
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

CSGV: Logic and Basic Math Can Hurt.

Apparently, Senator Chuck Grassley’s letter decimating the Myth of the 90% and the 70% has CSGV in a uproar. Extra happy smile stickers to Andrew “The Roach” Goddard’s screams of Unimpossible! It seems that the fact that guns in Mexican Drug Lords hands are coming from many other sources other that Mom & Pop Gun Shop never ever crossed his mind.

“We’ll be doing an analysis of how Grassley reached his numbers soon.” Let me help you: It is called basic math and a bit of logic.
You are welcome.

Falling Skies: Fallen Expectations.

One solid regurgitation of cliches and stolen ideas. Good guy is an intellectual driven to firearms because of the Aliens. Head Militia Honcho is a heartless Mike Foxtrot. Alien implants on humans (Kids to add to the “aww!” effect.) Sweet female doctor as champion of the oppressed by the Militia Civilians. Bad Human guy with a Southern Accent. Pancho Villa  belted ammo bandoleers wore but no belt fed weapon in sight. Pooch faces second cousin of Robocop’s ED-209 enforcement droid and survives as usual.

And do not get me started on weapon’s usage. The initial scene where Noah Wiley is running with an obvious plastic AK shut down any hope I had for the series.

CSGV Loons: Law Abiding M&Ms?

One of the CSGV (Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence) fans posted this earlier today in their Facebook page:

Law Abiding M&M’s? I am willing to bet this guy has a prescription for Medicinal Cannabis and not because he has glaucoma.

And one more thing, you can ingest a gallon of Curare and all you will get is a mild case of the runs. Curare only kills if gets in the bloodstream. Also death by Curare poisoning is a slow and painful way to go since it is a paralyzing agent that mainly attacks the respiratory system so basically you die of asphyxiation.

Maybe we should license what people say in Facebook: better a little red tape now, than a lot of correction tape later.

PS: I know the M&Ms are an analogy for those legally carrying a concealed weapon but, what is with CSGV and their obsession with cannibalism?

Two Pharmacies, One Difference.

Last month in Michigan, two armed suspects entered a Walgreens pharmacy and thanks to the efforts of pharmacist Jeremey Hoven who confronted the bad guys with his gun and sent them flying, nobody was hurt. Walgreens response to Mr. Hoven’s heroic actions was to fire him on the spot.  The reason why he was fired according to Walgreens is that they have great surveillance systems that make his actions unnecessary and dangerous.

However, nobody will be fired from another pharmacy robbery that happened this past Sunday but this time in Medford, a suburb of NYC where an armed criminal entered to rob prescription medication. Yes, nobody will be fired because the four unarmed employees were murdered by the suspect.

But have no fear, there is great video of the suspect. All is well in this world.

Update: Tango makes the notation that 2 employees and 2 customers were murdered.

CSGV: Quick Shots.

No, I haven’t forgotten these idiots. But they have been producing so much crap is a task to select the best and assign awards:

The “I Am A Whore and Go To Bed With Anybody” Award, (Third Class). For celebrating that the Bradys are having consensual Public Relations Sex wit Plaxico Burris. Nothing says integrity like dealing with a convicted felon.


The “Yes, We Are The New Communists and We Are Proud!” Award (First Class) for collecting every Che-T-Shirt-wearing, patchouli-smelling, We-want-you-dead Hippie out there for their cause.


The “Contradicting Ourselves is no Contradiction” Award (Grand Economics Prize.) The Gun industry sells, then doesn’t sell then sells again while citizens buy more and then less and then more and then the bubble burst or plateau. You guys wouldn’t happen to be in the White House Economic Advisory Panel, would ya?


And finally the “Are You Really That Stupid?” Award (Royal Class with Oak Leaves and Farting Unicorns).

Mr. Summitt, the answer is well known and very simple: Two to the Body & One to the Head. Assess. Repeat if Necessary. It has been a well know solution for a while now.

Sucking at IDPA: Love Thy Cover!

Beside starting way too old in this shooting sport thing, I treat every cardboard target as a real bad guy which much better marksmanship than me. This leads me to use cover as tight as damned possible and wasting “precious” time in the game. Call me coward.

According to IDPA rules: “More than 50% of the shooter’s upper torso must be behind cover while engaging threat targets and/or reloading… and for vertical cover such as a wall/barricade, 100% of the shooter’s legs and feet must be behind cover.”

And that would translate to:

And if shooting from the side of a barricade we have:

As you can see, still there is what I consider a lot of of places where a bullet can make cute holes and create a lot of injury. We have the head, spine, lungs, Aorta artery, Carotid artery, both Subclavian artery and vein, Brachial artery and both pulmonary artery and vein. Also remember that even if the bullet misses a one of those blood vessels but happens to hit bone, fragments of such bone can easily damage arteries or veins with pretty much the same result as a direct hit.

Here are some examples:

While this is IDPA legal, the area exposed is too big for my taste but works from the game’s point of view.

This one offers more protection but makes for lousy stage times unless you are damn good which most shooters are and I ain’t.

Barrels are great to demonstrate both low cover and side cover. This pic shows a barely legal and maybe illegal cover position in IDPA. Safety Officer’s choice.

This is a much tighter and better use of cover from a defensive standpoint since it minimizes exposure of the shooter’s major blood vessels and other anatomically sensitive areas.

And a good IDPA Shooter will use cover sensibly and still kick butt. Notice his gun aiming at the target behind the No-Shoot (second from the left) and still maintaining an excellent cover exposing very little of his body.

And for those who will think I am engaged in an IDPA-Bashing trip, be advised it is not the intention here, just the opposite. No other shooting sport makes it a point to use of cover religiously and this is a great skill to have for real life situations. You can approach an IDPA match the gaming way or the tactical way, shooter’s choice. In any case you are imprinting on your brain that cover is not an option to easily discard but a must when the S hits the F.What I am talking here are degrees of cover, nothing else.

If the First Rule of a Gunfight is to have a Gun, the Second is Not To Get Shot. That is where the use of cover comes to play. It is nice to go home at the end of the day without any other holes that those God designed your body to have or as a result of voluntary piercing.

PS: Shooters in the images are from members of Tropical Sport Shooting Association and taken from the Club’s New Shooter Safety Refresher Course by Rick L.