The only way I imagine this came to happen
Scene: Inside a congressional office, late one Friday night. an opened pack of zigzag lays open on the desk, also a Bic lighter with image of Peter Tosh. Two men are across a desk inhaling from individual “artisan” cigarettes containing a controlled green substance:
Josh: Brian, dude….I have an idea (Toketoketoke…cough)
Brian: What is it? Are we out of Pringles already? Oh man!
Josh: (exhaling) Listen, I have an idea for a anti terrorist bill.
Brian: ( Toketoketoke…hold…cough hard) What?
Josh: You know them raghead in France used a truck to kill a shitload of people?
Brian (munching on goldfish crackers) Don’t call him that, call him Towel-American (both giggle) Yeah I remember, like totally uncool.
Josh: I am thinking we do a Red Flag law so we don’t rent trucks to dangerous people and shit. No UHauls of death, dude! What do you think? ( Toketoketoke…hold…exhale), pass the fishies.
Brian: (tosses bag) That is totally awesome! You write that bitch and I co-sponsor!
Josh: Cool bro, thanks! You wanna go get som fish tacos?
Hat Tip Eve’s Hubby
I’m actually totally in favor of this idea. As we all know, automobiles are way more dangerous than guns.
They will make an exception for members of religious communities (as long as they’re non-christian and non-jewish). Can’t have any discrimination can we.
Hey lets encourage this- I can hear the screams of outrage now. And us gun owners can sit there and smile….and think “ hows it feel?”