
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

LeBron James suddenly is afraid.

LeBron James (Or as I call him, Cabron) got all peaceful gansta three years ago:

“I know what I see. I know how I feel.
“Obviously you’re not going to be able to take every gun out, I don’t know how you can do that,” James said. “There’s so many around now, today. But if there’s some stipulations behind it or some penalties, some big time penalties or rules or regulations about carrying firearms, legal or illegal, people will second-guess themselves.”

But it seems all is not good in paradise:

Amid a rash of burglaries at the homes of celebrities in the Los Angeles area, LeBron James has hired armed guards to protect his property, according to a report.
TMZ Sports reported Thursday that the Los Angeles Lakers star’s security team includes off-duty police officers and that NBA also is assisting in security.

LeBron hires armed guards for L.A. home: report
Doesn’t that sound just like Michael Bloomberg’s detail?  Hmmm. Interesting.

Of course, the irony will not face him one bit.

Rossi Revolvers Safety Warning

I got the notification via snail mail.

Rossi is issuing a voluntary safety warning on .38 Special and .357 Magnum revolvers made between the years 2005 and 2017 that may have a condition that could cause, under certain circumstances, the revolver to fire if dropped

This Safety Warning covers .38 Special and .357 Magnum revolver models R351, R352, 461, R462, R851, R971, and R972 with serial numbers beginning with the letter Y, Z, or A through K.

Rossi is developing inspection and repair solutions. Rossi will make every effort possible to ensure Rossi Revolvers will be inspected, serviced if necessary, and returned to customers in a prompt, timely fashion.

Rossi Safety Warning  <—- Go to this link to find out and get in cue.

My Rossi snub is in the list. I already joined the fun.

A joke called the International Court of Justice.

The news has been received with mostly and equal mixture of roaring laughter and raised middle fingers. Some around the world are shocked that this administration are telling the ICJ to go pound sand in the Sahara.

A few pundits that tried to side with the enemy…ahem.. United Nations but I think even then they understood it was a sham as the ICJ, a slow-moving entity in the slower moving UN, suddenly develops war speed and in two months comes up with the ruling against what they thought was Bowing Obama’s America.

And proof of the above is the ruling that they made on October the First on a century old dispute between Chile and Bolivia who demands access to the Pacific Ocean. It took the same court 5 years to basically say the arguments that Bolivia presented were false and thus the proceedings stopped.

So dear International Court of Justice,

USA Today now doubts Kavanaugh’s accuser.

When Christine Blasey Ford testified last week before the Judiciary Committee, America witnessed a haunted woman recounting a devastating trauma. But putting aside Ford’s emotional performance and focusing instead on the professor’s testimony reveals numerous inconsistencies in her narrative that Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her.

And this conclusion comes from an expert who knows that there are many reasons victims delay reporting sexual abuse. Mitchell also recognized that victims may legitimately not remember certain details related to an attack.
But the problem for Ford is not that she doesn’t remember everything: It is that everything she remembers changes at her convenience.

Christine Blasey Ford’s changing Kavanaugh assault story leaves her short on credibility

I am starting to get the feeling that politicians and Media have either internal poll results or are being told by the common Joe and Jane that  the witch-hunt is backfiring at an enormous scale.  We are starting to see more and more articles and news items slowly backing away from the accusers: From the four “victims” that were the champions against Kavanaugh we are down to Ford and she is finally getting looked over with detail rather than semi-religious fervor in her infallibility.

I also believe it is not helping that Lefty operative are behaving like speech Cossacks harassing Republicans, old ladies in wheelchairs   or vandalizing  private property. I do believe the Silent Majority ha a much different opinion of Dr. Ford’s credibility than what we were bombarded by the Liberals and Media in general.

And Senator Jeff Flake is a laughable creature: He  jumped into a sinking ship thinking he is gonna save his reputation. Talk about miscalculation.

Hat Tip Jay H.

Update: OK, this is funny.

I got the solution!

Since apparently for some, the vote is binary as in either or, I checked a Florida Sample Ballot and I am gonna do the following:

Not only I vote for both assholes, I write in a candidate we know has the support of many around the world!

“But that is gonna make the vote null and void!”

So? I voted the way everybody wanted and I got my vote the way I wanted…. everybody happy!


BLM and Antifa in Portland facing a dangerous foe: An old lady in a wheelchair.

They are protesting the death of Patrick Kimmons who after shooting two people, was rendered hors de combat by Portland PD. somebody got the rumor started that Mr. Simmons was unarmed and was shot some 700 times in the back so this being Portland, the crazies came out to play.

The lady was not happy about the noise and the Left Wing Birds of Annoyance came to mess with her. Classy!

After that, the usual “F Us” back and forth between other shouting parties, no exchange of violence.

Comments: It is real easy.

Disagree all you want. You lie, call people names because you feel the need to be a keyboard commando? You are subject to whatever I want to do with your comment.

My blog, my rules.

If you feel you can do a better job. Open your own. I’ll even link you so you can get traffic.

That is all.

PS: And I deleted a second idjit going Anti-Semite with the “Good Goy” shit.

Who still does not know that this blog is written by a Hispanic Catholic and a Redneck Jew?