
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

When you figure out too late who sold you that “solvent trap adapter”


Department of Homeland Security agents recently alerted authorities in Rockland County, which includes Airmont, that Downey had bought an illegal rifle suppressor over the internet — information that led to a raid that uncovered a room full of guns and gun parts, the district attorney’s office said.

A N.Y. Deputy Mayor Is Accused Of Amassing An Illegal Arsenal And Fake FBI IDs : NPR

And, of course, it does not help your freedom to have another couple of NFA items, “unregistered assault weapons” living in the great GFZ of New York State and a boatload of fake Federal and State IDs.

From past experience, if only ATF was involved, they would have dropped the charges and plea down to jaywalking or some other dumb stuff. But the Fibs do not appreciate the fake badges and probably will get more legally scorched that than anything else.

Play stupid games, end up wearing orange rompers.

Hat Tip Felipe W.

Saturday Meme

If the eternal quest for the perfect truck gun was not bad enough, this meme just added to the mix.

We have available several companies offering affordable choices in steel, so if you really want to carry one in your car, you can as long as your body can take the weight.

Click to enlarge

According to the manufacturer, the kit above comes to under 11 pounds, so it should not be too taxing for those like me with bad backs. If you feel that 9″x9″ is not enough coverage, you can upgrade to bigger plates but with the corresponding weight penalty. They do have lightweight composites, but as you can imagine, they are not in the cheap section of the list.

Usage? I don’t think it is something you will use if immediately attacked: you simply won’t have the time to put it on, plus the people at work will find it frightful and calls to HR would be made if you were to wear it regularly. However, if you happened to live in an area where crowd misbehavior may occur if certain verdicts do not go the way the Narrative indicates,  I believe it would be a sane choice of wardrobe to have for the honorary Roof Korean in all of us.


DeSantis Derangement Syndrome: Charlie Crist


Florida Rep. Charlie Crist (D), who’s vying to unseat the Governor, recently criticized DeSantis, calling his administration an “authoritarian regime.”

Since announcing his reelection, DeSantis has vowed: “to take on 4 more years of defending freedom!”

Warning that “Florida’s future is hanging in the balance,” Crist is one of three Democrats that is also looking to make a difference in the Sunshine state.

Over the weekend, the former governor of Florida took part in a virtual conference with Protect Our Care Florida, which advertised the Build Back Better Plan.

Crist: DeSantis Administration is an “Authoritarian Regime” · The Floridian (floridianpress.com)

Even though Florida was forecasted to be the worst state affected by the Wuhan Flu, it never happened that way and even is now with infection rates much lower that fully Fauci-eske Ruling. The state has been open to business and restrictions promptly removed, jobs are available and people are going back to work. Public places are open with few or no restrictions. Vaccines and COVID treatments are available to those who want them and the only “undue” influence from the State’s executive is that he recommends you take the jab or get the Monoclonal Antibody Treatment Therapy if you contracted the Chink Flu. You want to wear a mask? Fine. You don’t want to wear a mask? So be it. I believe that is called Freedom of Choice only to be found in selected dictatorial countries according to Charlie Crist.

Incidentally, you would be hard pressed to see a Florida Democrat wearing a mask anywhere in the state.  Kinda hypocritical after all the grief they gave the Governor calling him #DeathSantis for not following the Gospel According to Fauci and the CDC.

And the only negatives are the ones brought by the fuck ups of the Federal government, namely gas prices.

Yeah, sounds like Stalin is in power, or Mussolini, right?

We live under two sets of rules.

If you are part a member of The Party, you can screw up all you want, piss on The Party’s rules and still come up with defenders in the Media.


And if you are are no a bonafide member of The Party, expect the Media to dutifully growl and bark against you.


The problem with having 2 sets of rules is that eventually a third set of regulations will show up:

And the winner will be the one with the nastiest disposition.