
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

When you do stupid and the double down on stupid.

Road rage in Florida. Guy pulls a knife and uses deadly force (badly). Intended victim pulls out a gun and Rager suddenly decides it is time to retreat but does not do it smartly: He calls the 911 and say he was attacked.
Not smart when there is video being recorded.

And I agree with mny of the people commenting on this video at different locations: Dumb ass was lucky he did not get shot.

Roe v. Wade: Homeland Security fears attacks on SCOTUS by….. Anti-Abortion Extremists?

Bring out the crazy pills.

The U.S. government is bracing for a potential surge in political violence once the Supreme Court hands down the ruling that’s expected to overturn Roe v. Wade, according to a Department of Homeland Security memo obtained by Axios.

The big picture: Law enforcement agencies are investigating social-media threats to burn down or storm the Supreme Court building and murder justices and their clerks, as well as attacks targeting places of worship and abortion clinics.

Details: The unclassified May 13 memo by DHS’ intelligence arm says threats that followed the leak of a draft opinion — targeting Supreme Court Justices, lawmakers and other public officials, as well as clergy and health care providers — “are likely to persist and may increase leading up to and following the issuing of the Court’s official ruling.”

Some racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists’ embrace of pro-life narratives may be linked to the perception of wanting to ‘save white children’ and ‘fight white genocide,'” the memo also says.

But the memo warns that this time, extremist acts could come from abortion-rights proponents as well.

Leaked memo shows DHS preparing for violence after abortion ruling (axios.com)


The official position of the administration is that White Supremacy is the biggest threat for the country.  Therefore they need to attach it to everything they can no matter how absurd it may seem.

The mass shooting in Buffalo, N.Y., over the weekend has “complicated everything even more,” said Jonathan Wackrow, a risk management consultant and a former special agent with the U.S. Secret Service.
“The attack in Buffalo actually has a measured impact on this Roe decision and how people will will react to it,” he told Axios. “You see that people are willing to engage in the most violent acts in furtherance of that ideology.


Is it required to have the IQ of a slug to work for DHS now? Or simply being a dishonorable asshole willing to become a goon for a paycheck and a pension? Both?

Biden’s MinTrue “paused.” Freedom-Loving people celebrate.

But there is a sad and really informative part in this article.

They couldn’t handle the truth.

The Biden administration has “paused” its controversial plans to create a Disinformation Board, causing its would-be leader to resign.

In a statement Wednesday, Nina Jankowicz, the “disinformation expert” tapped to head the panel, said that “[w]ith the Board’s work paused and its future uncertain, and [sic] I have decided to leave DHS [the Department of Homeland Security] to return to my work in the public sphere.” Jankowicz’s departure and the decision to scrap the board was first reported by the Washington Post.

The board had been the subject of weeks of backlash from Republicans, libertarians and even some liberals, who likened the scheme to the Ministry of Truth from George Orwell’s classic novel “1984.”

Biden admin ‘pauses’ Disinformation Governance Board: report (nypost.com)

Not a majority or even a lot, just “some” and that is not just a deviated perception but what you could see and feel coming out the Liberal camp: Either strident voices of support or a deep hole of silence. Was it perhaps induced by the fear of being “re-educated” in the future because of dissension against the Party? Plain intellectual cowardice? Or just goose-stepping because you deeply agree in silencing contrarian opinions, but you were amaze at how many “brutes” came against it and fear they may cancel you.

Then again, our CANCELLED stamps come in calibers, not rubber.