
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

I don’t recommend, but I understand.


And if you favor King James’

Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.

And after living here in Non -Incorporated Middle TN for a few months, I understand why the home owner did what he do: There are a lot good and kind people still remaining in our world who will help a stranger in need.

I have met them.

God Bless them and keep them safe. In this particular case, the angel may have remained invisible and somehow protected the good man from a murderous devil who got in his house under false pretenses.

Ours is a struggle balancing between maintaining our basic goodness for our fellow Man and meeting strangers ready to do them harm in a shake of lamb’s tail if they show hostility or even become hermits altogether.

Nobody said there were easy answers available

Next: Mandatory Masks in the Showers and While Eating

An indoor mask mandate has been reinstated in Santa Cruz County, California, after a surge in winter coronavirus cases has led to increased hospitalizations.

The county health department is requiring that people wear face coverings in indoor settings, including in private homes.

Both people who have been vaccinated against COVID-19 and those who have not are required to wear face coverings indoors.

California’s Santa Cruz County mandates mask-wearing in private homes – TheBlaze

And suddenly I am wondering how hookers are going to deliver oral sex with a mask mandate.

It is California, I won’t even try to explain it.

Hat Tip Paul K.

Your constant reminder to secure your gun in your vehicle

Via The Tennessee Star

The MNPD strongly encourages Nashvillians to lock their automobile doors, secure any valuables—especially guns, and REMOVE THE KEYS.

So far this year, 1,084 guns have been stolen from vehicles in Nashville. More than 70% of ALL guns reported stolen in 2021 (1,508) were taken from vehicles. Last week, 32 guns were stolen from cars and trucks.

More than 70% of All Guns Reported Stolen in 2021 Taken from Vehicles | Nashville.gov

That about a hundred guns a month stolen for vehicles, give or take.  It would not be a bad idea to give safe boxes as Christmas gifts for those you know who carry but don’t have a gun safe in their cars.

Hornady makes good boxes and there is this one in Amazon for $29.79. Or you can grace your local gun shop and buy from them, I am sure they will appreciate the business and you are helping avoid having a gun end in the wrong hands.

Dr. Mini Mengele losing his shine and relevance?

I found this interesting:

This news bit was relegated to page 14, almost next door to mattress sales, gutters screens and homeopathic prostate pills’ ads.

Are papers suddenly registering that people do not trust the Wuhan Leprechaun and are putting some distance just in case?

As for the booster shot, I am going to wait till at least 10 to 20 million have been inoculated and compare rates and check side effects before I decide to maybe get jabbed again.



Because we live under double standards


It is not about equality. Never has been about that but with what power can the Left achieve above everybody else. The problem is that the supporters of the Leftist Intelligentsia firmly believe they will also share on that power and get to be mini-dictators in their particular blocks or zip codes.

And they will be ever so wrong and the Bosses do not like competition, nor possible dissension. There is a reason that most “Revolutions” start their government by eliminating fellow revolutionaries even before executing members of the old government: they were never taught to share.

The Rittenhouse verdict announced clearly that Antifa/BLM bodily harm abuses can legally be challenged via self-defense. That scares them because the revolution ceases to be fun once it is your blood that might be spilled.