If you tried to come up with a series of events and people to really make the point of the toxic (I know, abused word) culture of Liberal Progressives, you could not make it this perfect.

James T. Hodgkinson, a fully-to-the-left Democrat loses his shit and starts shooting at Republicans in Alexandria. He asked if they were Republicans so we have a clear intent on his part. The presence of Good Guys With Guns (Possibly the most hated phrase by Liberals besides “Lower Taxes and Free Speech”) ends up with only 4 people injured.


Hours later in San Francisco, ( Gigantic Gun Free Zone where the human feces roam freely on the streets and I mean the actual poop), an individual and confirmed worker for UPS shoots 3 people dead, unknown at this time how many wounded and pops himself before the authorities arrived.  The UPS facility is a Gun Free Zone, but apparently it did not work…again!

The only way it can get worse is if the guns used in these sad events are traced back to a lost/stolen Law Enforcement individual. The cherry on top would be that they use to belong to the ATF.



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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “Bad Day for Gun Control and Liberal/Progressives.”
  1. As much as I’d like to say that you’re right, it was a bad day for the anti-gun/liberal side of things, it wasn’t. You’d have to make the assumption first that they were smart enough to realize it was a bad day for their cause. They’re not that smart and they’ll use these incidents as an excuse to call for more infringements. God bless those who’s lives were lost.

    1. I want them to remain stupid and keep repeating the narrative that is dissolving around their ankles.
      I am not trying to convince them, I am trying to convince the undecided.

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