
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Senator Claire McCaskill does not mention Gun Bans in her campaign, but is assisted by Moms Demand

Via  “Of Arms and The Law.

Project Veritas does it again:

MILLS: “But she doesn’t openly go out and support groups like ‘Mom’s Demand Action’ or just like other groups that are related to that. Because that could hurt, her ability to get elected. Because people like see that and they’re like well I don’t want to support her even though they stand for the same policies…”
MILLS: “She’s worked out stuff with Mom’s Demand Action to make sure that she can support their goals without supporting the organization openly. And you know, Mom’s Demand Action does the exact same thing. Like a lot of our volunteers are actually from there. She’s really good about strategy and making sure she has a goal and can get there.”

 “People just can’t know that.” MO Sen. McCaskill Hides Agenda Including “semi-automatic rifle ban” from Moderate Voters, Staffers Reveal in Undercover Video it “could hurt her ability to get elected.”

The theme of the campaign is basically “We can’t tell the hicks of our state we want to take their guns or they would not vote for her. So we must lie like mo-fos.” And they have the under-the-table support of Shannon Watts and the Moms Demand structure. Maybe some Bloomberg money?

If anything, it is proof that Democrats know they cannot be elected on the platform they really want to impose on all Americans. Telling the truth will send them straight to civilian life.

Click on the link and watch the video (for some reason, I can’t embed it), it is quite illuminating.

What part of Gunshine State you did not understand?


PANAMA CITY, Fla. – A man suspected of looting was shot and killed after he attempted to steal a police squad car in hurricane ravaged Panama City.
Over the weekend, the unidentified man approached a witness before he entered the car and admitted that he was looting, according to WEAR.

Officials say shots were fired by Florida State Fire Marshals.
Despite a dusk-to-dawn curfew, looting is reportedly running rampant days after Hurricane Michael struck the Panhandle, with shattered glass all that remains in the storefronts of many businesses in the area.

Hurricane Michael looter shot dead trying to steal police car in Panama City

With the vastness of the devastation in the area plus most of the inhabitants heeded the warnings and evacuated, I understand who the area is plum for the picking and little can be done. But doing it to a police car in front of Florida First Responders who would not dare walking out in the morning without carrying? Dude! Even the linesmen repairing electrical grids have guns with them.


Formerly Great Britain: Right Wing Terror “threats” worse than actual Islamic Terror.

Islamist terrorism remains the biggest threat facing Britain – but the country is at growing risk from right-wing fanatics, the UK’s terror watchdog today warns.
Max Hill QC, Britain’s independent reviewer of terror legislation, used his final report to warn that the threat from extreme right-wing terrorism is now ‘considerable’.
And he also warned that sectarian violence in Northern Ireland continues to pose a risk after it surged in recent years.
Mr Hill said the right-wing terror threat has grown as part of a backlash against the bloody Islamist terror attacks on London and Manchester last year, which killed dozens and injured many more.

Britain faces a growing threat from extreme right-wing terrorism which has surged in the wake of last year’s attacks on Manchester and London, watchdog warns

So the Brits are pissed off at being targets of “refugees” and they are branded by the Government as Right Wing terrorists without having to do nothing but being upset.

This is a woke report. The institutionalized thinking on the British Government is to avoid being seen as racist even if the price is having your citizens dead, your culture dissolved and your county become a caliphate.  What I had not thought about it is that the IRA may be re-assessing its use of force against the British government. Let’s face it, it the Brits were this much of a pussy in the 70s against terrorism, there would be Guinness on the tap for free available at the gardens of Buckingham Palace today.  It may be a thing in the future because if it becomes a fight of IRA vs Islamic assholes, my money is on the Irish.

Helluva thing if the savior of the Empire turn out to be Ireland.