
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

TDS Watch: Lower Taxes are a crime.

And today we stroll ourselves over the dictionary and get the definition of “profiteer.”

Why the Word-Of-The-Day class? Because accordingly to one “Assachusetts” mayor, if you partook in the benefits of the Trump’s tax cuts (A.K.A. getting more of your money paid in taxes back) you are some sort of criminal.

Let’s go over that again: You work or invest all year and the Federal government takes a chunk out of the income you make for your labor and taxes are the tool to do so.

Tax Cuts are enacted and you get to keep more of the money you generated. Again, you did the work, toiled, spent time busting your butt to get that money in a legal way so you can enjoy the benefits of your labor. But according to the Mayor of the City of Sommerville (Democrat and member of Mayors Against Illegal Guns), you are a despicable criminal.

Let’s summarize: If you are willing to defend yourself and dare to keep more of the money you make, you are a criminal. Scum of the Earth.

Whomever said that the Democratic Party is shifting towards Socialism is wrong. The shift is over, they are Socialists.

The mentality has not changed much through the years.

They just became multi-ethic in their way of thinking. And interesting the way even back then they used service in the military as an excuse to restrict gun ownership for civilians. You wanna play with guns? Join the Military!

No one ever entertained the idea of indiscriminate arming of blacks, without putting them in ranks, and subjecting them to control. There could be no inhumanity greater than that of placing arms in the hands of the blacks of the South, and letting them roam over the land, committing indiscriminate murder and devastation. It was to avoid that that he would have the negroes mustered into service The blacks would otherwise fall Into excesses which would have to be corrected by the strong arm of the nation.

Chicago Tribune, July 10, 1862

Dear Broward County, never change.

A South Florida county is halting the use of 3-D printers at public libraries amid concerns they could be used to make guns or other dangerous weapons.
Broward County libraries made the decision Monday a week after a man was shot outside a downtown Fort Lauderdale library. The Sun Sentinel reports the printers have been in use at Broward libraries for about four years, but visitors could not use the printers on their own. They had to submit their request and the staff would do the actual printing.
The decision also comes amid concerns that instructions to print 3-D guns will be made available online. Broward County is also home to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School where a gunman killed 17 in February igniting a national debate on gun safety.

Broward County Libraries Halt Use of 3-D Printers Amid Concerns Over Printing Guns

Let me get this: A man was shot OUTSIDE a library in the county, nobody know what kind of gun was it and the geniuses of the library system shut down the use of the 3D printers so they don’t get used to print a gun that only takes like 19 hours to produce?

How about focusing on what may really have contributed to the shooting outside the library? From the link just above:

Authorities said two men got into a fight at a homeless camp outside the library, at which time one of the men pulled out a gun and shot the other.

Yes, that is the entrance of Broward County’s Main Library.


Nah, that can’t be.

And don’t forget! CodeIsFreeSpeech.com for your 3D gun needs.

Florida Politics: Parking Lot Shooter has been charged with Manslaughter. (Zimmerman Trial 2.0)

The Pinellas County State Attorney Bernie McCabe should remember that the last prosecutor that pulled a political move in a self-defense case, lost her bid for re-election badly. But probably the idea is to make noise against Stand Your Ground (which does not apply here)  and bankrupt the defendant.