
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

CSGV doing the hysterical shriek about 3D guns

From an article in Forbes about Amazon removing The Liberator 3D Code book

First of all, you cannot falsely yell “FIRE” in a theater. Actually it would be morally low to see fire and leave without issue a warning which I’d believe the morons at CSGV would do if there was a profit for them.  But since Mr. Patrick bring the fire issue, in another article I foolishly forgot to save, mentions that one of the books still being offered for sale at Amazon is Unconventional Warfare Devices and Techniques: Incendiaries Tm 31-201-1.  (You can download a copy in PDF here.)

I bring that manual because the biggest mass killing in the US apart from 9-11 were arsons being the most simple #3, The Happy Land Social Club in 1990 killing 87 people with a dollar’s worth of gasoline. Now imagine what would happen if a dedicated predator would use the details found in the book above to commit arson in a public gathering.

But for both Amazon and CSGV a bunch of pages with nothing but codes is the equivalent as the apocalypse or something. Books with detailed instructions on how to kill and maim are OK.

As always, you can download the 3D blueprints at CodeIsFreeSpeech.com or in a myriad of other locations like this here.

Alyssa Milano’s NoRA shows Liberals can’t math.

Is she is trying to infer that $240 million is pure profit? she obviously has somebody doing her accounting for her.  Guns under $300 retail can be found, but that does not mean it is the direct-from-factory price and they still have to discount the manufacturing costs. I have no idea of the numbers in the gun industry, but I would guess that final profit runs about or under 5% of retail and I would not be surprised if I am a tad high.

And where in loving Dickens did the idea that the Federal Government wants to force teacher to carry guns comes from? And paying for the guns? Somebody at NoRA has been toking the Chron way too much.

But let’s do a wee bit of math, shall we? 25% of 3.2 million teachers is 800.000.  Let’s say that it takes a year to arm all of them, that comes to 66,660.6 gun/teachers a month. Last year, a year that the media could not stop saying how bad business was for gun companies now that Trump was in charge, the total NICS checks was 25,235,215 or 2,102,934 per month. That would make NoRA’s Federal Government conspiracy to buy guns a palsy 3.17% of the monthly guns checks.

Let’s continue. 5% of $300 (retail price) comes about $15. Multiply that for 800,000 teachers and we get $12,000,000.

So, according to Alyssa Milano, the NRA spent 30 million dollars of its own money to try to sell guns to teachers for a grand total of 12 million dollars in profits that will go to somebody else’s coffers?

Libs Can’t Math. (I should put it in t-shirts and sell them)




Quote of the Day: Mike Kupari

2016 wasn’t about “decent human beings” for me. It was about keeping Hillary Clinton from getting control of the ATF and IRS.

I don’t give a fuck how ignoble a politician is, so long as they stop the progs from taxing me to death and confiscating my guns. I don’t want people going to jail for using the wrong pronouns or giving out straws at restaurants.

We are far past the point of civility, of taking the moral high road. We can either fight the neo-marxists legislatively and at the ballot box now, or we can have a civil war later. That war may be inevitable anyway.

Mike Kupari

The problem for the Democrats is that they are trying to ride the Moral High Horse they killed themselves a couple of decades ago. They never expected that people would go “Fine, we’ll play by your rules. We don’t give a damn who fucked who and who paid who” and can’t figure out what there is only not a groundswell against the President, but the sumbitch is getting more popular.