
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

This is the face of Gun Control failure.

Sixty six shot, 12 of them assumed room temperature. Nobody saw nothing.

They ran a culture of Violence, of being soft on crime, on celebrating the Gangster culture, on Pride to be a Felon, on killing snitches, on not allowing good citizens to defend themselves.

And now you are left with going on TV begging like a little bitch asking the feral creatures you created to stop being mean.

Not a single Chicago politician elected or otherwise should be allowed to have a protection detail. Let them feel what their regular voters feel: Scared for their lives.

It is not paranaoia if they are actually after you.

And in this particular case, all of us:

Click to enlarge

I know blogging is supposed to be dead, but at this rate we are going to be the last survivors in the Commie Disney version of the Internet.

And remember when the real threat to the Free Speech in these cybernetic times was the abolition of Net Neutrality? How getting rid of it would mean that the content would not be equally distributed and that would be a violation of the people’s freedom to access information in an equal manner? Do you remember what social media companies were harping that line of bullshit?


The law of Intended Consequences

I referred to this defensive use of a gun in another post. This gentleman makes an obvious remark:

And that is exactly what they want. The Left and the Opposition cannot advance their agenda unless there are bodies stacking up they can say it was because o “Gun Violence.” Also, no bodies, no donations.

If eliminating Stand Your Ground transforms Florida into a place where Self-Defense can legally be made a crime, they will win no matter how many corpses it take.  It is not like they are dying, right?