
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Look what followed me home.

With the monies from the Model 70 and after careful consideration and investigation (watching a lot of YouTube videos and seeing the ammo in the shelves) I went with the Ruger American Predator in .308 Win.

Retail under $500 even in these times which also was something to consider. I have seen lots of .308 ammo making a comeback in the shelves while 30-06 has been gone for a month now and nobody could tell me if it was coming back soon.

And the other thing that got me salivating is that you can change the mag well to accept 10 round mags.  I don’t know if it enters the definition of Col. Cooper’s Scout rifle, but it may be close.

Now I have to look for a scope and rings….and somebody who knows how to mount that thing. With a fair warning I know nothing about scopes, from what i read so far, a 3-9x40mm  is not a bad choice overall. You guys can give me your opinions on make and models and I will gladly read them. (Missus says I have only $200 left, so that needs to be factored in)

Also, I would like to know about ammo types and weight. I imagine I will eventually reload for this, but which cartridge is best for what distance and/or job. Again, you are the ones I trust.



Nothing sweeter that a running 10/22.

If you remember, I posted about the Ruger 10/22 that I took to Appleseed and stopped extracting only to find out that extractor, spring and plunger were missing. I finally got all the parts together yesterday and installed them. I also replaced the firing pin (all the parts are Volsquarten) and stepped out to the backyard to test functionality.

Oh sweet baby Jesus!, it ran like water in a creek. Two mags dumped without a hiccup.

I am going to upgrade the other 10/22 with a new extractor and firing pin. It already has the extended magazine release and bolt Auto Release Plate. And then, I will do the most important thing I could do: Stop effing around with them.

The next Appleseed near home won’t be till April. I’ll be ready then.

Damn, this is great advice.

Via LawDog in Facebook.
PSA – If you are ever lost while hiking, get stranded with a broken down car, etc and you notice your cell phone is either low on juice or has no signal, here is a tip that very well may save your life.
Change the voicemail on your phone to a message that gives your approximate location, the time, the date, your situation (lost, out of gas, car broken down, injured, etc) and any special instructions such as you are staying with the car, you are walking toward a town, etc…. The best part of this is that even if your cell phone dies or stops working, voicemail still works, so anyone calling your phone looking for you will hear the message and know where to find you or where to send help.

Misfire: You keep using that word.

And the Bradys wave their flag on the Alec Baldwin incident.


  1. (of a gun or missile) fail to discharge or fire properly.

What happened was a negligent discharge.

What comes next is who is responsible for such negligence.

And yes, Baldwin is a Gun Control Liberal asshole, but unless it is found he was fucking around with the gun and being a participant of the creation of the negligent discharge, I am going to give him the benefit of the doubt till the investigation is complete.  He is gonna have enough karma income as it is.