
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Venezuelan illegal aliens taxing the medical resources of the host countries.

With 2.3 million (so far) Venezuelans that have left to seek food and medicines, the welcome mat is rapidly wearing out across the sister nations in South America.

They are lynching them in Brazil (He got caught stealing, killed a grocer and the locals literally beat the crap out of him) and Colombia (stealing a cell phone, wait Am I detecting a pattern here?) Peru recently restricted the entry of Undocumented Venezuelans and accepting only those with passports.

In the meantime, if ICE catches and deports an illegal alien with a criminal record, they got called all kinds of names and Democrats want to get rid of them.

Interesting the rules do not apply the same, wouldn’t you say?

Cui Bono.

Restoration of Rights bill intoduced in Florida

And the way it is portrayed, you think it is only about guns.

A new bill filed earlier this month could make it easier for convicted felons to have their voting and gun rights restored.
The bill, HB 903, was filed on Dec. 6 by State Rep. Cord Byrd (R-Neptune Beach) would allow judges to restore the rights of felons after they’ve completed prison sentences and probation.
Florida currently prohibits convicted felons from owning firearms or voting.

New Bill Would Allow Florida Felons to Own Guns

And as usual, we go to what the bill says.

My personal take? It will not go anywhere and it will bring down the current push for allowing felons to vote.  The bill has some things I like such as taking in consideration the petitioner’s past which would make it more palatable to other members of the Legislature and the public.

Personally and on initial uneducated view, I like this bill but I doubt it will pass. Democrats like felons to vote, but not that much. And allowing them to own guns again? The ungrateful bastards may even vote for the Republicans!


Finally! Brady Background Checks are useless (Via WaPo)

If you lied to buy a firearm, fear not the feds.
Your chances of being prosecuted by the Justice Department for falsifying information to illegally buy a gun are almost zero.
Reviews by the National Instant Criminal Background Check System in fiscal 2017 led to 112,000 gun-purchase denials because people were in forbidden categories, according to a new report by the Government Accountability Office (GAO). The Justice Department’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) investigated 12,700 of those cases.
How many of the investigated cases resulted in prosecutions?
That’s 0.09 percent of the cases ATF investigated.

Lying to buy a gun? Don’t worry about the feds.

I think I have been asking since I started this blogs the same question: “If the Brady Background checks have stopped 2-3 million prohibited persons from buying guns, where are the 2-3 million prosecutions? 

The GAO’s report said U.S. attorneys “generally do not accept and prosecute denial cases that do not involve aggravating circumstances, as these cases can require significant effort for prosecutors relative to the short length of punishment and may offer little value to public safety because the offender does not obtain the firearm, compared to other cases involving gun violence.”

Allow me to translate: This cases are not politically sexy. They do not help get promotions nor allow you to rub elbows with the Washington elite, therefore we don’t prosecute them. They are a waste of time.

Calling the dearth of prosecutions “shocking,” the Brady Campaign’s Gardiner said she agrees with Sessions that existing federal gun laws should be enforced.

Ya think? Enforce the law that has the name of your founder in it? But I am going to throw a wild guess here and say people in the Brady Campaign knew this was going on a long time ago.

The article mentions ATF saying they need more funding, more people and the usual bureaucratic bullcrap. Guys, we know it is BS. You have a felon entering a gun store that probably has video surveillance plus the people working there as witnesses. You have the individual filling and signing on his own hand a form 4473 which states the penalties for trying to buy a gun as a prohibited person and you are telling me that a slam dunk case with direct evidence and witnesses needs more personnel and more money to make it? Holy crap, any defense attorney will tell you to go ahead throw yourself at the mercy of the court.

Gun Control is never about the guns and all about the control even if it means never enforcing the laws.

Hat Tip Rob R.

“Hey Miguel. How’s that plumbing coming along?” (End of day one)

As predicted.  Done for the day. Effing Moen includes a template for a cover plate so you can make cuts in the ceramic tile and fit the valve while covering the original holes from the two knob set up. According to the valve instructions, depending on the thickness of the wall, you may need to cut a hole 3.5 inches in diameter or 4.5 inches if the wall is too thick. I admit I did not check and cut the hole that came with the template and… nothing fit. I measure the hole and the sucker is 3 inches. No, not the hell again, not another template that does not correspond with the instructions and measurements.  So I measure and guess what? 3 motherranting inches in diameter.  How hard is to check up the measurements of a template?

I measured the hole again, made the marks, grabbed my kinda-dremel tool, cut the excess ceramic time and presented the valve and accoutrements.  Perfect fit.

My back is screaming bloody murder, I am trailing ceramic tile dust, I need a coffee and my humor is black ichor foul.

To be continued tomorrow.


“Hey Miguel. How’s that plumbing coming along?

Just %$#*&@ peachy, thank you.

First I dropped the pipe cutter inside the wall as I was about to start cutting the last pipe.  The only saving grace is that I am accessing the shower & tub from the other side of the wall.

And then, while removing not-so-gracefully the valve, I managed to knock out a tile which predictably fell outside the rag I had placed on the bottom of the tub and cracked into several pieces.


About the only smart thing I have done in this whole mess was to buy Sharkbite caps.  I am taking a break, so the house has water again while no work is being done.

And mom does need to go potty. She gets mighty upset holding it too long and the chanclas come to play.

PS: No bleeding injuries or burns to the hands or anywhere else. So far.