By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

9 thoughts on “Best summary of Occupy Wall Street.”
  1. no..I can smell the stupidity..and like Walther Mathaus girlfriend’s dog in hopscotch..I “detest the smell of stupidity” unfortunately the smell gets stronger and stronger every day. Sometimes I feel like that line from the Harvey Danger song “Flagpole sittah” is right on the money. “been around the world and found that only stupid people are breeding; the cretins cloning and feeding, and I don’t even own a tv!”

  2. I doubt any of them actually contribute much to society, or even have worthwhile jobs. Of course, they feel good about themselves for being “socially responsible” or “enlightened” or some other non-sense. In truth, they are scum.

    Anyone who argues for socialism/communism is morally bankrupt. How so? Well, the only way to “redistribute the wealth” in order to make everyone equal is with the power of the government backed up by firepower. It usually ends in a lot of blood spilled. Thus, they must be lazy, violent and evil to advocate for this monstrous idea.

  3. Commies? Socialists? I don’t see where any of these people sign on to any of that. I did find this, though:

    “We’re here for different reasons,” said Vincent, whose father is also unemployed and recently went through a home foreclosure. “But at the end of the day, it all boils down to one thing, and that’s accountability. We want accountability for the connection between Wall Street and the politicians.”

    Sorry, fans, but I don’t see anything wrong with accountability, especially given the cozy arrangements between Wall Street and Washington that have put the country and the world in the precarious position we’re in right now. You may not like their style, but their message is a good one.

  4. No, I hadn’t seen that list and I’m surprised they’re that organized. I’m somewhat impressed. They’re absolutely right about Glass-Steagall and the tax code, and people on all sides of the political spectrum have concerns about the Citizens United ruling. Condemning wall street criminals is right on target — why weren’t those lying thieves frog-walked out of their offices straight into jail cells? And I see nothing that suggests they’re socialists, unless condemning a system that results in severe economic equality amounts to socialism….but if so, Jesus and the boys would have to branded as such.

  5. Condemning wall street criminals is right on target — why weren’t those lying thieves frog-walked out of their offices straight into jail cells?

    Something called the Constitution and Due Process stands in the way. I have grown fond of it and as one who lived in a country where that kind of socialist bullshit was prevalent and people were thrown in jail because a loud minority said so, ranks me to no frigging end.

    I think Jesus was the one that said :
    Judge not, that ye be not judged.
    For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again

    Or in plain English, what is good for the goose is good for the gander.

  6. […] document.write(”); OX.requestAd({“auid”:”33504″}); « albatrosses come home to roost    what if you held a protest and no one cared? leave a comment | 1912 04Oct11 | written by Linoge Apparently some self-absorbed collectivists are making some sort of attempt at not-very-"civil disobedience" on Wall Street in New York City by getting together, protesting, demonstrating, and generally whinging that some people are more economically successful than they are. […]

  7. Due process is exactly what is MISSING in the case of Wall Street. Your president and his inner circle of now-we’re-in-government-now-we’re-on-Wall=Street have done an excellent job of protecting their own butts and the wallets they wear on top of them. The Dodd-Frank provisions have yet to be deployed — I wonder why?

    As for Jesus, he did his share of judging, didn’t he.

    But go back — where do you spot the socialism in the document you were kind enough to cite for us? I just don’t see it.

  8. From what little I’ve seen (because frankly it is not worth my time or energy to carefully dissect their rants), they are protesting the establishment, banking and investment institutions and capitalism.

    Well, when you are opposed to capitalism, free enterprise, and likely want a chunk of my private property by redistribution, then you are by definition a socialist, a communist or maybe just an anarchist. What else could you be? None of which are pretty.

    They don’t have to be carrying CPUSA signs to have the same general goals. Their behavior speaks volumes about them. Their efforts are futile and misdirected and will not help them an iota.

    Regarding Wall Street, it is really a lame target for your anger. The Federal Government makes any potential abuses they do look meager in comparison. The Federal Government spends more money in a reckless fashion than a mere mortal can even comprehend. Hell, just the rounding errors in calculating their spending frenzy is more money than Wall Street could steal.

    Please note that the FTC does make it pretty hard for Wall Street to misbehave (even before Frank-Dodd; who should be the ones indicted for the Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac debacle). So, perhaps a better choice of a target for justifiable rage is in order.

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