Back a while a go a posted a response to Cocks Not Glocks on why I believe in campus carry.
At the time I made that post, it was suspected than an Antifa rioter who had hit a man on the head with a bike lock was a professor.
Well it was confirmed by Berkeley police during his arrest that Eric Clanton was a professor at Diablo Valley College, and was responsible for not one, but three bike lock beatings at Berkeley.
We’ve been berated by the Left saying that we can’t have campus carry because (even if there is no history of college kids with CCW’s shooting professors over their opinions) guns on campus will have a chilling effect on free speech* and dissuade professors from discussing certain topics.
After the Berkeley riots that shut down Milo Yiannopoulos, school papers across California were quick to defend or outright justify the use of violence to end Right Wing free speech. Miguel covered that here.
Keep in mind, college campuses are overwhelmingly the new type of “intolerant” liberal.
Now I really understand why professors and students make the ridiculous claim that campus carry will restrict freedom of speech.
Because it will.
It will make professors think twice about exercising their right to silence “Right Wing hate speech” by bashing people in the heads with bike locks.
An armed society is a polite society, as the aphorism goes, and The Resistance has no desire to be polite.
The next time some professor is on TV shilling against campus carry saying it will affect what he says on campus, what he means is “I can’t be free to beat up a Republican student if I think he’s going to shoot me.”
*I love this anti-Camus Carry article from the Atlantic.
Here are two quotes from it:
They’re the kind of comments you wouldn’t think twice about—just typical college students communing over a tough professor. Unless, that is, you also knew that those students might be permitted to carry concealed firearms on campus. Then their words might take on a different tenor, even if just hypothetically….
Yet in giving in to that temptation, we pay another price, too. It’s harder to see but even more pervasive. It is the quiet, constant apprehension of the idea of the gun in the room, the truly silenced barrel of the firearm that probably doesn’t exist but might, and whose possible existence alters the way we think and behave.
They admit that their fear is all hypothetical and isn’t based on reality, but they still have “the feelz” and that is enough to deny you your rights.
“anti-Camus Carry article from the Atlantic.”
The two quotes you posted are the same……
and could you give the link to the Atlantic article please?
I fixed the quotes. The article is the link from the post with the asterisk next to it.
“The next time some professor is on TV shilling against campus carry saying it will affect what he says on campus, what he means is “I can’t be free to beat up a Republican student if I think he’s going to shoot me.””
I think this is an excellent point and we need to push it back each and every time some anti-Liberty shill spouts their crap about how guns on campus diminishes their freedom of expression or safety. I would amend it slightly to include Republicans/Christians/Whites (and any other non-PC group that the left hates).
At the same time we should continuously point out the left’s hypocrisy about painting the POTG with a broad brush of danger when ONE person commits a crime with a gun, when they don’t want ALL profs to be painted similarly by using Clanton as the poster boy for deranged prof syndrome.
Adding to Craig’s comment: Except the Leftist gun grabbers are content to take a simple example of a criminal or psycho to smear the NRA and all gun owners.
Now regarding free speech: “An armed society is a polite society” to include the attempts to silence opposing views since your ass should be able to cash a check your mouth writes.
Every anti i have ever spoken to is either defending themselves or a loved one that is a criminal.
I have seen a few that claim they want guns removed in retribution for a lost loved one. Yet never seen a response when asked why their loved one didn’t have a gun, or couldn’t have used a gun to defend themselves. Or in the case of a child why a gun free zone failed.
Until this cognitive disconnect is addressed it will always be just two sides yelling at each other.