
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Democrats resent when you stray away from the plantation.

Meme floating in the book of Feces.

The whole embarrassing situation when a bunch of white Liberals harassed a Black woman for the unforgivable sin of being Conservative.

After a weekend of ratcheted up liberal fascism and censorship of conservatives, black conservative firebrand Candace Owens was chased out of a restaurant with Turning Point USA Founder Charlie Kirk this morning.

WATCH: Black Conservative Candace Owens Screamed Out of Restaurant By White Leftists

At least they have not engaged in their forefathers’ tradition of lynching the negroes that dare to disrespect them….yet.

Update on Twitter shadowbanning me.

I am off the Thread Ban!

Thread Ban

This is what is referred to as conventional shadowban as well. It comprises a search ban while threads are completely ripped apart by hiding reply tweets of the affected user to others. Everything will look perfectly normal to the affected user but many others will not be able to see reply tweets of the affected user at all. Reasons for this ban include behavior like excessive tweeting or following. Again, this type of ban seems to be temporally limited for active accounts.

I guess I did pissed them off asking that many people the same question, which none have answered yet.

I don’t think the latest Brady PSA will have much traction as usual. They are good at sticking people with legal bills for lawsuits they convinced people to take against gun stores and related.

If you are on Twitter, check if you see me and send me a smiling FU.

S.3304 “…to prohibit the publication of 3D printer plans for the printing of firearms, and for other purposes.” Sen Nelson (D-FL)

We finally got the text of the bill.  Not surprisingly, Sen. Nelson is tying unrelated crime events to the publication of files. I love how he flexes the truth to pad his bill.

(5) On June 7, 2013, an assailant used a gun he had constructed by himself to kill his father, brother, and 3 other people at Santa Monica College in California. The person had failed a background check when he tried to purchase a gun from a licensed gun dealer. The gun he used was made from an unfinished AR–15-style receiver, similar to a receiver that can now be made with a 3D printer. 

The Santa Monica shooter he mentioned seems to have built his AR out of an 80% receiver with a drill press and not a 3D printer or desktop CNC machine, yet Nelson strongly misdirects the readers.

In Zawahri’s bedroom, investigators found a drill press among other materials that indicate he likely assembled the weapon.
The drill press is used to help finish building the rifle by drilling holes in the lower receiver. A lower receiver that is only 80 percent complete can easily be purchased, and because it is not complete, a person isn’t required to go through a background check, nor does the part need to have a serial number.

New details emerge on Santa Monica fire, gunman’s weapon

The police also found Zip guns in Zawahri’s bedroom (illegal in CA) that we can safely assume were not 3D printed and that he found the blueprints to manufacture in the Internet.

Here is the brass tack:

 SEC. 3. Prohibition.
Section 922 of title 18, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following:

“(aa) It shall be unlawful for any person to intentionally publish, over the Internet or by means of the World Wide Web, digital instructions in the form of Computer Aided Design files or other code that can automatically program a 3-dimensional printer or similar device to produce a firearm or complete a firearm from an unfinished frame or receiver.”.

IANAL, but I don’t see this having a chance in hell to survive SCOTUS scrutiny even with narrowing it to the specific “use of a 3D printer or similar device”.  As long as you can buy books like The Anarchist Cookbook in Kindle edition, you are going to have a tough time trying to justify why a bunch of code is different and should be restricted.

Judicial Message to Berkeley Antifa: You can get away with it.

A former East Bay college philosophy professor who was charged with four counts of felony assault with a deadly weapon, causing great bodily injury, has taken a deal resulting in three years of probation for an attack at a Berkeley protest last year, court records reveal.
Eric Clanton had been linked by police to violent assaults with a metal bike lock during a “free speech” rally in Berkeley on April 15, 2017. Before his arrest, Clanton had been “outed” online, on the website 4chan, as someone who used a bike lock to strike a man in the head. The assault was captured in a video clip (below) that drew widespread attention and anger after it was posted on YouTube.

According to Alameda County Superior Court records, Clanton entered a “no contest” plea Wednesday to one misdemeanor battery charge. The felony charges against him were dismissed, and an allegation that he had caused serious bodily injury was stricken. A misdemeanor charge that Clanton wore a mask during the commission of the crime also was dropped.

Eric Clanton takes 3-year probation deal in Berkeley rally bike lock assault case

This is not a maybe case, not a “heat of the moment” case, not a “there was no real damage” case. This was a deliberate deadly force attack upon a non-aggressive person exercising his Freedom of Speech.

That all the major charges got dropped and he only gets probation and a misdemeanor is a sign for Antifa that they can legally get away with grave bodily harm and opening the doors to future deaths.

Next Berkeley rally is gonna get mighty interesting.

Hat Tip Sean S.


Florida CWP Renewal Online: So easy even a Blogger can do it.

Yesterday I got the notification from Division of Licensing that my CWP would expire in January 2019. Very typical of Florida, they give you plenty warning so if you end up carrying with an expired permit, it is your frigging fault.

I went to the Concealed Weapon or Firearm License Renewal website and unsurprisingly for Florida, it is not attractive one bit and the buttons are backwards in some instances. I am pragmatic to hell, but a bit of decoration won’t kill you guys. Again, expect that from Florida Government sites.

Before you do anything else, get a digital picture. You are given 2 links, one is How to Take a Passport Style Photo and the second and coolest idea is that they “stole” the United States Department of State Photo Editing Tool. Once you have your picture taken, uploaded, centered, cropped and saved, then proceed to fill the online forms

You will have to enter your personal data, CWP number and tracking number that came with the notice to find your license. Then upload the photo, do the digital signature thing and pay for the renewal.  Once you are done that, you are shown a summary and have to click on submit to finish.

You will be given a receipt that you can choose to download and/or email to yourself.

It took maybe under ten minutes. It would have taken less if I did not keep hitting the RESET FORM button instead of the SUBMIT in the payment page and had to re-enter the info all over (they are ass backwards.) Let’s call it 10 minutes including brushing the bushy beard, getting a decent shirt and convincing the wife to take the picture.

That was it. I will let you guys know when it comes in.

When the internal polls are telling you to prepare for anal breach.

Leave it to the democrats to squeeze a fantasy to death.  Dear old Alyssa Milano pretty much accused the Russians of meddling the Ohio elections via the Green Party.

Expect more of the same and even louder if they smell that the November elections will not only not bring the “Blue Tsunami” but be swamped by a Red Tide. And riots will follow to protest and excuse how come their voters were not attracted to any of the crap that got nominated by the Democratic party. .