The latest BS from CSGV:

It did almost happen. On December 9, 2007 Matthew Murray armed with a semi automatic rifle, two handguns, hundreds of rounds of ammunition and having set two smoke bombs in the parking lot, initiated an attack on the New Life Church in Colorado Springs. New Life is known as a Super Church and at the moment of the attack some 7,000 people were in the area attending services, youth ministries and other activities. After shooting a van full of parishioners and killing two of them, Murray entered the foyer of the church to continue his planned massacre. But his best plan was not to be; Jeanne Assam who was working security for the church used her sidearm and shot Murray several times getting rid of his thirst for blood. Murray escaped the attack and ended his life with his own firepower.
There were several armed people in the church, but it took one to stop the attack. One Gun, One Chance. That’s all we guarantee, a single solitary chance to stand against Evil. Yet CSGV and assorted idiots like them assure us that if there were no guns in the hands of good people, somehow the gunman would have left the New Life Church parishioners alive. In Utoya, everything was the perfect gun free scenario, the great utopia: Youth, Sun, Nature and not a single gun. The Devil then entered the island and proceeded, unimpeded with his deed.
Parents, siblings & relatives are now mourning the death of their children and the anti gun pundits once again blame the gun and not the devil that walked the beach of Utoya. And they want us to be equally unprotected for his next visit.
The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.
And CSGV appears to be his P.R. firm.
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