Anti Gunners love to put ugly brands on any pro-gun and pro-self-defense in the desperate effort to make them sound evil and have people reject it. The Expansion of the Castle Doctrine, which simply states you have the right to defend yourself outside your home, is branded Shoot First as in Shoot First and Ask Questions Later or a “sure” indicator that you are some sort of vigilante or blood thirsty armed animal. Of course, that means you should ask first what is going on and what the intentions of a criminal are when you may have about 5 seconds to live. Call me crazy, but engaging in a poll with an armed criminal strikes me as one of the dumbest things possible right there with juggling vials of nitroglycerin.
The best response is given by the most famous San Franciscan ever:
The Mayor: Intent? How did you establish that?
Harry Callahan: When a naked man is chasing a woman through an alley with a butcher’s knife and a hard-on, I figure he isn’t out collecting for the Red Cross!
Logic: It is overwhelming and absent from Anti Gun Advocates.
I can’t remember where I read it, but the version I read was,
That man, the one who’s demanding your money, your body, and your life? He isn’t collecting for Christian Relief.
That is because you are a gentleman with taste, a defender of our constitutional rights and I am an uncouth Redneck-In-Law & Gun Nut 🙂
JaPete is probably wetting her panties and burning up the phone lines now trying to stop MN’s upcoming ‘enhanced’ Castle Doctrine laws.
I don’t worry much about MikeB since he’s not even an American- thank God. But he’s probably doing his unlawful best lying his teeth out to someone somewhere in MN as well.
Yeah…the gun banners were wringing their hands when Florida considered passing the castle doctrine. They predicted all sorts of mayhem and blood in the streets. There wasn’t any, at least not from from the lawful gun owners. The thugs are another story.