
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

The Incredibly Shrinking Big City Police Forces

Police officers across major US cities have abandoned metropolitan hubs in droves, electing to retire or find smaller departments.
The moves occured amid heightened public scrutiny of law enforcement and calls to defund the police. The workplace transition contributed to officer shortages that many city leaders believe will continue to worsen.
Austin and Los Angeles saw more than a 60 percent increase in the number of officers quitting the force. Voluntary retirements hit 131 percent in Cleveland and 70 percent in Pittsburgh. In San Jose, 1 in 9 officers left the police department. One in 12 officers left the Las Vegas police force.

Chicago police officers leave department in record numbers: ‘People don’t want to be the police’ | The Post Millennial

And I see this continuing or getting worse.  Unless the Liberal Intelligentsia thinks they can collapse a city in order to bring troops and finally enforce their dream Socialist dictatorship utopia, there is no sense to allow 100% chaos descend over the population. Of course, if they have a firm grip in the electoral process, they won’t fear to be voted out, but otherwise people will eventually decided to get them out of office via the ballot box. Or is shit get really bad and they refuse to go, the bullet box will be the way they leave office.

And for some reason, my brain keeps bringing this image from a classic movie:

We have great readers, period.

The Model 70 is the hands of an appreciative local whose son is a reader of this blog and wanted him to have it. But another reader had asked first and we were fixing the shipping details but then gallantly released me of duty so the local gentleman could enjoy the old the rifle.

And if that was not enough, another reader hooked me up with one of his 10/22s and a great price so I do not end up screwing at the next Appleseed.

I am humbled to be blessed with great readers. It is true that Gun People are the best and I am proud to be part of this clan.

Your shopping tip for the day: Walmart & Gun Security.

If you search in Walmart for Gun Safes (walmart.com) you are going to get pages and pages of different small and big cabinets and safes. One thing I saw is that the great majority of the items, including the rifle cabinets, come with free shipping.


The gun safes do have a shipping charge of $49.97 which is not bad at all, but I figure they drop it in front of your house and the rest of the moving is up to you.


There you go. No more excuses (other than being broke) not to have something to lock your guns.

Mass murder in Norway with an assault…. bow and arrows?


OSLO, Norway — A man armed with a bow and arrow killed five people and wounded two others in a series of attacks in the Norwegian town of Kongsberg on Wednesday, local police said.

The suspect was in custody, police added.

“The man used a bow and arrow … for some of the attacks,” police chief Oeyvind Aas told reporters. The police were investigating whether other weapons had also been used, he said.

“The man has been apprehended … from the information we now have, this person carried out these actions alone,” Aas added.

5 people killed in Norway bow and arrow attacks, police say (nbcnews.com)

We need to have some common sense legislation to control these weapons of war.

The mind is the weapon, not the artifact. Not till this is understood by everybody, we will be able to get some peace when it comes to our Rights.

Anybody wants a Comp Tac holster for a Kahr? (Update: Home found)



Free to a good home. Comp Tac holsters have a well deserved reputation and I never felt my sidearm was less than secured while in this holster. Yes, it is a paddle because where I was working way back then, I had to disarm and I needed a quick on and off system. This holster performed beautifully.

I used it with my CW9, but it is also supposed to fit the CW40 and the P and PM series in both 9 and 40.

First come, first served. Drop me an email: Miguel AT gufreezone DOT net

I guess I need to bang on this again: DO NOT LEAVE GUNS INSIDE CARS FOR F&%#’S SAKE!

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) — Metro Police are warning the public about the growing trend of guns getting stolen out of cars, many of which were easy targets.

According to police, just in the last week, 20 guns were stolen from cars and trucks. So far in 2021, 922 guns have been stolen out of vehicles in Nashville. That accounts for 70% of all guns stolen in Metro so far this year.
Police said 71% of the cars stolen last week were “easy targets” because the keys were left inside or made easily accessible for thieves.

Metro Police: 20 guns stolen from vehicles in 1 week | WKRN News 2

This is the kind of crap it feeds the anti gun news media: “Them dumb redneck aren’t responsible enough to have guns! We need more laws!” and then the bills get sent to legislators and rather than advancing more pro gun laws, we waste time and political chits on battling bullshit that could have been perfectly avoidable.



That is all.