reported to be a vocal supporter of Donald Trump.
According to CBS 4 in Texas, the 15-second video recorded Sunday was posted by gossip news site TMZ. It starts with a man looking into his phone, saying, “Here comes my boy George” as Lopez appears to walk out of the restaurant. “Jorge Lopez!” the man says before the comedian asks, “Posting more bull****?”
Lopez then grabs the man’s phone as the alleged Trump fan says, “He’s a badass! Look at him! He wants to fight me!” Lopez says something unintelligible during the scuffle as he grabs the man’s neck.
“George wants to fight me!” the man says as the video ends.
A person close to Lopez told the site the man had been taunting Lopez the entire night, making pro-Trump comments and screaming “MAGA!”

I guess the ganders were not expecting the same medicine they prescribed for the geese?

Tough titty.


As I may have mentioned before, I am doing a small bit of help doing some  research in old newspapers. The thing that amazes me is how many kids were murdered back in the 18th century either by their own parents or strangers.  Most of them were very young ones, under 10 years of age. I guess older ones were already being productive and knew were capable of defending themselves

That is bad, but what I was not prepared for was the method: About 70% with an axe or hatchet and with two exceptions using poison and drowning, the rest were impact weapons like iron bars.

This one I just bumped into and I had to take a break.

How can cops, paramedics and others deal with seeing a small child murdered savagely is beyond me. I know I would have lost my composure and probably have a temporary lapse of sanity having to see a toddler with the head caved in.

Sorry for the dark post, but I needed to let out some.

Assignment: Identify, Locate and Doxx this idiot. (FB Video)

[fbvideo link=”https://www.facebook.com/AmUnderAtk/videos/361242541103772/” width=”600″ height=”500″ onlyvideo=”1″]

It is only fair that they are subjected to the same rules and punishments they seem to enjoy passing out, don’t you think?

And I know he deserves several throat punches with a bamboo cane, but I figure Mr. Liberal Macho will not emotionally survive the hunt.