
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Why are Gun Control People so bloodthirsty? Paul Calli.

You guys know my old troll Rick the Dick who sits silenced in my timeline and only loves to tag me on accidental or negligent gun deaths. From time to time, his minions reply/comment and I get included in it. Most stop once I throw something back and them and majority are pretty much useless as blog material, but this morning we have a rather sick case of Gun Control Derangement by one Paul Calli.

Take a gander:


Click to enlarge.

After my first reply, I added several videos with negligent discharges found in YouTube which I left out as not to make the collage too long, but they are up in my Twitter timeline if you wish to check them out. But I was not expecting that Mr. Callis would come out and demand video of little children being killed. I am not surprised he wants them (They love shit like that, sick fucks) but that he openly demanded to see such disgusting images.  It confirms what we know about the sick nature of people in the Gun Control side of the issue and how truly the care little for anybody else’s life but their own and their own dark desires.

The obvious closing though here is: If they enjoy watching children die, how much do you think your life is worth to them?

UPDATE: Mr. Paul Calli blocked me. I wonder why.

Shooting deaths on film location. Alec Baldwin named as unwittingly shooter. (UPDATE) Live round allegedly used.

The Sante Fe Sheriff’s office said in a statement that cinematographer Halyna Hutchins and director Joel Souza “…were shot when a prop firearm was discharged by Alec Baldwin, 68, producer and actor.”
According to Variety, Alec Baldwin fired the prop gun on the set of Rust in New Mexico Thursday, accidentally killing Halyna Hutchins and wounding Souza. The movie was filming at the Bonanza Creek Ranch, a popular production location south of Santa Fe.

BREAKING: Alec Baldwin shoots two on movie set in bizarre prop gun mishap, one dead | The Post Millennial

Here we go again: Brandon Lee part two.

I have the feeling that same as with The Crow, we are going to find out that people that should not be in the business were hired to do the job amongst people of a culture that does not adhere to the Four Rules. There is simply no reason to have real ammunition in a movie/TV show set unless is under very controlled circumstances which include no personnel in front of a muzzle.

My absolute guess is that they were filming a scene where the character was shooting and the angle was straight at the camera. That would explain why the cinematographer and the director took rounds since their position is behind the camera. It does not explain why there was not a safety panel in between the scene and the camera since even blank wads can kill at short distances.

PS: I am not a fan of Baldwin, but I do not envy how he has to be feeling right now.

This is the Prop Union talking: Live round was used.

In the email that IATSE Local 44 sent to its membership, Secretary-Treasurer Anthony Pawluc described the event as an “an accidental weapons discharge” in which “A live single round was accidentally fired on set by the principal actor, hitting both the Director of Photography, Local 600 member Halnya Hutchins, and Director Joel Souza … Local 44 has confirmed that the Props, Set Decoration, Special Effects and Construction Departments were staffed by New Mexico crew members. There were no Local 44 members on the call sheet.”

Alec Baldwin Fires Gun Kills Cinematographer, Wounds Director on Set | IndieWire

Why it seems inevitable…

Not a troll, not a parody account.

So much self deception that words escape me. Next thing he will probably say Gulags were just low security facilities which generated educative, healthy and productive citizens.

UPDATE: And I just found this one:

Nothing about Libyans actually having a shitty quality of life, nothing about political prosecutions, nothing about executions nothing about the 2 decades of financing, supporting and cuddling of every terrorist organization in the World and the killing of untold innocents. Nothing about that.

Oh yes, and nothing about the assassination of Egypt’s President Anwar Sadat.

The re-writing of history is proceeding at full speed and we will be excised from it as well if we let them.

Learn to take your licks and prepare better next time

I have no idea if she drove or not for that amount of time, but It is simply stupid to select a delivery that far or the restaurant to take an order like that. I will admit I do not know how those services work, but she should had just rejected that delivery, specially how much is gas going for.

“Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part.”
Unknown philosopher 

Hat Tip J. Kb.

Oregon slaps some gun retailers for age discrimination.

The Oregon Court of Appeals on Wednesday reversed a lower court’s decision to throw out an age discrimination lawsuit against a gun retailer, declaring it illegal to deny gun sales to buyers between the ages of 18 and 20.

Brandy Dalbeck filed a $10,000 lawsuit against Bi-Mart in 2018 after the company’s Florence store refused to sell her a hunting rifle when she was 18.

Bi-Mart had announced that year it would no longer sell guns and ammunition to people under the age of 21. Companies like Walmart and Dick’s Sporting Goods made similar changes around the same time after 17 students and staff members were killed in a school shooting in Parkland, Florida.

Oregon appeals court rules it’s illegal to deny gun sales to buyers between 18 and 20 – oregonlive.com

Well done for the court, but understand that these were private companies creating a policy that went against the anti discrimination laws in the State.  It is not properly a Second Amendment case, but we will take it. Next, what Oregonians need to make sure is that no legislator decides to write a bill prohibiting 10-20 year-old from purchasing firearms.

In Wednesday’s opinion penned by Appeals Judge Erin C. Lagesen, the court said Oregon’s anti-discrimination law prohibits age discrimination against anyone 18 and older — except in instances explicitly allowed under separate laws.

If a law was in the books, the plaintiffs would have not stood a chance. Keep that in mind.

Hat Tip WillK