
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Why don’t I give a darn about what happens in Venezuela.

I got asked that yesterday. I did not show the proper level of indignation about President Maduro’s feast in Turkey and one person seemed a bit confused by it. The explanation is simple: Venezuela cannot be fixed without a certain amount of social and infrastructural destruction.

I know, harsh words. I am not advocating a civil war for one simple reason: nobody down there has the guts to take up arms so well they have been indoctrinated with the “Violence does not solve anything” mantra.  Venezuelans also believe in the Fairy Godmother, Cavalry to the rescue and Deus Ex Machina in all or any combinations. They have been anally raped  for 19 years and still think somebody will come and save them from Socialism. They hate the Gringos, but shit how much they would love to see the US Marines wreaking havoc through Caracas and a Predator drone bombing the hell out of the presidential palace. Of course, once the deed is done, they shall rise in vocal opposition to the Yankee Invaders and demand their exit after they dropped several million dollars in aid for the shit they broke.  Venezuelans think that they have strategic value to the US, that their oil is primordial to the interests of the United States. I do have bad news to my fellow ex-countrymen: North Dakota Is Now Pumping as Much Crude as Venezuela. So even at energy-producing level, the country has become irrelevant to US Interests.

I have discussed with Venezuelans here and back home what is needed to stop what’s happening in the country, and as usual, I hear a repetition of the crap that has already been tried over and over and failed: Marches, general strikes, appeals to the UN and OAS, social media campaigns, etc.  When I point out that unfortunately harsher actions will need to be used, they promptly reply that they are unarmed and it is impossible to get a gun in Venezuela (somehow criminals have no problem). I usually tell them the story of WWII’s Liberator pistol and the concept behind it and the mentally shit themselves at the idea. Their indoctrination has been so complete that they are being starved to death by the Government and murdered by the criminals and they still do not see it in themselves to actually stand up for themselves.  They are broke-ass Spanish-Speaking Elois.

The last “outrage” I found out of Venezuela is that they are getting ready to have another Constitutional Congress and change what passes for the Constitution. It is gonna be rather interesting, specially their new approach to what Private Property means:

‎Constituyentista Hermánn Escarrá, President of the Permanent Constitutional Commission of the Assembly national constituent (ANC), said that he will defend private property in all its manifestations: individual, collective, social, public, multilevel (of the) State, national, municipalities, communes…), at the time that will defend economic freedoms, also in its various expressions: industry, trade, joint, joint participation between private entities and the State. ‎

And no, it does not mean that Public Property will become Private Property but just the opposite.  This is just a simple way to legally keep the property they want with a minimal amount of fuzz. “Yes, it is your property and it belongs to you till the day you die, but it is also part of the country, thus the collective and that means we get to dictate what to do with it. We may throw you what we consider appropriate for rental in the form of vouchers that can be redeemed in highly devaluated cash.”

Venezuela cannot be saved. Venezuela its on its way to become the Hispanic Somalia (if they are lucky) and its only use is to be as a distinct example of what Socialism brings to a country. And that if we want to keep our Tree of Liberty, we better be ready to do what is needed.

Political Patty cakes and intonations of Kumbayas are the surest way to be digging in the trash for the day’s meal.

Southern Ladies will hold a grudge.

You eat my horsie, I will hunt you down. Judy Cochran who just happens to be a grandmother and a the mayor of her town, had a bone to pick with the 12-foot, 580-pound critter in her ranch. She believed that monster lizard had eaten her miniature horse.

Miss Judy (You will address her with the proper tone or you will be sorry) represents everything about the Western spirit you thought it was just made for movies only: Fierce, a rancher and if you mess with her horse, you will get shot.

And this is your feel-good post for today.

Hat Tip Robert G.

I have to agree, it looks like crap

I’m calling it.

It’s official.

For gun owners, Florida’s next legislative session, which begins in January, is over before it starts.

There will be no campus carry, open carry or anything else this year.

It’s a leadership thing.

 Nothing but doom and gloom coming for Florida gun owners

We were overspent. Bloomberg bought Republicans and they will do as the masters says. Funny in a way since the usual accusation is that the NRA is buying politicians all the time and that is bad, but if the money comes from New York, then it is good that politicians have a price.
Florida is going Blue maybe by the way of fake Red. If Republicans are elected, they will owe it to Bloomberg and his minions so they will be faithful to them. If they are not elected,that means a Democratic legislature that will set us back to 1980 when it comes to guns and self-defense. The only stopper would me making sure Gillum does not become governor or we are royally fucked.

I have been saying it: We need our own Billionaire.

It is not malpractice, it is propaganda and misinformation.

From Merriam Webster

Malpractice noun

mal·prac·tice | \ ˌmal-ˈprak-təs
Definition of malpractice
: a dereliction of professional duty or a failure to exercise an ordinary degree of professional skill or learning by one (such as a physician) rendering professional services which results in injury, loss, or damage

I understand Mr. Hume, as a journalist himself,  needs to cling to that last shred of hope for the trade and qualify the open media attacks as something done out of carelessness and not hatred for an enemy. But what the New York Times Taco Stand and The Washington Apostate are doing is being weapons against the President. They are engaging in open warfare at the expense of their history and reputation because they do not see themselves in a future where they are no longer relevant.

They are riding in the safety of the First Amendment for now. But they cannot longer convince people who there are major forces intent on destabilizing this country and they run the risk of losing that protection, with the sad consequences that come with being unshielded by doing the right thing.