
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Quote of the Day: Mike Kupari

2016 wasn’t about “decent human beings” for me. It was about keeping Hillary Clinton from getting control of the ATF and IRS.

I don’t give a fuck how ignoble a politician is, so long as they stop the progs from taxing me to death and confiscating my guns. I don’t want people going to jail for using the wrong pronouns or giving out straws at restaurants.

We are far past the point of civility, of taking the moral high road. We can either fight the neo-marxists legislatively and at the ballot box now, or we can have a civil war later. That war may be inevitable anyway.

Mike Kupari

The problem for the Democrats is that they are trying to ride the Moral High Horse they killed themselves a couple of decades ago. They never expected that people would go “Fine, we’ll play by your rules. We don’t give a damn who fucked who and who paid who” and can’t figure out what there is only not a groundswell against the President, but the sumbitch is getting more popular.

Why the Democrats are miscalculating on guns

The truth about how Americans view their Second Amendment freedom is actually much more interesting than mere political affiliation. This is a reality check worth having just now, as New York’s Gov. Andrew Cuomo, a Democrat, and many other politicians are now openly taking an extreme stance on this issue.
A Gallup poll shows that 27 percent of Democrats, 43 percent of Independents and 55 percent of Republicans say there is at least one gun in their home. Overall, Gallup reports that 42 percent of Americans say they have at least one gun in their home.

Why the Democrats are miscalculating on guns

Let me start by apologizing for the minimalistic approach to posting today, but it has been busy and promises to continue to be even busier.

Reader John R. sent me the link to the article which I managed to read during a break. Now, remember that a lot of people still do not share their gun possession status with others so the figures may vary upwards.  The truth about the influence of those numbers will come soon enough in November. I don’t think either side is going to be happy.

ACLU finally wakes up


Ben Wizner, the director of the American Civil Liberties Union’s (ACLU) speech, privacy and technology project, warned Monday that bans against Alex Jones and Infowars could set a dangerous precedent.
Wizner told HuffPost that the hate speech policies many social media companies cited when they banned Jones can be “misused and abused.”

Wizner said companies had a constitutional right to regulate speech on their platforms, but added that hate speech “turns out to be an extremely subjective term.”
“If [Attorney General] Jeff Sessions, for example, were deciding what’s hate speech, he would be less likely to think KKK and more likely to think [Black Lives Matter],” he said.

ACLU: Alex Jones ban could set dangerous social media precedent

Dancing Monkeys and Performing Bears have is that they are damned slow to realize that the laws used against their enemies and they cheer so much about will eventually come back to be used against them.  I call it Getting Robespierred Being destroyed (politically or otherwise) by the same Revolution you worked so hard for and became an elite member of it.

If there is a truth is that things evolve or change, nothing is immutable. The Social media of today will disappear and Facebook will be as influential as AOL Chat Rooms and that the Champions Against Free Speech will end up with half a face blown up waiting for the blade to fall after found guilty of Hate Speech.

Maximilien François Marie Isidore de Robespierre waiting for the guillotine to be ready for his neck during the French Revolution.