
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

On the Washington Post/Taylor Lawrence Doxxing of The Liberals of Tik Tok

After J.KB’s article, I remembered back a decade or two when newspapers decided it would be political fun the public had a need to know the names and addresses of people with concealed carry permits in certain states or zip codes. I also remember that before legislatures passed bills restricting the access of that information, gun owners took upon themselves to return the favor and Dox not only the offending journalist, but also everybody they could find in the newspaper with special aim at the editors and owners. Some even included property tax information and in one occasion, it was found one of the reporters was behind in his duties with the county.

Journalists, editors and owners suddenly saw the light and figured out “turnabout is a fair play” is a scary proposition. One paper hired armed security to protect the home of the owners (zilch for the reporters or even the headquarters) because in their own newly converted minds, poking armed bears was a dumb fucking move to make. Of course, there was no violence because that is not what we are, but the lesson was learned.

Depending on the state and level, Doxxing may or may not be illegal where you live. But there are always way to remind journos that one thing is Journalism and another is to chase after relatives that had nothing to do with your intended political target…

…and turnabout is still fair play.

Moms Demand supporting carrying under the influence.

If they could not make themselves even dumber and useless:

Here is Nikki Fried, Agricultural Commissioner and the person in charge of Florida’s Concealed Weapon’s system and who is putting herself out there in the upcoming Democrat Primaries as viable candidate (In her pot-induced dreams) for Governor, supporting the right to be stoned and carry a gun.  This should send any half witted Pro Gun Control activist into a frenzy and dennounce her as a dangerous person for the health and welfare of the Children!

Nope. Not Moms Demand.

If I were a regular member of the Moms Club, I’d be embarrassed for this endorsement and quit altogether supporting this idiotic group. Some will probably do, but true believers will find a contorted excuse to make it work in their feeble minds.

It seems we are back to normal thanks to AWA.

I believe that one or some of the little plug-in shits for “convenience” I installed may have been compromised. You will suddenly see some crap disappear because if we can’t be sure it is not guilty, I don’t mind doing without it.

It will also means we will need a higher level of monitoring and maintenance at webhosting level which will cost money. AWA may be a friend, but I do not like for friends to work their asses off for nothing or for cheap. He has done a great job and want to keep him happy with us that means paying him what he deserves.

So yes, get ready for a fundraising where once again I will use Bernie Sanders meme to ask you for monies.

We now return to our regular madness and mendacity.