
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Why is it imperative now for Democrats that Kavanaugh does not become Justice.

From what I understand about the man, he is a fine legal scholar. His judgment and opinions are bulletproof and with solid reasoning behind.

And you pissed him off with your antics. You have threatened his family so there is the distinct possibility that he may be holding a wee bit of a grudge.

So exactly what chances do you think your Liberal legal bullshit will have in a Supreme Court with him in it?  And to make it worse, good luck proving intent as he will probably deliver opinion after opinion with all the Constitution and prior decisions backing him up.

I do believe that in certain levels of the Democratic party right now they are playing with a Ouija board trying to summon the spirit of Lee Harvey Oswald or John Wilkes Booth.

The more I see things happening in our country, the more I believe blood will be spilled.

Will the Democrats accuse Kavanaugh of trading Child Porn?

Or maybe even taking secret trips to the far East to engage in sex with minors.

I am just waiting for that to happen any time soon. That would be the political kitchen sink.

And the weasel NeverTrump Republicans keep conceding more and more to this assholes.

No single Republican in Congress should address a Democrat as “My esteemed colleague” unless they are fish of the same tank of corruption.

Come November unfortunately we are going to see a brutal shift in Congress towards Blue. And then the GOP should run pink with the slips.

Time we do a house cleaning.

Rule Four: Be aware of your target and what’s behind it.

This is a sad case.

MONTE CRISTO, Rich County — A 14-year-old boy riding in his family’s car during an afternoon drive was shot and killed Sunday by nearby target shooters who apparently weren’t aware of their backstop.
The boy, identified by family as Zackary Kempke, of North Ogden, was riding with his father, mother and a young girl on a dirt road in a remote area of the Monte Cristo range about 3 p.m. when Zackary, who was in the back seat, was shot in the head, police said. He died immediately.
The shot was determined to have come from another family that was target shooting several hundred feet away, Rich County Sheriff Dale Stacey said.
According to the target shooter and several other witnesses, “They did not know there was a road downrange and could not see the vehicle as it traveled on the road due to thick brush and trees,” a statement from the sheriff’s office reported.

Utah teen riding in car shot, killed by nearby target shooters.

Even though accidental shootings are at an all time low, we cannot give ourselves a break: Be dogmatic when it comes to Gun Safety.

If you don’t see a point of impact kicking up dirt, you may want to double-check.

“You are morally, fiscally and legally responsible for the terminal resting place of every bullet you shoot.”
Randy Cain.


Fair Weather Gun People: Jesse James.

Let’s face it: Nobody took Jesse James seriously when it came to firearms. He was never a builder but somebody with an expensive beddazler kit decorating guns. His silencer always made me laugh because it reminded me of a sweet potato rather than something that goes in front of a rifle.

And Jesse obviously has a problem with making the right decision or even the smart one. Dumping Sandra Bullock, America’s sweetheart for a woman who looked like she was expelled from a sailor’s whorehouse did little to ingratiate him with the public.

His last one? This idiocy.

I will guess he has seen all the negative press about guns/NRA and decided to play it safe by pretending to be for “common sense gun reforms.”  I ma thinking he was not much of a gun guy way back during the Clinton years and the AWB when the words “restricted military government law enforcement only” became a direct insult to US Citizens.

So dear Jesse, fuck you very much and go modify Vespas now.