
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

NoRA= Rights removed upon accusation.

I am just finding out about a spree shooting in Bakersfield, but Alyssa Milano wastes no time:

In Alyssa’s World, a simple accusation would be enough to have somebody’s rights denied. she sees no problem with that as nobody she knows (Hollywood critters mostly) have never n\or they would ever lie, right. It is not tempting to accuse somebody for fun and giggles just to see the power you can exert.

You formerly cut little Fascist, that is not the way it works, Alyssa. You see we have this thing called the Fourth Amendment:

Amendment IV
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

The formula seems to hold: If they don’t like the Second Amendment, they usually are not very respectful of the rest of the Bill of Rights as they get in their way.

PS: I am steeling myself to go do the plumbing job. Have mercy on me.


It is Meme & Pic Day

You will be seeing scheduled post of memes and pics. Why? Because probably while you read this, I’ll be sobbing uncontrollably trying to do some plumbing in the house. I am known for not being the most proficient DIY for fixing pipes and I will be dealing with changing a tub and shower faucet from an old school two knobs to a single central lever.

Even though I have been planning, prepping and buying all the ingredients, It will probably take me all day and 2 trips to the hardware store to finish the job and I am being optimistic. Las Vegas oddsmakers are giving 35 to 1 ending the job sometime Saturday.

If (big one) I’m done today, my fingers will be probably be burnt and shredded so I won’t be able to write a post. My wife said I am not allowed to drip blood over the keyboard again.

That wailing you hear coming from way south is probably me.

They wanted home delivery by Trump himself.

One of the many accusations against Trump has been that the response to Puerto Rico was botched. Stuff did not reach the island and thousands died because he is President shit.

In October of 2017, a garbage dumpster was found filled with water and meals ready to eat, remember?

And yesterday, they found an amazing amount of abandoned  bottles of water in an airport.

Hundreds of thousands of water bottles meant for victims of Hurricane Maria are still sitting at a Puerto Rico airport — nearly a year after the deadly storm, according to a report.

A photo showing the bottles in boxes and covered in a blue tarp on a runway in Ceiba was shared widely on social media Tuesday evening.
“Although you don’t believe it… almost a million boxes of water that were never delivered to the villages,” posted Abdiel Santana, a photographer working for a Puerto Rican state police agency who took the pictures. “Is there anyone who can explain this?”

Massive stockpile of bottled water found in Puerto Rico a year after Maria

This was water airlifted to Puerto Rico at a considerable expense to the taxpayers. It was the responsibility of the local government to distribute it and the failed miserably. But somehow, the fault that the water was not delivered is Trump’s. What the flock they wanted him to do? Play Presidential Grubhub and deliver it personally?

Now, do we relay need that level of corruption and fuck up to become the 51st state of the Union? Let’s help Puerto Rico become independent.