
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

National Crime Victims’ Rights Week.

At the Post Office yesterday, I saw this flyer at the counter, picked it up and I was shocked when I flipped it and saw the list in the back:

First: Thank God we live in a Country where all these organizations exist to help victims cope. And at the same time, it pisses me off to no end the fact we actually need them all.

Refuse to be a Victim. That is what we train for, that is what we vote for and that is what we learn and teach.

And no, we won’t bring the number of victims to zero, but we can help reduce the load of the people working in those organizations above. I am sure they would not mind having to close their locations because of a lack of “business.”

Victim Culture sucks.

Center Of Mass Car Gun Safes: 50% Off

Use discount code “April50”

Car Lockers | Center of Mass | Quality Firearms Training & Accessories (center-of-mass.com)

They are the second box I bought years and years ago and it is still doing duty. My first one was some cheap and poorly built crap that came apart at the hinges.

Buy one for yourself or buy for a friend or relative that should know better. Buy even if you have one because they do come handy to secure more than guns in the car or somewhere else.

And no, I am not getting a kickback. You suspicious bunch of paranoids! 😀

Tennessee House Passes Bill to Lower Age for Carrying Handgun from 21 to 18.

A bill that would lower the age to carry a handgun in Tennessee from 21 to 18 passed the House on Thursday.

Bill sponsor Rep. Chris Todd, R-Madison County, said that House Bill 1735 is about protecting the constitutional rights of 18-year-olds who can vote and enlist in the military. The bill passed by a 64-28 vote.

Tennessee 18-year-olds currently can possess firearms but they cannot carry a handgun unless they are honorably discharged or retired from the U.S. military or they are a member on active duty. Tennessee law allows for permitless carry for those ages 21 and older and, last year, it was sued over the restriction for ages 18, 19 and 20 by the Firearms Policy Coalition.

The companion bill, Senate Bill 2291, is currently in the general subcommittee of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

“This is strictly to get our law in compliance with the Constitution of the United States of America,” Todd said.

Tennessee House Passes Bill to Lower Age for Carrying Handgun from 21 to 18 – Tennessee Star

Good! Let’s see if the Senate gets its stuff together and send a bill to Governor Lee.

What I would love to see is State funding for Basic Carry Training, including (most definitely) the legal aspects of Self Defense. I believe that combination of On-Line instruction and a one-day range class would be very helpful to instruct the kids into not being idiots with a gun and that they will be now playing in the mayor leagues where the consequences are measured in time spent behind bars.

And, of course, this would be a highly-encouraged but non-mandated instruction.

Car Burglaries are now upgraded.

They are no longer are the purview of unarmed meth heads looking for a few coins and trinkets.

RUTHERFORD COUNTY, Tenn. (WKRN) — A Murfreesboro resident exchanged gunfire with two people attempting to break into a neighbor’s vehicle on Sunday.

The shooting happened around 4 a.m. at a home in the 4900 block of Neyland Way.

Murfreesboro police reported a homeowner received an activation on his security camera showing two men attempting to break into his cars. Investigators said the homeowner went to the front door and saw the men attempting to burglarize a neighbor’s vehicle.

After yelling at the men, the suspected burglars fired multiple gun shots at the homeowner, who then fired back at them, according to Murfreesboro police. No one was injured.

The man’s home was struck by bullets. The getaway vehicle is believed to be a small compact SUV, possibly a Ford Edge, which may have been struck by bullets on the passenger side.

Murfreesboro homeowner exchanges gunfire with burglary suspects (wkrn.com)

Bad guys know that there are 2 high value items in vehicles that can be stolen with a little bit of preparation and teamwork: Catalytic converters and firearms. We are no longer facing the lone weak-ass junkie, but probably organized gangs or crews who are officially packing and have no problem initiating violence.

Take your guns inside your home; it is cheaper than losing it out of laziness.  I cannot offer you any advice on how to keep your converter safe on the cheap.

And do not become a silhouetted target in front of your door: Don’t come outside at all. And if the bad guys still decide to shoot your way, return fire from cover, not concealment.

COVER: Any barrier which you can hide behind and is able to withstand incoming fire. Cover value is caliber dependent.
CONCEALMENT: Any barrier which only block visual acquisition, not bullets.

About the dumbest meme that has come out of the Disney v. DeSantis fight.


Have these people been in Disneyworld at all? This is not the Pulaski state fair with a carnival run by three ex-convicts and the bearded lady who cooks meth and potato chips. This is not a disassemble overnight pack and move to the next town. This is several hundred thousand acres of construction firmly set into the ground.  Pack up what? a few animatrons, the costumes and the computers that runs everything? How much would it cost to transport it all just across state lines? And start from zero? They are never going to get a sweet deal as they had.

The sad part is that the Liberals are trying to re-start COVID restrictions, and you and I know that California will follow the mandates from the White House and shut down everything, including Disneyland.  The only park income Disney got was from Disneyworld and that was because Florida flipped the bird early and hard allowing the House of Mouse to accept visitors who gladly spent monies that went to the California coffers.

If i were an investor, I’d be royally pissed between Pedo Joe’s economy and Disney wokeness fucking with my money.