
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Banning OC talks in this blog.

That’s it. I am done with OC talking. People apparently cannot differentiate tactics and strategy from feelings and waving a worn out copy of the Bill of rights.

Is it your God Given Right to open carry a rifle outside the trenches while singing “I am a lumberjack” by Monty Python?  Abso-fucking-lutely,

Is it a good strategy to do so in the middle of a shootout? Nope, that is probably a fast way to get killed.

You have the right to eat all the shellfish that you want, but if you are allergic to the fucking thing, it is not a restriction of your rights having to avoid eating the damned things. It is Fucking Common Sense.

Which we seem to have lacking.

I can get another rifle, but I cannot afford a new phone

I have been using a Nokia 835 with Windows Phone for the longest and I have been looking to upgrade. Yeah, I know, that was smart but hey, I paid $150 to T Mobile for it back then.

If you go to their site, you will see this and butt cringe.

From $700 to $1,000 ? Are they insane? And please tell me how people in Food Stamps can be prancing around the latest when I cannot afford a “previously owned” Smart Phone?

If I go lazy and don’t want to start from a  striped lower and build me a pew stick I have this selection:


The “cheap” phone is one complete rifle and you still have $300 left for red dots, mags and ammo. The expensive phone is two rifles and $200 for red dots, mags and ammo or one rifle and $600 for red dots, mags, ammo and some basic training. 

Oh well, life is not supposed to be fair.  Go ahead, people. Stay with your crappy phone and just buy a new rifle, and mags and ammo, etc.

Friends Don’t Let Friends Open Carry – Written by Greg Ellifritz

It’s no secret that I’m not a fan of open carry (carrying an unconcealed handgun or long gun in public).  Except in a hunting context or in very rural areas where one is unlikely to encounter another human, I generally think it’s a poor decision to carry openly.  Too many bad things can happen.  I’ve explored some of those issues in my article The Perils of Open Carry.


My friend Spencer Keepers summed up the issue of open carry in the best way that I’ve heard: “I support the right, not the practice.”  I agree with him 100%.

Friends Don’t Let Friends Open Carry

It makes for a good read. I agree with Open Carry as a legal  countermeasure  against penalizing accidental or temporary displays of a firearm.

Again, don’t go in the comment and bitch about “Ma Rights and Eff You!” Nobody is arguing against that, we are just talking about strategy and not accessorizing your belt. and looking butch.

Why should Liberal Democrat Males worry about the Kavanaugh thing?

Some are already figuring it out and trying to call to tone down the circus. Unfortunately, they are being drowned out by the tsunami of manufactured rage.

If we have seen over and over through theses last SJW years is that Liberals will turn around and aim their guns inside the compound. They always end up eating their own. You can bet your sweet ass that more than one power-hungry woman with no patience to wait for the political game to develop, will accuse some male democrat powerhouse so she can climb the political ladder or bring down an enemy.

It would amuse me to no end that certain Stay-At-Home Mom we all know would suddenly come out and say she was fondled by billionaire in the City That Never Sleeps so she could have a shot at a Colorado congressional seat.

Anyway, that is all me rambling.  Go back to your Monday.

Michael Moore’s latest is raking in the empty seats.

Michael Moore’s Fahrenheit 11/9 budgeted $6 million. Made $3 million in opening weekend in over 1,100 theaters.

That is $2,727 per theater over the weekend or 320 seats or 106 per day or 35 per showing.  The average number of seats in a theater is 200 so we are talking 168 empty seats per showing.  The theaters’ bathroom toilets seated more people than his movie. 
Industry standards say he needs to double the production budget to break even. I don’t see that happening unless the movie suddenly becomes a hit in Venezuela, China and Russia with the DVD sales.

When you lost the Chicago Tribune.

Watching the slow, public evisceration of U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh by Senate Democrats —on the strength of one unsubstantiated charge of alleged sexual aggression 36 years ago when Kavanaugh was in high school — a question comes to mind:
Have you no sense of decency, Sen. Feinstein?
Decency was once an important feature of the Democratic Party’s story. Long before Bork became a verb, long before Clarence Thomas was dragged through the mud because a conservative black man proved a profound threat to Democrats, the party held fast to the notion of decency.
A lack of decency was something to be feared, something to be avoided for the health of the country.

Eviscerating Kavanaugh: Sen. Feinstein, have you no sense of decency?

Short answer: No. She is probably one of the most corrupt individuals in congress and she is trying to fend off the myriad of tons of crap that are being held above her head: From the hundred of millions of dollars her husband has made of government contract to the Chinese spy working in her staff.

“You can ask pears from an elm tree” according to one of many saying mom has. You can’t ask decency from “Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them in.”