
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

You need to be prepared to repeal boarders.


LAKE COUNTY, Tenn. (WZTV) — A mom’s instincts quickly took over during the terrifying moments a man broke through a window and crawled into her house – and it was all caught on home surveillance video.

Keane Winchester grabbed her 2-year-old son and barricaded themselves inside a bathroom during the home invasion in Lake County over the weekend.

Police responded to the scene within about 10 minutes, Winchester said. Thankfully, mom and toddler were both found unharmed.

Tennessee mom barricades with 2-year-old inside bathroom after man breaks in house | WZTV (fox17.com)

We are living in an increasingly mad world were the former rules of societal living no longer apply. You know longer can afford the luxury of sayin “I can’t have guns in the house because I have small children” because that can be a death sentence.

Cops took 10 minutes to get there. How many videos we have seen of attacks that get done under a minute? This guy breached in 28 seconds police was still not even notified since probably the mother was on the phone with 911 giving the initial information.

And yes, call 911 if you can and yes, barricade as much as possible, but have a tool that will effectively resolve the conflict if all barricades fail and use it to the extreme.

You watched the video and read this post. It did not take 10 minutes.

Think about that.

Florida Wildlife.

And yes, I understand they are technically an “invading species” and supposedly they can be eliminated, but other than going after the fruit in your trees and dropping from them if the temp gets too cold, they are pretty much inoffensive to the local fauna.

Florida has a much bigger issue with invading species from California, NY and NJ. Them suckers are really dangerous to our systems.

The joys of Gun Ownership.

Remember I was having issues with my 10/22 during Appleseed? It eventually stopped extracting and I quit? Rather than screwing around,  I ordered a Volquarsten extractor with spring and just for the hell of it, a new firing pin plus an extend mag release for the second 10/22. Yesterday I finally got around to mess with the sticks and started with the simplest one: the mag release which took me all of 5 minutes including a sip or two of coffee.

Then, being the smart guy I am, I went over this video to make sure I did not screw up

So I sat down, disassembled the rifle ad when I got to the bolt, I noticed something curious:

There was no extractor, spring or plunger in the gorramed bolt!

How that happened? No idea. Where are the parts? My best guess in a range in Chapel Hill, TN.

So I ordered and new extractor plunger and closed shop for the day.

Oh well.

In-N-Out: Standing up for all its customers.

An In-N-Out Burger location was shut down by the San Francisco Department of Public Health last week because employees were not properly checking for customers’ vaccination documentation, the popular burger chain said in a statement.

In-N-Out said it properly posted signs of local vaccination requirements, but refuses to strictly enforce them, KTLA sister station KRON reports.

We refuse to become the vaccination police for any government,” In-N-Out Chief Legal & Business Officer Arnie Wensinger said. “We fiercely disagree with any government dictate that forces a private company to discriminate against customers who choose to patronize their business.”

In-N-Out in San Francisco shut down after defying COVID-19 vaccine mandate | KTLA

This attitude we need to make truly contagious. Nothing shakes the attitude of government officials that a well  communicated “Fuck you and the horse you rode in.”

I do believe we are about to see some interesting showdowns and collapses of local governments. Antifa and BLM are not the only ones noticing that the amounts of LEOs and other First and Second Responding personnel on duty is stretching very thin. It won’t take much to see another Florence and Normandy situation.