It is not about equality. Never has been about that but with what power can the Left achieve above everybody else. The problem is that the supporters of the Leftist Intelligentsia firmly believe they will also share on that power and get to be mini-dictators in their particular blocks or zip codes.

And they will be ever so wrong and the Bosses do not like competition, nor possible dissension. There is a reason that most “Revolutions” start their government by eliminating fellow revolutionaries even before executing members of the old government: they were never taught to share.

The Rittenhouse verdict announced clearly that Antifa/BLM bodily harm abuses can legally be challenged via self-defense. That scares them because the revolution ceases to be fun once it is your blood that might be spilled.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “Because we live under double standards”
  1. Sullivan’s law, a century ago, was arguably created to protect NYC criminals from honest citizens. The same applies to current Antifa-enabling policies, which is the obvious reason why the left hates that verdict. They are worried about their criminal friends no longer being able to romp freely.

  2. I’ve said in these pages before: you absolutely must buy and read Andy Ngo’s book, “Unmasked”.
    It is an eye-opener.

  3. The same could be said for St. Arbery of the Jogging Suit.

    If he had just stayed in his neighborhood to steal, he’d still be alive. Or dead from his neighbors.

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