
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Venezuela extends prohibition to carry firearms for another year.

“To guarantee the citizens’ security, peace, internal order and the physical integrity of our Venezuelan people.”

So much nobility brings a tear to my eye [snark]
And if I am not mistaken, that would make it the fifth year in a row.  The Disarmament Law was passed and with it came the procedures to allow people to carry concealed. They are bizarre, baroque and onerous, but still there was supposed to be a way to get a permit. But the Government suspended all carry permits and possible renewals because crime and the fact that the infrastructure to issue the permits was not up and running (still is not) and logically, you don’t want people carrying guns with them, right? It would become the Wild West! So they suspend the issuance and renewal of permits till things got better.

That was five years ago.  I am sure people are done waiting and see through the charade: They are never going to get their carry permits back. In the meantime, violent crime will be running wild as I has been doing since the asshole Chavistas and assorted Cuban helpers took over the country.

When they cannibalize themselves

Three days ago I wrote about the ACLU backing the NRA’s lawsuit in NY because they figured the same tactic could be used on them down the pike.  It seems some chapters and members are copacetic with the idea.

Within hours, the organizationwide listserv had lit up. Staffers at both the national office and state affiliates wrote back to register their frustration with Cole’s decision. The ACLU of New York sent out a statement on Monday explaining why it had declined to support the national office’s position. Some attorneys vigorously defended the group’s brief; others cautiously endorsed it, while complaining that its authors had failed to seek input from other stakeholders before committing to a contentious stance. Privately, some litigators fumed, concerned that the organization had needlessly tarnished its reputation by devoting limited resources to help the NRA, a formidable lobbying group with the means to defend itself.

Who Does the ACLU Fight For?

“Tarnished its reputation.”  They are afraid they are going to look bad, which seems to be more important than being on the side of the Bill of Rights.  Some inside the ACLU may be thinking that the NRA is worse than the Neo-Nazis because they fought for their First Amendment rights in Skokie.

If they continue down the path of only taking cases that are “pretty” (read approved by the Lefty overseers) they will end up being a beautiful and useless legal corpse.

Hat Tip Rob R.


When Politicians do not read the news (or are simply lying)

In an earlier post I pointed out that MSNBC this morning went to criticize Florida laws for the Gamer Shooter asshole getting the gun while in reality, he had bought it back home in Maryland.  This particular bit of news was on CNN as early today as 1:34 am.

Shall we give the former governor of Maryland the benefit of stupid and shoot his mouth on Twitter or we use the default position that he is simply lying?

Choices…. Hmmm. I don’t know. I know!

Why not both?

When you slice them with their own knife.

BOSTON, August 16, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – Legislation to add a “Gender X” option to driver’s license should have been a straightforward task in the far-left state of Massachusetts, but one Republican lawmaker managed to derail the bill by taking transgender ideology to its furthest extreme.

“Since all Democrats must admit that the number of genders is endless, how dare the commonwealth lump all the new genders together as ‘Gender X’?” Carr writes, summarizing Lyons’ facetious reasoning. “Every gender, he declared, must be listed on Massachusetts driver’s licenses! That was Lyons’ non-negotiable demand. No justice, no peace.”
Lyons told Carr he settled on demanding recognition for 73 different “genders,” as that was the number he reached by tallying the number of custom gender options Facebook offers.
Knowing that his liberal colleagues couldn’t rule any of the genders out of order without undermining the logic of transgender ideology, Lyons introduced each as a separate amendment to the bill the evening of July 31, each requiring 10 minutes of debate and three minutes to vote on.
“Number 6 added as a gender ‘cis.’ Amendment 9 — cis female, 13 — cis woman, 14 — cisgender female, 18 — cisgender woman,” Carr details. “Amendment 21 — gender fluid, 22 gender non-conforming, 23 gender questioning, 25 gender variant, 26 genderqueer.”
Six hours in, Lyons had only filed 35 of the amendments, at which point House leadership realized he was running out the clock and there wasn’t enough time before the midnight deadline to pass both the bill and the other legislation on the docket. At 10:45 p.m., they withdrew the bill.

Massachusetts Republican beats trans driver’s license bill by forcing votes on all 73 genders

The problem is that everybody likes the votes from the clowns, but don’t want to be part of the Clown Show.

Well done!

When it comes to gun, MSNBC’s defaut position is to lie.

Via Col Bloodnock @RubgyFan

Notice the time and date: Today at 8: am

However CNN had  6 hours or so earlier, published that the Asshole Shooter Katz had bought the gun in Maryland.

Katz legally purchased a 9mm handgun and a .45-caliber handgun back home in Maryland in the last month, according to officials. One of the weapons had a laser sight that attached to the gun, officials said. It’s unclear how he transported the weapons — and extra ammunition — to Jacksonville, or how he got them into the event.

Anybody with internet access could have very well gotten that information, but somehow it escaped the sharp eyes of the MSNBC crew? Nay I say in my opinion.. If you watch the video from MSNBC, you see litany against the Florida laws, a couple of slight “mistakes” and then the attack against Governor Rick Scott who is after Senator Bill Nelson’s seat. Scott seems to be edging out the long-time serving Democrat in the polls and that has to be scaring the crap out of Democrats as Florida would go from Purple to full Red.