
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Just a thought on “Feminism” and other social causes.

Maybe the reason why people in my generation (at least some) have such a disdain for the Feminist movement is because we had amazing examples of women to admire.

Golda Meir talking to perhaps the baddest ass in the Middle East in the 60’s and 70’s, Moshe Dayan. There is an Israel because of the cunning, smartness and downright meanness when needed from these two. Back then Israel was the size of a Wal-Mart Supercenter parking lot with enemies wanting to eradicate them on three sides and the Mediterranean on the last side.  That was an incentive to be tough as nails and they were. And because they were, Israel stands today.

So, when I see women sporting pussy hats or cosplaying some imaginary character, call it feminism and brand themselves warriors, I have to laugh at them and a lot.

Update in the Starbucks Shooting.

It seems local PD was aware of the guys, they started after him, he got away, got in the coffee shop, attacked the woman, got shot by the civilian, ran away and it was finally tased down by the cops.

However, this is troubling:

 As for the “Good Samaritan”, Hansen said he did have a concealed weapons permit, but investigators will need time to determine if deadly force was required in this situation.
“Once we look at it to see if that helped stop the attack on the clerk, those kinds of things will make the determination on how that all plays out,” Hansen said.

‘Good Samaritan’ shoots man attacking Starbucks barista

When they use quotation marks, you know they are really putting down the gentleman.  Maybe the local PD is pissed because a 70 year old managed to do what they could not or simply they have a hard on for CWPs.

Seriously, avoid Starbucks. A colossal failure of Corporate Policy

Via Tom Givens.

Deranged subject uses barista as punching bag.

MILLCREEK — Shelby Hamilton’s first thought as she lay bruised and bleeding on the ground of a Millcreek Starbucks was that she didn’t want to die this way. It would be a painful way to go.

It all began while Hamilton was working an early morning shift at the coffee shop near 3900 South and 900 East Thursday morning. Hamilton was standing behind the counter when a “haggard-looking” man entered, she said.

Instead of coming to the register to order, the man came behind the counter and asked Hamilton if she knew who he was. When she replied that she didn’t, he became angry and began beating her with his fists, she said.

“It was all just kind of random. I didn’t really know him. … He just came in the door and hit me in the back of the head from behind,” Hamilton told KSL.com.

see what Corporate Bending Over for the Criminal does to the Starbucks Worker? But fear not: The Starbuck spirit intervened and she surely was helped by her coworkers.

She backed up and tried to put distance between herself and the man, but once she reached the end of the counter, she was trapped — and he continued hitting her. Hamilton’s co-workers, however, remained frozen, unsure what to do, she said.

“I started to think why no one was helping me, ‘cause he was only hitting me, and I felt kind of angry for a moment,” she said.

Ooops! My bad, never mind.  So what happens next?

Before Hamilton had much time to ponder the question, however, the man picked up a metal supply basket and hit her on the side of the head. Hamilton crumpled, and the man continued kicking her in the back. The only thought left in her mind was: “I don’t want to die this way.”

OK, she is toast. Surely now her coworkers spring into action:

As soon as she fell to the ground, however, her co-workers ran out the door and began screaming for help.

We never saw that one coming, right guys and gal?

The next thing Hamilton knew, the man had stopped beating her and gone back around the counter.
Soon after, she heard a gunshot.

The police must have arrived and saved the day!

Unified Police Lt. Ken Hansen confirmed later that the attacker was shot by a man in his late 60s who saw what was happening while visiting the shop for his morning coffee. The customer drew the man’s attention, and the attacker began to approach him.

As he came closer, the customer pulled out a gun and shot the attacker once in the chest, Hansen said. The man then stumbled out of the store.

Wait one frigging minute.  A client with a concealed weapon who was in full violation of Corporate policy by being armed inside Starbucks, shot and stopped the one guy that is allowed to be in Starbucks without buying anything (as per the same  Corporate policy) beating  the shit out of a female employee. #WarOnWomen kinda fits here.

Good Guy with a Gun saves another life.