The South Florida humidity sometimes gets my sinuses into over producing snot and it shows at the most inconvenient times such as I am about to sleep, or as it happened to the lady, when you are out in public. Last time I went out, I happened to be at a big box store and I got a bit choked by a discharge which led to a decent bout of coughing. Everybody within 20 yards froze and by the expression of the eyes above some of the mask, I had induced panic.  And yes, I was wearing my mouth and nose covering.

Six months ago, I may have coughed near anybody and “given them” TB, Flu, measles or some other airborne bug and nobody would have freaked.  Now we have been so well indoctrinated by the lying media that any cough is the announcement of death incarnate.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “Being led by the nose”
  1. Yep. Weird how it has permeated the public consciousness.

    Was talking with a neighbor, and ear/nose/throat surgeon the other day, and he realized that he was a bit too close, and jumped (literally, jumped) back. His reason was that he is inches away from potentially sick/infected people all day at work. Curiously, in the 12 years I have known this man, he has been literally inches away from sick people all that time. Yet, now, it is a problem.

    And, yes, some of the patients he has seen have been in areas where TB, measles, etc… are not a thing of the past.

  2. ” A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it.”
    — Agent Kay, MIB

  3. Background- Ever since hurricane Florence, my truck has had a bit of a mildew odor in the AC vents that I haven’t figured out how to get rid of. Also there was the melted Citronella candle under the passenger seat that I forgot about until it started to stink up the place. So on hot days, my truck is rather aromatic.

    Early on in all of this crap, I was leaving the grocery store and opened up the door to my truck and let out a quick cough from the smell. You should have seen the stink eye the lady in the next parking space gave me! Happens every time…

      1. My GM Pickup has a cabin filter that it is well worth paying someone else to replace.

        Also ozone is a wonderful way to get rid of odors and smells. Just don’t expose humans, plants, or pets to it, including aquariums.

        1. 2009 Ram 1500, no cabin filter.

          I like the ozone idea. I have one of the mini o3 generators for my CPAP. I’ll see if I can improvise something and run an old CPAP hose into the vents. Thanks for the idea!

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