The most evil Kevin C. sent me this:

Osama bin Laden planned to assassinate President Barack Obama to unsteady the United States by putting ‘totally unprepared’ Joe Biden in charge.

Declassified documents seized from Bin Laden’s Pakistan compound as he was killed in May 2011 reveal his plans to throw the U.S. ‘into a crisis’ by killing Obama while he traveled in a plane with U.S. military commander David Petraeus.

The 45-page document, which were first reported by The Washington Post in 2012, is now available in full along with hundreds of others from the raid.

Bin Laden wanted to kill Obama because he thought Joe Biden was totally unprepared to be president and would ‘plunge the US into a crisis’, declassified documents show

And that makes this meme actually true.

I best just shut the hell up and let you guys laugh.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Bin Laden wanted Biden for President”
      1. You probably don’t want to see mine, either. 😉

        I’m thinking make “I’m on Team Joe” posters with photos of Josef Stalin, Chairman Mao, Pol Pot, Qasem Soulemani, Ted Bundy, various mass shooters, and whoever else you can think of that shared (or took advantage of) overreaching government and population disarmament policies.

        Hey, it’s their tool. They should have prepared for it to be hijacked. 😀

  1. That explains why Barry the Islamist coddler took out Bin Laden. It wasn’t patriotism, just personal revenge.

  2. So, if OBL wanted “Team Joe” and the Dems want Team Joe,

    Whose side, really, are they on?

    Do they really imagine that they’d do better, under the Caliphate?

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