
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Dear Tennessee: About those billions in sport’s investments

Can you please like stash away couple of hundred million and fix the fucking potholes in your roads? And I am looking at you too, Nashville, WTF?

And what kind of paint you guys used for the white road lines? Did it contain some sort of Bond villain acid that ate away the asphalt? ‘Cause in places and up to a quarter of a mile, nowhere else but in the fucking white stripes you get holes and deep ones to boot. And some places look like meth-heads decided to chip away about a thousand square feet of pavement in the middle of I-24 without being bounced around by trucks.

Back in Florida, half the DOT would have been gator feed by now if the roads were like here.

WE Need Moar Panic COVID!


By now, who is giving a flying flock of seagulls? We are firmly divided in the majority group who is sick of the COVID totalitarism and will not go back to restrictions (and the local pols know it) and the hysterical political hypochondriac minority that has their goldfish wearing a mask and want the planet sprayed with bleach so they can go outside and retrieve the Door Dash order.

And there is always that sudden drop on subscriptions and clicks that may have them worried about the next set of layoffs. #learntocode

We need to stop being nice.

This one I have to disagree.

I will respectfully disagree with Mr. Cooke. This is not a corporation seeking to get reduced taxes or allowed to bypass certain OSHA regulations or even contribute to causes that might run afoul other political entities. They were full press court against a law that tries to protect little children from deviates and groomers in school.  They are against a bill allowing parents to make sure their kids are safe and allows them to overview what is happening with their education. They are against the safety of people who are the reason adults shell a bunch of cash in their parks and make a profit for the shareholders.

They are not to be given a second chance and a warning must be sent out to others: You try and hurt children; you will pay dearly.

I am all for drawing and quartering the Mouse to set a memorable example.

Woke Disney and Thor

I understand why some people fear the new Thor movie. Disney made a complete woke hash of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. The Falcon side of the story was nothing more than a huge BLM-scripted propaganda bit going as far as shitting on the memory of Steve Rogers who allegedly was a true friend of Sam Wilson. The series is somewhat watchable only because the emotional shit Bucky Barnes deals with after being deprogrammed.

People are understandably freaking out at the idea of a female Thor. The character that Natalie Portman is playing is of Thor’s old flame according to IMDB and if she is holding the damned hammer, it is because she is worthy, just as Captain America was. And I would not put it pass the writers to have this as some legacy from Frigga who thought Jane was a good woman, deserving to be part of the family.

Just my opinion. Let’s wait for the movie.

I know, I am probably wrong.