
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Brady still does not get it.

From The Brady Bunch Facebook Page:

Laws are followed by the Law Abiding people, criminals by definition do not follow the law there fore a law prohibiting the keeping and bearings of arms is going to be only followed by those who are law-abiding. Also that is why we usually add penalties for violating a law so those breaking it feel the pain.

Let me give you an example. You know that recent law in Florida where localities are not allowed to pass gun control measures because the State has exerted pre-emption on any Gun Laws? Actually the law has been in the books for 23 years but some local governments decided that since the law worked on the honor system and imposed no penalties, they could bypass it and do pretty much whatever the hell they wanted because they are politicians and honor is not genetically encoded into them or was taught by Mom or Dad. This addendum to the existing law imposes a $5,000 penalty to any official creating or enforcing any local gun control regulation not approved by the Florida Legislature and the fine must be paid out of their pockets and not taxpayers’ funds. Counties that have been following the law since its inception will have no problems, anybody else is pretty much scrambling to remove the ILLEGAL ordinances or getting ready to be taken to court.
Now, any person with a somewhat functional brain is able to understand the whole concept stated above, but anti-gunners’ brains work on a different wavelength altogether: one of despotism. The following is a reply of the initial Brady post:

Apparently we are all criminals. We just haven’t been caught yet.

It is a good thing that stupidity is not punishable with the death penalty or Mike would be in the express lane to a Sparky recliner.

CSGV: Threading in Dangerous & Libelous Waters.

This has become the latest mantra of the Laddites. Nothing new actually, I recall the Feminist in the Sixties and Seventies using pretty much the same strategy when they basically announced to the world that sex between a married couple was Rape and all Men were nothing but rapists that have not been caught or indicted.

The mental gymnastics is based in one simple premise: You own a gun, you are a certified criminal in their minds. There is no need for criminal intention for you to be called a criminal. This is very important in their efforts because the level of criminal activity by Law Abiding Gun owners is nil compared to the regular population of the country.  This is a propagandist use of Malum Prohibitum (Prohibited because we say so) because they know they damn well they will never be able to prove that Gun Ownership is Malum In Se (Prohibited because it is inherently bad or evil) and that actually owning a gun will help innocent people stand against real criminals.

There is no doubt that CSGV is the radical wing of the anti-gun movement. We have been called everything from murderers and Child Abusers to cannibals by the Laddites. Fortunately (so far) their own stridency has kept them from being treated somewhat seriously by the Media and that has to be pissing them off plenty. Still they are to be kept under surveillance by our side, one never knows when these morons will try to take it to the next level and become real dangers to civilized society.

UPDATE: Found the “extended version” in the VPC Facebook page by our prefered Mental Health Specialist Craig Hexman.

I guess adding to the list of dangers the Mentally Ill part will help them herd us into “facilities” and away from their Ivory Towers.


PS: I used “surveillance” on purpose. If they read this post, they will stop at the word and go ballistically foaming at the mouth and screaming at the skies. Fun must be found where available 😉

CSGV: Tin Foil Hat is showing.

OK, who is stockpiling and how come I haven’t got my stockpile of AKs? Oh wait, I forgot. I am not a Mexican Narco. Damn!

Seriously Ladd, your tin foil hat is showing way too much. Maybe it is time for you to seek professional help and stop self-medicating.

Update: As requested, the cartoon CSGV posted:

Remember: If you want one, it means you want to pull the trigger and kill something. There is no other use for a gun according to them….except there are other uses that do not require burning ammo. Sometimes criminals do get the message.

Presidente Calderon es un cabron.

Three days ago I wrote a mocking post about demanding gasoline control after the deadly arson attack by Narcos on a Mexican casino. Apparently my mocking is what passes for serious presidential messages in Mexico because President Calderon blames the attack on the US, the “lax gun laws” and our drug problem.

Estimado Presidente Calderon Cabron: And a que te den por el culo. OK?

(Language Warning if you fail to curb your temptation and use Google Translate. And apologies, but this kind of weasel stuff just racks me the wrong way)

Hat Tip to Sebastian.

Lessons to be learned from this particular Hurricane Irene.

It is finally over but the complains of over-hype which are well founded. Irene became the North East Hanging Chad moment and then some.

  1. Weather Experts apparently are not. The amount of gloom and doom predicted by experts for NY made you think the soul of Bin Laden was riding Irene. Anybody who has spent any time cleaning up after a hurricane knows that they feed on the hot waters of the ocean and they start losing potency once they hit shallow coasts and dry land. We were expecting a helluva more damage to North Carolina than NY and we were not in the wrong.
  2. Media is composed by a bunch of morons but we knew this already. The amount of Non-information passed along to potential Hurricane victims was amazing. I saw much better advice being sent via Tweeter than from any talking head and after the first five minutes the “Evacuate now or you all gonna die!” meme got old in a hurry.  We did have the pleasure of meeting the new generation of Morons Standing Outside In Bad Weather Making It Look Like Death Was Upon Them But Risking Their Lives To Bring You The Latest.
  3. Dumbest preparation for a Disaster: NYC inhabitants buying takeout from restaurants for several days of post hurricane sustenance. This one came close second.
  4. Two Presidential Candidate are no more. Both Mayor Bloomberg and Governor Christie pretty much can kiss their chances with voters in Hurricane-prone areas. Screaming to people to forbidding candles to threaten with arrest if you did not evacuate and to be more shrilly than the TV talking heads made many of us say “Are you kidding me? Go flock yourself!”  We do not respond kindly to those who want to get in our houses before, during and after hurricanes. Stay up north.
  5. Apparently some people need to learn by suffering. One wonders how many of the evacuated will go through that joy of human concentration again and wonder if they were better off staying home in a house not apt to weather a real hurricane. And those who stayed behind and “weathered” a bit of rain and now act like they survived the Mayan Doomsday prediction with a six-pack, a box of Ding Dongs and a NY attitude realize they are not mentally prepared for a real Hurricane or any other natural disaster that come their way. These are the same people that were freaking out of their designer socks from a little earthquake day before.
  6. Flyover Country is still Flyover Country and ignored (Again the Media and add the Feds). So, other than NYC and New Jersey and by what you saw in the news and the worry of our “Federal Family“, How many other states were hit by Irene? I thought so. Guess what, we still will have to see our taxes spent on those unprepared locations. Some Soho are gallery is gonna get federal funding to replace their flooring in time for their next Wine and Bullshit Finger Painting exhibition next month.

There is some other stuff, but this will do. We have three months left in this particular hurricane season. If you don’t mind, I’ll go check the National Weather Service Tropical Weather Page for any incoming bad boys. Well looky here! Tropical Depression Twelve is leaving Africa as we speak! Let the Hype Begin!

CSGV Loves Drugs.

[lisp] How come Ted Nugent is sooooo insensitive. [/lisp]

Here is the full interview:

CSGV is freaking about Uncle Ted telling it like it should be told: Raw. Of course some Laddites will only see the caption provided by the Supreme Deranged and avoid the full message of Ted’s interview. The other Laddites will put their bongs and syringes away, get their IPods, play “Smell like Teen Spirit” and blame the NRA for Kurt’s death.