This is a horrific attack in Seattle:

The victim survived but was left with bleeding on the brain, so there is no telling how much permanent damage he suffered.

It seems as though he started to interact with his attacker, who then blindsided him and ended up kicking and stomping his head repeatedly.

Crime is spiking because evil people are taking advantage of the zeitgeist in cities like Seattle where the police are considered the enemy instead of criminals.

You need to be conscientious of that and keep your wits about you before you get blindsided and kicked in the head.

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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “Be polite, be professional, but have a plan (you know the rest), especially in cities where crime is spiking”
  1. Don’t be defending yourself with a firearm ‘cause you might be the one arrested.

    That’s my suggestion for Seattle’s new slogan. ?

  2. The entire I5 corridor is an area of low intensity warfare. Portland is effectively under enemy control.
    If you are still in the area, you know what to expect

  3. I’m with Divemedic on this one.

    At this point if I was asked to go to that area by my employer, I would flatly refuse unless the request came with ‘and we’re sending a company of former Marines to cover you’. There is just not enough money in the world to get me to go out there by my lonesome, especially with the police being compromised.

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