
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Why do I have a healthy aversion to Hospitals?

My Mother-In-law had to be taken to the hospital where she spent 3 days under “professional” care. This was one of their wristbands warning about her allergies.

How the fuck do you misspell codeine and have an alleged medical certificate of some sort that allows you to work with patients? And since she was checked up in a regular basis, how come nobody else said “Oh shit, that is awful. let me change that.”

And before you complain I am exaggerating, tell me how much confidence would you have on an “expert” in our field of interest saying stuff like Kolt revolvers, Sig Sour, Level action rifle or similar.


California Dreaming

Not quite the song, but the Socialist wishes.


I know I am supposed to feel pity for the mentally ill.

But when it is self-induced stupidity, I can’t help but mock and, if possible, make it worse for them. Oh, and you go around taking pictures of little girls without parent’s consent? I am tagging your ass a Child Molester with a free entry to a Wood Chipper Dance-A-Thon.

Still amazed that Critical Mass does not generate bodies

I know it is not a Christian thing to say, but short of BLM/Antifa, Critical Mass is an event that makes you wish you could play bumper cars against bicycles. The legal problem is they are considered a “woman”: No matter how you slice it or dice it, they will be seen as the poor weak individuals attacked by the mean guy husky #300 guy for no reason. A close third are people riding two-wheeled rice burners like they lived in a video game, but they sometime end up trying to occupy the same space at the same time as a much bigger steel and glass object or vertical construction.

Black Rifle Company site reported unsafe BEFORE they were given a chance to fix it.

Via The Feral Irishman.

Usually, this kind of exploit would be reported through HackerOne, or another kind of bug bounty program. This kind of program would report the exploit to the company directly so they could fix it before a blog post about it is published, and would award a cash prize to whoever found the bug. However, as BRCC didn’t give Kyle a chance for his case to be heard before damning him, we, in turn, are not waiting to divulge this exploit or go through any responsible disclosure process. Call it karma.

Black Rifle Coffee Company Hackable: Zero Ethics, Zero Security – FMShooter

It could have not happened to a nicer bunch. In old times, I would have some doubts about the nastiness of the lesson, but we are in new harsher times were being disconnected from your customer base requires a dutiful spanking in your wallet. And siding with the people against Self -Defense require a battery acid enema.